Business trip

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#12 of Dad's girl

Alan and a colleague must do a travel for their company. Alan does not want to do this travel, but with a good information of Katherine he can have some fun with one of the friends of the female cat. But Alan is not prepared for the true intentions of his colleague about him, and his first time in club that is not like any where the wolf had gone before.

The next morning, Samantha has her buried in her pillow, she opens the eyes with slowness while she hears that her father hits her room door.

"I am awake... I am awake." Samantha says yawning and taking off the bedspreads before getting close to the window and opening the Persian blinds. She growls smoothly when the sun touches her face.

Samantha takes off the pajamas to begin to get ready for the school.

Alan is in the kitchen taking a cup of coffee while he is sitting at the table enjoying the taste that he loves while he waits that his daughter comes down.

Alan have his head completely filled with thoughts about his work for today. After some minutes Samantha appears charging her backpack and leaving it on a chair.

She prepares her breakfast and she sits at the table to eat it. Alan watches her a moment and smiles smoothly before finishing to take his cup of coffee and going toward the garage to take out the automobile.

He places his small suitcase on the back seat while the automatic garage door opens slowly.

Alan gets in his automobile to take it out from the garage with care and calm.

The wolf parks it in front of the house while the garage door closes again and he waits for Samantha that goes out after some minutes. She locks the door before to go to the automobile.

She sits next to Alan and he begins to drive on the streets of the city.

The first stop is Samantha's school, Alan parks in front of the main door. He sees as several boys and girls keep on entering the school, Samantha gets out of the automobile and takes her backpack.

"Bye dad." Samantha says saying good-bye in the meantime she reclines forward introducing her head by the car window.

"Bye sweetheart." Alan says looking at his daughter with a smile before she stood up and walk toward the entrance of the school. Alan departs while Samantha sees him from the stair.

She wonders what will happen now that her father discovered what happened with the father of Susan. The girl does not want problems with the family of her best friend.

Alan drives for about ten minutes more before to stop the car in front of the house of Susan. He comes down from the automobile taking a bag and he locks the door.

Alan heads toward the door of the house and before he can touch it, the door opens completely and Stuart appears smiling friendly.

"Hi Alan." Stuart says shaking the hand of Alan.

"Hi." Alan says while the bear opens the door to enter its house.

Alan moves to enter in the house of the friend of his daughter. He sees that it is all well-ordered.

"I am on the way to the work and I wanted to return Susan's clothing in addition to pick up the clothes that Samantha left the other day." Alan says looking Stuart. He nods and smiling he goes to look for Samantha's clothes while Alan places the bag with the clothing of Susan on the sofa.

In the mind of Alan, he begins to imagine as Stuart fucked Samantha on the sofa or perhaps the floor

He does not think more about it seeing that the bear returns with a bag where Samantha's clothes are. Alan receives the bag and he opens it to check it out and see that it is no missing some clothing.

"Well it is time to leave... in case you doubt it... do not worry about Samantha. She is using the pill." Alan says stirring his daughter's clothing some moments without noticing that Stuart looks at him confused for some moments.

Stuart's eyes open completely when he realizes that he was caught.

"No is not what you believe it is not.... I mean... I had just gotten out of the shower, she began to change clothes without noticing I was still in the living room." Stuart says completely nervous while he stammers.

He knows that this is serious, Alan could denounce him and sending him to jail for many years.

"I do not have problem with that, I prefer that be you or somebody of confidence rather than a Tristan or another piece of imbecile." Alan says closing the bag and looking at his friend.

The bear looks at him with surprise.

"Besides, Samantha is older to know what she does. I suppose that I no longer have to get worried for this reason, her decisions no longer it is my business apparently." Alan says with a light growl.

"With a daughter it is never something out of your business." Stuart says looking at Alan.

He watches at the bear a moment before his cellular phone rings. Alan sees that it is a message that indicates to him that they need him urgently in the office.

"What happened did hurt my confidence with Susan, it is not the same one, but if you permit that this affect your judgment believing that Samantha now is out of your control you will commit the worst error of your life." Stuart says looking at Alan.

"I also am upset with my daughter, but not for that reason I will stop taking care of her and to be there when she needs it. Alan, Samantha still is a girl, she needs her to help and take care of her, it's possible that she is conscious about her own sexuality but this does not mean that she knows what she does perfectly." Stuart says looking at Alan that watches him a moment without responding.

Alan does not have time to consider it because two messages more get to his telephone.

"I must go... I will have it in mind." Alan says looking at the bear. He nods.

Alan rapidly says good-bye and goes back to his automobile to go at his job.

Something serious or very important must have happened on the office if they require him urgently. Unfortunately for Alan the traffic at that moment is slow.

He growls with bother while he has a guess at what happens on his work. The traffic move slowly forward making that Alan lost his patience.

Alan parks his automobile in the parking spot thirty minutes of delay, he locks the automobile doors and hastens to get to his office to know what happens.

The wolf greets some friends on the way, before entering his office he crosses with Barret that stops him.

"They need you in the office of Dodger." Barret says looking at his friend and doing him a funny face.

Alan nods without understanding his friend's face. The wolf rapidly goes two floors up to get to the office where they are waiting for him. This delay can be bad for him.

He finally gets to the office and he knocks the door before entering. When Alan enters in there he sees that the chairman of the board, before him is Larry Bennet. He is responsible for the Unit of Development.

Larry is a hare with black lines that go over great part of his body being very obvious in his tail that form rings that extend across the tail to the tip.

His height almost manages to surpass one half of the Alan's stature. Alan did not know it very well, occasionally they say hello in the corridors or in the parking lot.

"Excuse the delay, but I had a problem." Alan says looking at both while the St Bernard nods with some bother. Alan moves to sit on a chair that is next to Larry.

"Alan, I suppose that you know Larry Bennet, the chief of the unit of Development." The big dog says looking at Alan. He nods and looks at the hare.

"As you know the international technology convention begins in two days, Wiley and Larry should have gone in order to direct everything there and to present the new model." The big guy says looking at Alan.

He nods because yesterday he had approved the budget for that journey.

"But unfortunately, Wiley suffered a familiar problem that makes him impossible attending to the convention, so for suggestion of Larry I decided that you be who goes instead of Wiley." The St Bernard says looking at Alan. He gets surprised completely.

"I know that this is completely unexpected, but I believe that you are the best man for this. You are eloquent and you know the company well in addition to our products." St Bernard says looking at Alan.

He just nods knowing that he does not have another option that accept that.

"Larry is who knows at detail every model and our stuff, so I suppose that both will be able to make a good team next to our staff that will be with you." The dog says looking at Alan and Larry.

Alan nods just like the cat.

"Well as time is important. Alan, you can take the day off to get ready." The man says looking at Alan. He nods in silence looking at the hare and the dog.

Alan and Larry go out office to go to their respective units.

"I am sorry, if I caused you a problem. The convention is very important and we cannot withdraw our participation. I thought that the best would be that somebody competent like you accompanied me." Larry says with discomfort.

"There is no problem, I just need some time to have everything done." Alan says beginning to think about Samantha. She cannot stay alone for four days.

The hare nods and he says good-bye to Alan to take a different direction in the building.

Alan nods and he heads toward his own office where he must do and left everything done before he leaves to his home.

Shortly after her father leaves her in school, Samantha is going to the main entrance.

She on the way keeps on crossing with friends and she greets them in the meantime in her mind still he has worry of what it can happen.

Samantha comes across her friends, but she notices that Susan looks at her with anger that it is saying the least. Her friend's eyes shine brightly in a rage that surprises Samantha.

She had a few times seen her friend with that degree of anger, but at that moment the bell rings as soon as they all go to the classroom. Samantha and their classmates sit on their places.

The class begins and Samantha puts almost her complete attention on her teacher, but she cannot avoid noticing that the occasional glances of her friend reflects anger with the same degree of intensity.

Samantha also sees Richard, he seems completely attentive to the class. Samantha expects to be able to find out what happens, something is wrong.

She tries to forget the subject and to concentrate on her class until the hour of the recess.

That is something that all her classmates expected, in a group all of them go toward the cafeteria and Samantha does the same thing, but she notices that her friend Susan does not join to them at the table.

She goes out to the patio with her bag of food, when Tabatha and Amy go to the restroom, Samantha goes to the patio. There are earthenware puddles and water scattered in all the place.

The girl sees that her friend is below the shade of a tree while she eats a sandwich. When Samantha comes closer Susan looks at her and he goes away to cross a couple of shrubs.

Samantha follows her and soon she catches her up.

"What's going on?" Samantha says looking at her friend. She growls with anger.

"You are a slut!" Susan says shouting to Samantha. She gets complete surprised.

"How did you call me?!" Samantha says looking growling irefully to her friend.

"Slut, whore, bitch... you know that I cannot fuck with my parents and you are the first in opening legs and enjoying like a cheap whore!" Susan says before Samantha catches her by the hair and tug it.

But Susan does not fall behind and she strikes back, both tug at the hair without stopping, during the struggling they fall on a muddy water puddle and even so they do not stop the fight.

Susan is on Samantha while she holds her while they continue the fight. Susan pushes Samantha with force against the ground while Samantha pushes the face of her best friend with both hands.

Susan is suddenly pulled toward back and and she falls seated on the ground.

"Enough!" Mr. Eloise says looking at the two girls with anger.

The lioness looks at Samantha and Susan without stopping to growl. Samantha gets up feeling as water and mud fall from her body and her fur is wet.

She looks as her friend still has anger reflected in the eyes.

In the afternoon, Alan finally can leave to his home, in spite having the day off he had had to solve priority problems that cannot wait and he did not want to leave them pending.

Alan drives his automobile to park it in front of the school, he waits for several minutes while boys and girls keep on going out and separating into little groups.

Some chat while other ones are heading for the automobiles that are waiting for them, Alan has fun a little seeing some attractive mothers that arouse his interest at the point of not noticing that Samantha opens the car door.

He shakes himself awake and sees that his daughter enters in the automobile, Alan's eyes open seeing his daughter's clothes with mud, her fur also is stained.

"What happened?" Alan asks looking at Samantha with surprise.

"Nothing dad, a false step." Samantha responds blindly and just putting her attention on the exterior of the automobile. Alan looks at her in silence and turns on the motor to begin to drive to home.

Alan drives on streets while Samantha just looks out the window, she tries to hide a tear that slips on her straight cheek. This perhaps is the end of her friendship with Susan.

Both had been acquainted from little girls and she be the first girl that talked to her when she started in the school. They had been near in each step and next they joined to Tabatha and Amy to conform their quartet.

Alan knows that something happened, but he does not have an idea of what it is. The head master of the school had not called him. So maybe is not somewhat serious, at least it seems.

He for the moment decides to concentrate on driving the automobile, he cannot lose attention now. The automobile moves on the streets until both get to their home, Alan park the automobile in the garage.

Samantha goes out and without saying something she takes her backpack passing in front of Alan. He sees that his daughter walks toward the stairs and next enters in her bedroom closing the door.

He shakes the head and draws his small suitcase from the automobile, Alan goes to the living room goes up stairs to go to his bedroom. He stops when he passes in front of the door of the room of Samantha.

He listens that she is crying, a crying mitigated by the pillow. Alan closes his fist and thinks about knocking at the door, but he decides to let his daughter alone until she calms down.

Alan enters in his bedroom and he begins to change clothes taking off his working clothes and placing them on their place. Alan gets dressed with more comfortable clothes to be in his home.

He goes down to the kitchen where he looks for an apple juice, he begins to think about his journey and what has been in the suitcase. Still it is early for that matter, but he does not want to let the czar nothing.

Around two hours later Samantha gets out of her room completely changed, she is wearing some shorts and a purple T-shirt. She sees that her father is not in the living room.

She listens to motion in the room of her father, she comes closer and sees that he is changing clothes to go out.

"Dad?" Samantha asks seeing the inside of the bedroom

"I will run down to the Supermarket to buy some things." Alan says looking at his daughter.

She nods and does not say more leaving him totally alone. Alan finishes changed clothes and goes down to the living room. He sees that Samantha watches television with attention, on screen he sees interview seems to some group of music.

Alan goes out to the garage and enters in the automobile to turn on it at the same time that he gives a push on the button, the garage door slowly rises up until Alan takes out the automobile with calm.

The garage door begins to descend and to close again. He leads up to the closer supermarket that is not very far. He arrives there about ten minutes later and parks the automobile in the parking spot.

The place lightly is full to that hour of the day and he takes a shopping cart to begin to look for what he needs to fill the refrigerator, he walks between the corridors crossing with several people that also look for what they need.

Alan is checking a tea box when he hears that somebody pronounces his name. He sees at his right and he come across with Tabatha.

"Hi Tabatha." Alan says smiling smoothly at the girl that it is at his side while she has a small bottle of cherries in her hand.

"Good afternoon mister Arrington." The girl says watching content to Alan. He smiles at her.

"How are you? How are you doing at the school?" Alan asks looking at the girl while he places the tea box on his shopping cart.

"Very Well Mr. Arrington, everything works well. I had very good grades this month." The girl says watching content to Alan. Alan smiles at her in a friendly way.

"Are you alone here?" Alan asks in the meantime he again moves to look for the following item in his list.

"No, my mother is buying some things, I came for cherries." The girl responds showing the small bottle that she has. He nods while he continues moving.

"How is Samantha? The fight was pretty hard for what I know." Tabatha says walking together to Alan.

"What fight?" Alan asks with the eyes completely opened.

"Yes, didn't you know it?" Tabatha asks with surprise and she shuts up seeing that her friend's father shakes his head. She had messed it up, Samantha is in a problem.

"What happened?" Alan asks stopping and looking at Tabatha. She says absolutely nothing and tries to avoid the question, but Alan's look obliges her to begin to say what she knows.

"I do not know it exactly, I heard that. Mrs. Eloise found her and Susan rolling about in the mud while they fought. I heard that Samantha was suspended of the Volleyball team." Tabatha says looking at Alan and sighing.

Now certainly she is in the black list of Samantha. The things will get worse now that the friendship of the group is fractured.

"Thank you, Tabatha. I did not know that and assure you that I will not say absolutely nothing to Samantha about you told me this." Alan says looking at the girl. She seems more content, Tabatha nods and she says good-bye to go away and to get lost between the corridors of the supermarket.

Alan looks at her until she disappears.

At last he knows the truth about the problem with Samantha in addition to be completely sure about the cause. Somehow Susan found out what happened between Samantha and Stuart.

Alan could not expect less from a friend feeling betrayed. With luck she will not commit any idiocy of denouncing her father and introducing him in a fine mess just like Samantha.

The wolf goes on with his shopping until he has everything that he needs.

Alan pays and he charges the shopper bags toward his automobile, he places bags in the back and he gets in the automobile sitting on the driver's seat.

In a few seconds after Alan drives to his home. He does not know if must punish Samantha or passing the situation up. Samantha already has a difficult moment in order that he could make it even worse.

The following minutes he considers his options and decides to let the punishment aside for the moment. Alan decides to say absolutely nothing with regard to this matter until it is the right moment.

He gets to his home shortly and puts the automobile into the garage. He takes out shopper bags and goes to the kitchen.

"Samantha... I am here." Alan says going by the living room and seeing that his daughter still is seeing the television in addition to check her cellular phone.

"Ok dad." Samantha responds without putting a lot of attention while she has her complete attention in the cellular phone. Alan does not say more and enters in the kitchen to place the shopper bags in the table of the kitchen and to return to the living room.

He sits next to his daughter, she continues seeing her cellular phone. She stops when her father clears his throat.

"Something happened and I must do a short trip." Alan says looking at his daughter.

She gets surprised and looks closely at him.

"The international convention of technology begins the day after tomorrow and I must be there. Wiley had to go for that journey but he had some problems and last-minute they informed me that I must take his place." Alan says looking at Samantha.

She nods in silence.

"Will I be left alone?" Samantha asks with surprise. But she sees that her father denies it with the head.

"I talked with Katherine in order that you stay with her until I return. Prepare a little bit of clothing so I will take your bag to her house later, Barry will take you at school and Kat will pick you up." Alan says looking at Samantha.

She nods and she again puts her attention in her cellular phone again.

Alan goes to his office and begins to prepare some papers or information that he could need during the journey. With calm and care he makes ready everything that he can need before going to his bedroom and preparing his suitcase for the travel.

He chooses his garments and keeps on placing to them in his bag, Alan expects that will be not any problem. The reservations in the hotel were done and everything prepared.

The company already has staff working in preparing everything and having it clever by the time he and Larry could get around with comfort.

After around forty minutes Alan closes his bag and he steps down again to go to the living room. He no longer sees Samantha, she certainly is in her bedroom.

Alan sits in the sofa and turns on the television to lose attention awhile without stopping to think in his travel. He does not like to worry too much for something if it is not absolutely necessary.

Around two hours after Samantha comes down from her bed room charging a small bag with clothing that she had choose.

"Put it in the automobile." Alan says looking at Samantha. She nods and charges her bag to the automobile, she throws it in the back seat.

The girl closes the door and goes back to her bedroom, Alan watches television for an hour before to take his automobile to head toward the house of Katherine where he would leave Samantha's suitcase.

It takes him around forty minutes to arrive there due to traffic at that moment. Alan growls with bother, but he finally gets to the house of his friend. She is waiting for him in the door.

Alan parks the automobile in front of the house of Katherine, he takes his daughter's bag and closes the door. The wolf smiling gets close to the cat that moves her tail slowly while she smiles.

When both meet they share a brief kiss, but passionate. Their mouths separate and she invites to come in. Alan nods and enters in the home of his friend.

Both sit the sofa and Alan places the bag in the floor.

"I hope that Samantha will not give you of a lot of problems." Alan says smiling smoothly.

His friend shakes her head smoothly.

"Of course, it is not a problem, it will be a good opportunity of knowing each other better." Katherine says watching content to Alan. He nods while the woman clings to his arm and she nuzzles him in the cheek affectionately while her tail moves slowly.

"As I know that you will not have a really good time in the day, I have a little entertainment here." Katherine says taking a card that is on the little table and she passes it to Alan.

Alan takes the card and looks at it, he is a black card with a name in the middle.

He reads Olympus of pleasure in the center of the card and a direction and telephone in the low end. Alan turns the card over to see a slogan that says "Free your internal beast."

Alan also reads that a name written in the card, he recognizes Katherine's letter.

"She is a friend, ask for Calypso." Katherine says looking at Alan. He nods and knows that it would be a good rest of the tedious day that he will have.

"Now if you want, I can give you a quickly." Katherine says purring and caressing softly Alan's crotch. He gets surprised a little, but he does not resist when Katherine's hands unbutton his pants.

She moves and takes down the pants of Alan, he sees as the woman kneels down before him. Katherine purrs smoothly and she nuzzles the wolf's crotch with calm.

Katherine perceives the aroma of the male's genital organs, she catches the shorts and she pulls them down to the ankles of Alan. The balls and the sheath of the wolf are at her reach.

The female smiles smoothly and she starts to lick the balls in a slow way lifting them in the air. Alan feels as the fur that surrounds his balls gets wet while his friend and lover has fun with his testicles.

With calm, Katherine bathe the two balls in saliva before beginning to take care of the sheath. She nuzzles that part perceiving the aroma of the fur of Alan.

He looks without moving to the female, he feels the hot respiration on his sheath.

Katherine moves her nose up and her tongue's tip begins to move in circles on the opening.

The tip presses the opening and Alan shakes lightly when his member's tip is touched softly. Alan feels as his penis begins to get hard.

Katherine's nose moves up and down in the sheath of Alan until she sees that the member's red tip juts out. Alan growls when Katherine's mouth closes around the opening.

The tongue tip begins to pat the tip of his cock in a slow way. The jack feels content when listening to Alan's growl of pleasure. He shakes and his penis slowly keeps on growing in the female's mouth.

She feels with pleasure as the member keeps on filling her mouth slowly, she enjoys the taste of the palpitating flesh. The spurts of precum drip on her tongue constantly.

Katherine's head begins to move in the meantime the cock continues growing.

Alan growls and his fists press the cushion, he feels as the wet mouth moves up and down on his penis. The saliva drips on the member getting to the knot in the base, Katherine pushes more her head taking more of the masculinity of Alan.

He moans and closes his eyes when he feels as his shaft slides in the throat of Katherine, muscles squeeze the hard flesh of the wolf that growls smoothly without moving.

The right hand of the female cat catches the two balls and he massages them smoothly while he sucked at continuous without stopping. The saliva drips from the knot falling on the hand of Katherine in addition to the cushion.

Alan closes his eyes permitting that the magic of the mouth of Katherine does his work on his penis. Katherine's head moves back and the glistened cock leaves her mouth.

She sees as the saliva drips from the penis of Alan, the woman begins to lick the knot slowly, her rough tongue moves on the whole mass of flesh slowly.

After some moments the tongue tip moves on the member slowly arriving to the tip of the shaft. The mouth of the female closes around the tip and she again begin to shake her head.

But in this occasion the motion is faster, Alan pants while his pleasure intensifies rapidly.

Katherine does not stop and in less than five minutes after she is rewarded when Alan's penis begins expelling jets of seed in her mouth.

The wolf cream fills the female's mouth, she savors it with calm and she swallow it slowly.

Alan moans while his eyes are closed until the last semen trail gets out of his member.

The wolf opens his eyes and he sees that Katherine catches his penis and she withdraws it of her mouth with calm, she licks the canine cock for some moments before catching a pocket handkerchief and cleaning her mouth.

Alan stands up and he takes his shorts and pants to raise them. He buttons his belt while Katherine finishes cleaning her mouth and she stands up.

She closes her arms around the neck of Alan hanging herself from him lightly while he smiles and kisses her. Alan holds her while both are united by the kiss that lasts for some moments.

"Did you love it, uh?" The female cat asks smiling smoothly at the wolf.

"Of course, as always you are incredible only using your mouth." Alan responds smiling while he caresses soft and affectionately Katherine's chin. Her tail moves slowly on the air while she purrs smoothly.

"I must return, I cannot let alone to Samantha more time." Alan says looking at the woman. She nods and sees him at the door. Both say good-bye during some moments

"Thank you for the favor." Alan says taking Katherine's hands and looking her with a smile.

"Don't worry, she will be in good hands." Katherine says smiling at Alan. He nods and goes to his automobile to return to his home where he arrives a half-hour later.

The next day Alan's eyes open when he listens to the annoying sound of the alarm clock.

He wakes up early in the morning, he growls and stretches his hand to turn it off.

In a few moments later, Alan uncovers his body and he sits at the edge of the bed rubbing his neck with calm and fatigue. His desire of going for this travel is minimal for the moment, but even so he must go.

The light of dawn enters by his window, he sees that everything even is dark, but it begins to light up slowly as the sun goes out over the horizon.

Alan stands up and is going to look for his clothes, he gets dressed with leisurely calm, his schedule is well programmed to go to the airport. Everything is ready and he should not get worried.

His unique concern is Samantha, but that already also is resolved. Barret would pick her up to take her at the school and Katherine would pick her up and take care of Samantha the next three days.

Alan goes down to the kitchen and he prepares a breakfast while he looks at the wall clock to make sure not to be late. He drinks a coffee with a couple of toasts while the day lights up completely and light warms up his back.

When he is finishing his breakfast, Samantha enters in the kitchen with slowness and a big yawn.

"Are you ready, dad?" Samantha asks rubbing his eyes slowly before looking at her father.

"Yes dear, you should also get ready. You cannot get late to the school." Alan says looking at his daughter. She nods before going back to get out of the kitchen and going toward her bedroom to get dressed.

Alan drinks the last sip before again heading for his room and taking out his bag to take it to the living room and to wait for the taxi that arrives soon. He sees that Samantha steps down completely dressed.

"I will leave soon." Alan says while she comes closer to say good-bye. The girl embraces her father and he kisses her on the forehead before they separate.

"I do not want you to cause problems to Katherine, ok?" Alan asks doing a light gesture.

Samantha nods and her father smiles at her.

Few minutes after Alan is sitting in cab on the way to the airport, there he will meet with Larry. Around forty minutes after Alan finally gets to the airport that for him fortunately is a little empty.

He pays the taxi driver and he goes into the airport, people go and come, some chat among themselves while other ones walk absorbed in their own matters.

Alan sees his clock and breathes with some relief to see that he was in time. He listens to for the loudspeakers several ads in relation to the flights that are being delayed or canceled.

He sees that his flight still is registered to depart in hour, Alan sits on a bench and calls Larry.

"Larry, this is Alan." Alan says while he covers an ear to be able to listen to the rabbit while more noise takes place to his around.

"Hi Alan, I'm sorry. I will be there in ten minutes." Larry responds while the sound repeated of a horn is heard and to somebody growling and shouting.

"Very Well, but it will be better for you to hurry up. I do not want to lose the flight." Alan says speaking up in order that Larry could listen him with clarity.

Alan only listens an ok and something that he cannot understand due the noise before the call cuts.

He growls with distaste and decides to wait, he is the only thing that he can make now.

It passes ten minutes, fifteen, twenty, thirty minutes and Alan begins to grow impatient and to get worried. Both had decided to meet with a plenty of time to avoid any setback.

But now apparently they will deem problems as the unexpected delay of Larry.

Alan again takes his telephone to call again, but when he raises the head a little when he sees as the rabbit rapidly comes closer charging his bag. He avoids with nimbleness a bad-humored elephant that crosses on his way.

The big guy puffs with bother while he reverts rapidly to his matters.

"I'm sorry... problems of traffic." Larry says breathing agitatedly while he places his bag in the floor moment and he fixes his tie.

Alan nods and both go towards the departure lounge. Both pass through the previous security measures and sit down to wait, Larry is busy checking his cellular phone just like Alan.

He feels pleased seeing that Samantha's message indicates to him that she already is in school. Now only it is Katherine's issue take care of her, in his mind Alan knows that this is a better opportunity in order that both create bonds of friendship.

Katherine had told him that they should take necessary time in order that Samantha gets accustomed before drop the bomb. Alan knows that it is something that should be driven with utmost care and common sense.

He and Samantha had been living alone for a long time, so Alan is not sure as his daughter would be handle Katherine's introduction to their lives.

Alan's thoughts dissipate when arrives the moment of embarking on the airplane, both get in him and they sit on their seats. Alan takes a seat that is tightly next to the window and for his fortune before getting to the wing of the airplane.

Alan buckles up his seat belt just like the hare and they get ready for the takeoff, something that he delays around fifteen minutes more.

When the airplane takes off Alan feels the light pull in his body, but after some moments the feeling disappears. He sees as the ground keeps on going away for the window, he always observes with a lot of attention the landscape that moves below the airplane.

Clouds surround it shortly afterwards when the aircraft attains its maximum altitude, Alan makes himself comfortable and closes his eyes. He wants to rest the whole flight.

Around two hours later Alan and Larry finally are opening their bedroom's door of the hotel. For Alan it had been a complete surprise discovering that they should share a room.

Of course, this is due to two simple factors: The first one that most of hotels are full for that moment and the second the irresponsibility the person in charge of the reserve.

The guy had apparently done the reservations at last moment, this does not surprise much to Alan because he is a young underling and new in the company. His first work after graduating.

"Do you care, if I take a bath?" Alan asks while he looks at his co-worker.

Larry shakes his head stretching his body a moment before throwing his suitcase in a bed. Alan does the same thing and in a couple of minutes after he feels as water begins to fall on his body.

A sigh of satisfaction gets out of Alan's mouth when he enjoys the hot water falling on his body. His fur gets wet completely and he expects that the next days be normal without problems.

After taking a shower Alan gets out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped up around his waist, he sees that Larry is unpacking his suitcase.

Well...Did you read the material that I sent you to?" Larry asks while he draws a couple of clothes from his suitcase. Alan notices that the rabbit looks at him with complete veiled attention.

"Yeah, everything very interesting, but I feel a little worried. You know the xz 230 is about to introduced to the market. And they say that it is superior to our telephone, but I believe that both had the same power." Alan says laying his suitcase on the bed and opening it to look for his clothing that he would wear.

Larry's attention clearly is on him, the rabbit does not blink without being able to set his interest on the wolf. Alan feels a little missed for that reason, but he continues getting ready.

"I would not get worried for that reason, they have a catastrophic security flaw." Larry says making a grin while he gets undressed completely. Alan gets surprised seeing the naked man.

Larry hides nothing of his nudity, Alan does not pay attention to him while he continues on his own and he puts on a couple of shorts. Larry in this occasion looks at him without care that Alan can notice it.

"How do you know that?" Alan asks without looking at him while he takes another one of his clothes. For the corner of the eye he sees that the rabbit looks at him without stopping neither hiding it.

The wolf sees that his friend with disguise fits his crotch.

"Thanks to the EU." Larry says while he positions himself some pants just like Alan.

Alan's eyes open completely to the understanding that the industrial intelligence department of company just called as the EU, so no one out of the big fishes of the company knows the true meaning of that two words. Alan thought that was a unit without a lot of use.

He only could intuit that what happened in there was not necessary completely legal.

"We get a guy that revealed us a critical error, he supposedly should had checked and fixed these matters, but as he is not glad with his bosses... with a good incentive he revealed the details of the error to us." Larry says doing a soft smile to Alan.

"By the time they find out that error, we will take the advantage, I worked for avoiding something similar in our models and Barret already has a marketing strategy for that moment." Larry says looking at Alan complete happy and sure about himself and the situation.

Alan gets surprised and clearly sees that Larry is an intelligent and pretty competent man in his work.

When they are ready, Both toward the place of the convention. When they get there, Alan sees that everyone is working in the last details before the inauguration.

It would be pretty interesting days.

Larry and Alan meet with the staff that the company has at the place, both learn about all that happens. Alan only was there like a support and leaves everything at hands of Larry.

The hare does well while he puts everything in order, the next morning would become the official opening. Alan knows that this is a good opportunity to obtain more customers.

There were lectures and special events, Alan hopes that he can attend in determined moments if the situation did not deserve his presence.

Alan sees that Larry is a very skilled man and a good leader for his staff that is very capable too.

All of them are young and understand these matters of technology a lot.

The next morning everything begins, Alan and Larry are early to get ready along with the rest of the team. The people begin to fill the place and soon officially comes true the opening.

Larry and the staff begin to work when the first potentials customers ask and see the last models of cellular phones. He sees pleasure that there is a great many interested people.

Alan also dedicates himself to explain the benefits of the phones, with the information that Larry had provided him, Alan was pretty informed.

Hours slowly keep on passing and Alan feels somewhat boring while he sees like other companies also expose their achievements. Alan yawns a moment, he feels as somebody places a hand on his shoulder.

He sees over his shoulder to see that it is Larry.

"Why you don't go to walk a bit?" The hare asks looking at Alan and making a grin.

Alan nods and decides to follow Larry's advice. He gets out of the stand and he takes a walk for the place observing everything with attention. The inventions that show up are pretty interesting.

While he walks he sees a large number of girls lumped-together about a large-sized stand while they shout with emotion and they push themselves to try entering.

Some guards maintain them controlled while noise does not diminish.

For what is seen apparently there is somebody very important and famous into that place and girls strive to see him. Alan does a light gesture before going one's way, but he stops to hear that somebody calls him.

Alan turn backwards seeing who calls him, it is a tiger at the side of the stand where the group of girls is. He the guy waves his hand calling him in order that he comes closer, the eyes of the wolf open completely when he recognizes an old friend of the school, Roger Campbell.

Alan gets close to the tiger and both shake hands.

"Alan Arrington, it is so long since last time I did not see you." The tiger says pressing strong Alan's hand.

"Yes, it is, since I leave our home town when we finished the school." Alan says while he smiles content to have found each other again.

Alan can remember like this big guy always he gave a thrashing, the problematical guy that crossed the line with the girls or some boys that were the target of the mockery and aggression in some cases.

It could be a private school, but even so it was the survival of the fittest.

"What do you make this way?" Roger asks giving a friendly and strong hug to Alan for some moments.

"I am here representing my company in the event, something boring that it was not in my plans." Alan says doing a light grin. This makes laugh to his friend.

"What about you? what do you do?" Alan asks with interest to know about the life of his friend. The contact that he had with friends of the school and with the ones that he had left at his home town is minimal.

"Well my friend, I am Shadow's fang manager." The tiger says proudly while he sees Alan.

"I hope that you know who them are." The tiger says smiling seeing the expression of surprise of Alan. He nods and cannot believe that his friend be manager of so famous music band.

"Of course, I know who they are, my daughter is fan of the band." Alan says doing a funny face. His friend smiles in a friendly way.

"That explains the great multitude of girls." Alan says seeing as even girls try to fight for a good place.

"They hired us for publicity in the event, you know how it works." Roger says while he sees Alan. He nods understanding and seeing the girls again.

He examines a couple of them delighting on their young bodies until his friend interrupts him."

"What cellular phone does your daughter have?" Roger asks looking at his friend.

"The best that can I buy for an adolescent a ST 360." Alan says doing a gesture to his friend. He nods.

"Then let's go." Roger says doing a friendly gesture to Alan. He just nods without knowing where is taking him his friend. The wolf follows him and both come closer the multitude of girls.

They with difficulty push through between them, Alan enjoys feeling as some young tits touch his body. Roger gets to the entrance of the stand where guards are.

Roger greets them and men and they permit to him and Alan enter in the Stand.

The tiger greets some people and he gets close to a woman that apparently is the person in charge of sell of the slipcases.

Alan knows certainly the band would sign autographs and they would do promotion.

Alan sees that his friend buys two slipcases of cellular phone printed with the photos of the Shadow Fang band, besides he takes what seems to be a rolled poster, there is a lot of them.

They all would disappear soon.

Roger takes it to the back, they cross a drape and Alan gets surprised seeing the members of the band chatting and laughing animatedly while they seem to joke on something.

Alan sees the four young wolves that stop the laughs when Roger greets them.

They return him the greeting.

"Boys, he is Alan a good friend." Roger says presenting Alan to the members of the Band.

They greet him and shake the hand of Alan in a friendly way.

Alan recognizes each one of them since his daughter in more than an occasion she had pointed at them while they saw some video clip of the band occasionally in the favorite canal of music of Samantha.

In the middle is Jason, the main singer and pack leader, is a little higher than his two friends. He has a blue bandanna tied around his left arm of his black jacket.

Travis is the first guitar player of the band. Alan sees that a part of his hair is painting of blue, in the tips with a hairdo that partially covers him the right eye.

Dorian the other guitar player. His feature that is more interesting is his blue eyes.

Something unusual for a wolf, one of his parents is certainly an Eskimo dog of somebody who I inherit so distinctive eyes.

Douglas finally is who gives life to the battery. He has a couple of piercings in his right ear and of from one of them is hanging little billiard ball with the number eight printed in it.

"Alan has a daughter that is your number one fan, she would love her having a couple of autographs of her favorite stars." Roger says looking at Alan. He gets surprised a little and nods thinking that it would be truth.

"There is no problem, everything for a great fan." Douglas says looking at his friends, they nod while Roger passes on the two slipcases and the poster to the boys.

"What is the name of our number one fan?" Dorian asks Alan.

"Samantha." Alan responds content while he sees as the four wolves distribute the slipcases and the poster between themselves to write and sign with a dedication for Samantha while they chat.

In a couple of minutes after Alan receives the two slipcases of cellular phone and the poster signed by the members of the band.

"Thank you, a lot. My daughter will get very happy." Alan says looking at the boys and grateful Roger.

"If you have your cellular phone at hand, we can make you the best father of the world." Jason says looking at his friends. They laugh smoothly and Alan raises an eyebrow, but he nods.

Some minutes later Alan and Roger again get by the midway of the multitude and going out on the other side.

"Thank you for this." Alan says looking at Roger.

"For nothing, I thought that she would like it." The Tiger says content knowing that Alan would give so good gift his daughter.

"I like these boys, they are attentive and polite." Alan says with complete sincerity.

They seem good people and balanced in spite of the fact that the environment in which they perform is not known to be free of dangers.

"All of them come from polite and good families, and I take upon myself to maintain them in that way." Roger says laughing smoothly.

"I do not know when, but soon we will be going by your city." Roger says looking at Alan that gets surprised lightly.

"A concert I suppose." Alan says thinking that it is very soon for a new concert in the city.

"No... it is not a concert, it is some more incognito." Roger says with calm and slowly not to be heard. Alan arches an eyebrow without understanding because a group wanted to go by unnoticed.

"You know that there are needs to cover. I suppose that you know the cave of velvet." Roger says smoothly with complicity in his voice.

Alan nods with surprise. Katherine had revealed to him that the boys of the band are her customers.

"Then it's possible that we cross again there, of course you have to keep the secret." Roger seriously and a little bit of joke in his voice.

"Of course, I will tell nobody. It is my favorite place." Alan says making a grin and looking at his friend. The tiger smiles and both say good-bye before Alan returns to his company's stand to continue helping.

A couple of hours later Alan and Larry can finally rest getting to the hotel, the day was concluded and both had been able to have something for supper delicious that compensate their effort.

In the meantime, while he is offered in bed, Alan remembers Samantha and decides to call her to know how she is doing. He marks the number of his daughter and places his cellular phone at the height of his ear.

The dialing tone is heard for some seconds until Samantha responds.

Alan listens to a chortle while Samantha laughs.

"Hi dad." She says while her laughter keeps on dissipating and she regains her composure. Alan listens to Katherine's laughter also, she apparently calms down for her voice it is disappearing little by little.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you?" Alan says pleasure of listening to his daughter's voice and besides he could notice that she is having fun.

"Very well dad, we were having fun with Katheryn." Samantha says before bursting into laughter again. That surprises to Alan, he does not know what happens.

"I'm sorry... I am sorry.... but she is attacking me with a pen." Samantha says while he growls a little and Katherine laughs again. Alan becomes happy for that reason.

"Everything ok? Without problems?" Alan asks while he sees that Larry gets out of the bathroom and the sound of the water of the toilet to run is heard. The rabbit rushes at the bed and bounces lightly.

"It was not nothing out of an ordinary day of school." Samantha says while she seems content.

"Very well, let me speak with Katherine." Alan says while he leans backwards in bed to be more comfortable.

"Hi Alan. How are you doing?" Katherine asks content at the same time as she also begins to laugh. Alan smiles and intuits that it is Samantha's turn to strike back.

"Everything was very well. Don't you think that it is somewhat immature to provoke tickles to my daughter?" Alan asks smiling smoothly while he sees the television set that is turned-on and a movie is seen on screen.

"I do not see the bad thing; the good friends play in that way!" Katherine says while he lets off a new strong laughter and she tries to separate Samantha.

"I suppose that you will rest tonight." Katherine says at other side of the line.

"Everything depends, you know, if I have time tonight." Alan says with complicity. Alan notices that Larry looks closely at him. He looks at the hare, he is looking at him, but Alan pays attention to his conversation.

"Then I do not believe that it would be good to lengthen this conversation, you need to rest." Katherine says while she laughs smoothly.

"Of course, good-bye." Alan says while he feels pleased. In a few seconds after he listens to his daughter's voice. Both give each other the good nights before cutting communication.

Alan sees his telephone a moment smiling. His daughter and Katherine apparently are getting along fine. He expects that both become very good friends and that way Samantha accept Katherine as part of the family.

"For to be an unexpected journey you already have plans." Larry says looking at Alan with a broad smile.

"Well I have good references of a place here." Alan says looking at his co-worker. He looks at him with interest.

"I suppose that you will go out to have fun, and not only drink beer." Larry says making out of a facial expression complicity.

"You can come, if you want." Alan says looking at the rabbit. He gets surprised a little and nods with pleasure. Around two hours later Alan and Larry are in a taxi that takes them to the place that Katherine had indicated Alan.

He was not very sure what he would find there, she only had given him a address and the name of a woman. He feels as his penis hardens lightly inside his sheath thinking that without a doubt is somewhat hot.

Around forty-five minutes later Alan finally solves his doubts when they get to the place.

The wolf sees a quite big neon sign on the entrance of what it is a club.

"Olympus of pleasure." Alan reads in the illuminated sign. There are a couple of guards in the door. A gorilla and a bear that look pretty threatening while they use dark lenses.

Alan pays the taxi before he and Larry got out of the automobile. The wolf notices that Larry does not seem content, Alan does not know Larry's likes and he expects that what there is in the inside encourages his friend.

They get close to the entrance and pass among the two guards that look at them with distrust. Alan and Larry walk a by short stretch by a short corridor before find with two guards that watch a second door.

Alan listens music that comes from behind the door that is closed and it has a round window. The lights inside the place painted in colors the inside.

"I pay." Alan says looking at Larry and he nods. He sees surroundings before both can get into the inside. When going by the door the eyes of both open completely seeing several women in undergarments that move from one place to the other.

The semitransparent clothing does not leave nothing to imagination. Alan licks his mouth with pleasure while his friend seems completely surprised. Alan assumes that this is his first time in a place like this.

Alan does a gesture to his friend and they look for a free table, they sit on a table that is at the center and in front of a stage. It has the curtain closed for that moment.

Different species' females walk attracting the attention of several males, Alan sees as in a couple of tables some girls they give a show to couple of males that drool while they look at them and engage in caressing their crotches shamelessly.

"This better of what I thought." Alan says looking at Larry. He looks at him and nods lightly without looking convinced.

"Didn't you come to one like these before?" Alan asks looking at the rabbit.

"No... I have my favorite places that differ from this one." Larry says while he looks at Alan. The wolf sees that a beautiful female dog German shepherd gets close to them smiling.

"Welcome gentlemen to the paradise's hills. What do you desire?" The female asks soft and sensually while she has in a hand a notebook.

"A couple of beers... Diana." Alan tells to see the name of the female written in a credential. The female dog nods and she writes down on the notebook.

"Anything else more? Diana asks smiling and moving her tail slowly. Alan looks at her with desire.

"Well I am looking for Persephone." Alan says looking at the female dog. She opens his eyes and laughs smoothly.

"A mischievous boy that wants to begin early, she already is here. But I can also offer you something interesting." The female dog says looking at Alan.

"What are we talking about?" Alan asks with interest and smiling.

"The main show is in an hour more, with some of encouragement... while the show progress I can show you that my tongue is very good, leave everything at my hands." The female dog says looking at Alan. He nods with enthusiasm.

"I have a friend that can do the same thing for your friend." Diana says looking at Larry.

He opens his eyes with surprise.

"No. I am fine." Larry says with a light face of disdain that surprises Alan.

"Please bring us the two beers and I want to see Persephone." Alan says looking at Diana.

She nods and hides very well the bother with Larry. The female goes away while Alan does not avoid looking at her ass carefully until she disappears between the multitude of girls.

Alan says absolutely nothing on the attitude of his friend, shortly the two beers are in the table and both start chattering.

"Everything is coming along well for us, I did not know that he you were such a clever guy and a good leader." Alan says looking at Larry that does a friendly gesture.

"Well I must be one, if they want to have very good results." Larry says moving the beer bottle before drinking a little.

"You leave me completed surprised, that stuff about the error will bring a lot of benefits along." Alan says while he sees as a hippopotamus female passes in front of them making tremble the floor lightly.

His look focuses on the big breasts of the woman, she looks somewhat fat for him, but Alan knows that pleasures vary from one species to other, so that woman should prove to be attractive for some males.

"They are common mistakes that sometimes are committed when someone hurries up everything, this is when a good programmer cannot test very well his work." Larry says seeing Alan. He nods.

"I heard that you and Hogart Brice had some debates for that reason. He did not like that you questioned him about the launch date of the new model, I believe that he wanted to make it the fastest that we could." Alan says before drinking a sip of beer while he listens to music and sees what happens in other sectors.

"He can be the sales' unit chief, but I am the one of development, a baker cannot tell a painter when his masterpiece is ready." Larry says with a light growl.

Alan nods. He sees as a couple of individuals enjoy private spectacle while a girl lets herself be touched sexually in the meantime she is sitting on the knees of one of them.

"Hogart is very temperamental, sometimes has forced things and we have had losses, you know that subject of xt 60." Alan says looking at Larry.

"I' sorry, but I don't know nothing about that, I wasn't working with the company yet." Larry says looking at Alan.

"How much time are you with us?" Alan asks taking from another new sip beer.

"Four years." Larry responds while he drinks a little more his beer.

"I am with the company since I moved, it makes around 7 years ago after losing my wife and having bigger difficulties with my daughter." Alan says while he sees Larry.

"I am sorry to hear that." Larry says with complete charm. Alan thanks him for his words.

"Do you have somebody special?" Alan asks looking at the hare. He does not respond for some moments.

"Well no... it is not somewhat that I could describe like a... I am working on it... we just meet." Larry says with some discomfort.

"Somebody of the company, uh?" Alan asks smiling and looking at his co-worker. Larry nods in silence before drinking one new sip of beer.

At that moment Alan sees that a cocker spaniel female dog gets close to the table. Her brown hair is showy and she is wearing a red lingerie that highlights very well her body.

Her breasts come from big size for a female of her species, she is thin and attractive.

When she comes closer Alan can see that she has sky-blue eyes, he could not specify, if it is your inheritance or contact lenses.

But they look beautiful.

"I suppose that you are Alan." The female dog says smiling smoothly when she gets close to the table and moving her tail slowly. Alan nods while he eats with the look at the female that just have half of his stature.

"You must be Persephone." Alan says looking at the female. She nods.

"Kath told me that you would come." She says smiling and looking at Alan. He nods lightly while she looks at him with a soft smile.

"Let's go to a most private place and I will show you why you came." The female says suggestively.

"Do you mind?" Alan asks looking at Larry. The hare frowns and shakes his head.

Alan takes a sip more of beer and he stands up to go after the female, they pass close to several people there. The female dog takes him to at corridor located to the right-hand side of the stage.

Alan crosses over by a drape and he see a corridor that has several doors, he sees a Very rude Great Dane dog seated close to the entrance of the corridor while he smokes a cigar and reads a magazine for adults.

The dog looks up to see Alan lightly and next he sees at Persephone.

The Great Dane draws a notebook from a pocket and notes down something in it before putting again the notebook in his pocket in and continuing reading his magazine. Alan looks at him a moment before going after the female. She takes him to a wooden door where golden star was stamped and a number nine in it.

Persephone opens the door and she enters followed by Alan. He enters in a room well decorated with several photos of naked women in addition to a dresser.

In a hanger there several lingerie and suits garments of maid or other ones that make look sexy at the girls.

There is an ample bed at the center, it seems very comfortable and fluffy.

"I hope that you be able to handle my tariff, dear." Persephone says pointing at the bed where Alan sees a photo of the female dog winking an eye and supporting an indicator poster in which is showed how much will be the tariff of today.

The number can be apparently replaced without problems.

"It is first time that I see a advertisement of this kind, Persephone." Alan tells while he grabs his wallet to take out the money that he should pay the female.

"I know, I believe that the people find it funny and they pay without a word. By the way you can call me Alice." The female dog says while she receives money and counts a moment before nodding.

"Persephone is my artistic name, if you want. Many of the girls have one to avoid problems." Alice says beginning to take off the rest of her clothing that takes no time to fall to the floor.

Alan licks his mouth begin to take off the clothing just like his shoes, Alice helps him unbuckling his belt and the pants before rushing down just like the shorts of Alan.

The female dog licks her mouth seeing Alan's big balls. She catches Alan's hand and pulls him to lean him backwards in bed.

Alice smiling positions herself on him and she offers him her tits. Without waiting more, he closes his mouth around the right nipple and she begins to suck it with pleasure, his other hand catches the left breast to squeeze and to massage it.

The female dog moans and pants with pleasure feeling as her breasts are stimulated.

Alan bites and he pulls the nipple in his mouth smoothly, his thumbs and index twist the other nipple in addition to pull it repeatedly achieving that the female moans.

Alice's moans are heard in the room, Alan changes of tit. He begins to suck the other nipple getting it wet with his saliva. He can feel as the aroma of the juices of Alice begins to get to his nose.

She moans and pants until he moves away taking her toys away from Alan. She smiles smoothly before taking down her body that the wolf stops looking closely at her without moving.

Soon Alice's head is in front of the crotch of Alan. He looks closely as she sniffs his testicles enjoying the aroma.

Alan gets surprised a little and smiles seeing that she looks at him with the look of a playful cub before beginning to lick his balls slowly. He feels as the tongue moves on his balls covering them with saliva

Alice licks each sector with care, she licks the pleats that join the two testicles with the body of Alan. His balls rise up while he feels as his member starts to harden inside his sheath.

The female licks with care once before putting Alan's right testicle into her mouth to pull it and biting it. Bites are well-timed as if she bits a toy.

Her tail moves and Alan enjoys the moment. After some moments she stops and releases the ball. She moves up his nose to lick the sheath smoothly.

Alan's member grows quickly and the tip passes by the opening catching the attention of the female dog. She licks her mouth and closes it around the tip of the member.

Alan moans when she begins to lick that place slowly, the tongue moves slowly on the tip and collects a drop from precum. The rough tongue makes shake to the wolf.

Alice's hand massages his balls. His member grows up rapidly inside the mouth of the female. She sucks his cock with pleasure. The saliva drips from his shaft getting to his knot.

Alan gasps when Alice's head moves further down and his member enters in the throat of the female dog. His shaft is squeezed by the muscles that stimulate it, the wolf feels as the nose of Alice touches his knot.

She continues massaging his balls without stopping, the saliva drips abundantly from his knot getting his crotch and his balls wet. The feeling in his member is incredible.

The precum that goes out is directly swallowed of the female dog that slowly moves back her head, Alan's penis leaves the throat and it is sucked by calm for some moments until Alice releases it.

"You have a very tasty meat." She says licking the length of the shaft of Alan getting to the tip.

"I can use my tongue in your tailhole if you want. Some customers like it." Alice says suggestively while she smiles and masturbates Alan slowly.

Her hand moves up and down without stopping.

Alan nods with a lot of interest, the female dog laughs smoothly and without a lot of effort she flips over Alan placing him on his chest in bed. Alan feels as hands take his ass cheeks and they squeezes them smoothly.

Alice spreads his buttocks, the wolf listens to a growl of lust before he shakes feeling the hot respiration touching his hole. He nods as the female sniffs his sphincter for some moments.

Alan gasps when the tongue goes over his sphincter of slow way getting it wet in saliva.

He closes his eyes when the motion repeats itself and Alice begins with her work.

The tongue moves slowly in different directions, Alan pants having a good time every second. The tip moves circularly on his anus before pushing a little to stop.

The female dog licks the whole crack of his anus before concentrating on his sphincter again, she knows pretty well what she does. His erection throbs while it releases a great deal of precum.

Alan growls when the tongue presses his hole with force, he pants when his sphincter opens and the tongue penetrates into him. Alice moves her tongue slowly touching his anal walls and making him quiver in the meantime she still keeps his buttocks separate using her hands.

The viscous saliva moves in the cracks of his anal walls that are pierced by the tip. They are explored while Alan moans and growl of pleasure.

His member throbs with more force and the precum already gets wet a great part of the center of the bedspread of the bed.

"I no longer can..." Alan says feeling as his penis is close to release his cum. At that moment the intense pleasure fades away when the motion in his rectum stops.

Alan pants while Alice's tongue moves back, his respiration decelerates slowly until it almost returns to normal.

In a twinkle the tongue of the female dog gets out from his completely wet hole in saliva.

Alan turns over and sees as Alice smiles at him smoothly before she catches his penis.

"Let's move to the most interesting." Alice says licking his mouth and moving to position herself on Alan. The wolf catches the right nipple in his mouth to suck it with pleasure.

His left hand takes care of the free tit while the female moans and pants with pleasure.

Alan nibbles smoothly and he continues while he feels as the tip of his member touches Alice's slit opening her vaginal labia lightly.

He can feel heat radiating from the inside of the female dog. Alice gets up depriving his mouth of her tit.

She stopping to smile takes the cock in her hands and she caresses it a moment before aiming it at her pink slit. The member's tip divides her vaginal lips.

She takes down her hips and blurts a guttural growl out when her vagina is filled with the hard flesh of Alan. He growls feeling the bear hug of the velvety grotto of the female around his shaft.

Alice is pretty tight, much more than Samantha. His member is stimulated, Alice smiles smoothly and begins to ride Alan. He moans of pleasure with each movement of the female dog.

His cock gets covered in juices that drip from the vaginal walls, the sound of splashing is heard each time that the wet vulva touches Alan's knot.

He sees as the female moans and growls of pleasure while he shakes her head, her ears move uncontrollably. Alice's breasts bounce and Alan decides not to leave them without having a good time.

His hands take and knead both tits without stopping, he enjoys their firmness before beginning to twist both nipples. Alice moans with more pleasure, and she closes her eyes without stopping to move her ass.

Alan's member does not stop to release precum in the canal of the female dog, he growls when the pink opening surrounds his knot getting in in the female dog completely.

She grunts with some pain and pleasure when such big mass of flesh stretches her opening in and amazing way.

The vaginal lips touch Alan's pubis and his penis is trapped in Alice, she increases the motion of her ass, but Alan also begins to move in the vagina.

His penis cannot go a long way since he had filled completely the tunnel of the love of the friend of his girlfriend. The tip penetrates in her cervix of the woman while the rest of the member touches her vaginal walls.

That makes her moan with more pleasure. Alan feels as his pleasure increases getting to its peak rapidly. He holds Alice's hips and he pushes while he growls ferociously.

His member throbs and releases sperm in powerful spurts that spatter the inside of the female dog. Alan sees as she begins to quiver uncontrollably and whimpering like a bitch in heat by the feeling that disperses in all her body.

Alan growls feeling as the vaginal walls squeezes his penis with more force. His own semen is shoot and mixed with juices that surround his cock, Alice does not control herself and she lets herself fall down on Alan.

"You are ferrous wolf, you are big as I love it. I will be a lot grateful to Katherine to have sent such stud." The female dog says caressing the chin of the wolf with a finger of playful way.

Alan just smiles and says absolutely nothing more. Around thirty minutes later Alan finally can get dressed. Alice is leant in bed while she checks her cellular phone.

She even is naked and the seed of Alan drips from her pink slit.

"Well, thank you for everything." Alan says buckling up his pants tightening his belt.

"No mention it, return when you want. Next time perhaps you will love pounding my ass." Alice says while she winks an eye to Alan.

He nods and gets out of the room to return with Larry. Music and the environment of festivity again surrounds him. Alan returns to the table with his friend, he drinks a beer bottle slowly.

"Did you have fun?" Larry asks with not much interest while he places his beer at the table at the same time as Alan again he sits at his side.

"A lot, it was great." Alan says taking his beer and taking a sip.

He sees that his friend does not seem animate, that for this moment no longer surprises to Alan. Larry is perhaps timid or reserved guy that is not interested in this kind of places.

They continue chatting and drinking beers. Alan manages to know more of the past of Larry as well as his previous works. Around twenty minutes later lights attenuate and the lights of the scenario turn on.

The present males get excited and many of them whistles with a lot of joy. Alan sees that Diana again gets close to the table, the female dog smiles at him before placing two beer bottles more at the table.

"The show is going to begin, take your tickets for the raffle." Diana says pointing at her breasts using her nose. Alan sees two little papers trapped between both tits.

Alan takes out the two papers and in one he sees the number twenty-three, in the other one is the number thirty.

"What is the prize?" Alan asks confused in the meantime he still sees the numbers.

"You will find out at the end of the first show. There are two for night." Diana says making out of a gesture of complicity. She does not say more when he winks an eye to Alan and she gets under the table and the tablecloth.

Alan feels that Diana's hands open his pants.

The stage suddenly opens to see black eskimo female kissing with a horse that is half-naked, he just has put on a pants.

He has a brown fur and a couple of white patches around the eyes.

His hands move on the naked female while his mouth is united to the mouth of the girl.

The tail of the female oscillates slowly on the air showing how much happy that she feels, the male's hands go down her back and both hands takes her buttocks to squeeze them with pleasure.

She breaks off the kiss and smiles impishly. Alan feels that his shorts are droop to his knees. A hand catches his balls to massage them slowly.

On the set he sees as the female dog caresses the chest of the male before laying her hands on the brooch of the pants and she opens it to release it and to permit that pants fell to the floor.

Alan's eyes open completely when an enormous member emerges being freed of its confinement, he moans with surprise when Diana's tongue raises his right testicle.

For the corner of the eye Allan sees that Larry has completely opened eyes seeing as the female dog smiling caresses the masculine shaft slowly. Alan feels as his testicle is licked slowly before entering in the mouth of the female that sucks it.

A hand closes around his sheath, it begins to do soft pulls.

Alan sees as the hanging member of the equine gets covered with blood getting to a new dimension that surprises him. He had seen penises of that size in the porno movies that he has in store in his house, but even so it is surprising.

The female dog does not seem frightened by the size and she kneels in front of the man begin to give him slow oral sex. Alan feels as the canine teeth of Diana dive in his right testicle.

His ball is pulled and liberated repeatedly while the woman's hand moves on his sheath.

His member's tip slides outside and he takes a breath when it is caressed by one of the fingers of Diana.

Alan refrains not to moan, he sees at his side. His co-worker looks absorbed as the girl on the stage licks the horse's cock with pleasure.

Her tongue moves on the large shaft, arriving to the head, she licks it and the man moans with pleasure. The female opens her mouth to take the penis in it.

Only a portion enters in the snout of the female, she begins to suck slowly while one of her hands caresses the two weighed testicles without stopping.

Around Alan the heavy breathing and moans of pleasure are heard. He cannot be sure that if it is because other men have any girl lending them out a hand or, they take care of the situation by themselves.

The horse pushes his penis and for the surprise of Alan and the other ones, he sees as the member slide in the mouth of the woman. Alan can swear under oath to see a bulge in the throat of the female dog.

She does not seem to feel affected for that reason. Alan takes a breath when Diana's tongue begins to move on his knot of slow way, the surface roughness makes him moan with pleasure.

The saliva drips from his knot and the tongue is moving along the length of his shaft. On the stage, the female dog continues sucking the member slowly, but she draws the penis from her mouth and uses her left-hand forefinger to suggest to somebody that he comes closer.

She moves her tail and from the right-hand side appears another guy, a black-colored horse, his fur shines for the lights of the stage. Alan moans and pants with pleasure seeing as the second man gets close to the female dog.

He is complete naked too.

Alan feels a soft bite on his knot in the meantime the spectacle continues.

He notices as the member of the black horse shines brightly completely while a drop of precum hangs from the opening and it drips to the floor. The man catches the female dog and raises her with facility from the floor.

Alan feels as the tongue of Diana leaves his cock, she catches his penis to masturbate him slowly. On the stage the second man that the woman turns her over the woman to show her the people directly.

The female dog smiling opens her legs largely. Many of the presents just like Alan take a breath when they see as the head of the penis touches the canine female's ass.

The body of the female dog is moved down and Alan sees as with surprising facility the equine member begins to enter in the posterior hole. Alan moans while he looks like the body of the short female slowly is impaled in the thick shaft.

He again feels as the mouth of the Diana closes around his member, he growls while the tongue touches his cock. Alan sees the man begins to move the female dog up and down on his cock.

The female whines of pleasure and not of pain. Moans and growling are heard with more force. The breasts of the female dog bounce with each thrust.

The action stops a moment, but Alan looks with a lot of interest as the other man positions himself between the legs of the female dog and he pushes his member in the pussy of the bitch.

She moans being doubled penetrated. Alan moans with each motion of the head of Diana. The saliva covers his knot before dripping and getting his balls wet.

Alan looks at his friend, he also looks at with complete attention the stage. The two men fuck the female dog without stopping. The female's body bounce without stopping at the same time that she holds from the neck of one of the guys.

She moans and whines of pleasure.

Alan feels as his pleasure grows rapidly, the right hand of Diana stimulates his testicles.

He growls with force and his body becomes taut at the moment that his semen begins to spring out.

He clenches his teeth while he enjoys the sucking of Diana. She swallows his semen without wasting a single drop.

Diana continues sucking while Alan moans and sees as things on the stage change.

Alan sees the female dog is kneeled down between the two men while she masturbates them rapidly. The two horses suddenly neigh with force and two sticky- sperm jets come from the two members splashing and covering the body of the girl.

She half-closes an eye and smiles while semen falls on her covering the top of her body.

Semen is dripping from the nipples and the nose of the female dog.

She continues masturbating the two men while her tongue licks her lips slowly. The female smiles while several spectators applaud and they give cheering of approval.

He clenches his teeth while he enjoys the sucking of Diana. She swallows his semen without wasting a single drop.

Diana continues sucking while Alan moans and sees as things on the stage change.

Alan sees the female dog is kneeled down between the two men while she masturbates them rapidly. The two horses suddenly neigh with force and two sticky- sperm spurts come from the two members splashing and covering the body of the girl.

She half-closes an eye and smiles while semen falls on her covering the top of her body.

Semen is dripping from the nipples and the nose of the female dog.

She continues masturbating the two men while her tongue licks her lips slowly. The female smiles while several spectators applaud and they give cheering of approval.

Alan pants and feels like Diana again takes his pants and she moves them up Alan moves a bit and he permits that Diana closes his pants and belt. She caresses a moment his crotch. Diana goes out of under the table and smiles at Alan impishly.

"As I thought, you are a big boy." Diana says licking her mouth and slowly and sensually.

The wolf takes out his wallet and takes out a well-cut bill that passes to the female.

She winks an eye in the meantime before going away to cater for other customers while she moves tail. Alan takes a deep breathing while he feels as a drop of precum seeps through the opening of his penis.

On the stage the female dog gets up while the seed combined of both men is dripping from her body. Soon the club is filled by the applause and cheering of the people that acclaim the perform of the female.

The trio walk off the stage and soon another woman gets on the stage and smiling she greets the audience. The woman is attractive, with a good ass.

Her tail moves slowly.

"It is time for the raffle of tonight." The female says looking at the audience that bursts into emotion. Alan sees that his friend is the only one that does not seem moved by the ad.

"Now tonight one lucky man from you will be able to spend a nice time with Juno." The female says pointing to the right-hand side of the stage.

Alan sees as a young gazelle appears walking to the center. She smiles at the presents while she says hello content to men and she positions herself next to her friend that passes her the microphone.

"Well naughty boys I hope that the lucky one enjoys as much as I will do." The female says while attendees again burst into cheering.

Alan sees as the first woman takes a little black sack and she opens it to show it her friend. Juno sticks her hand in the sack to take a number, soon the hand of the gazelle returns to appear grabbing a piece of paper.

"The fortunate for this night is the number thirty." The woman says looking at the audience.

Voices and expressions of disappointment and protest are heard, but Alan opens his eyes and sees as tightly in front of his friend is the winning ticket.

"It is your number." Alan says looking at his friend and giving him a nudge.

"If you want, you can use it." Larry says without a lot of temper passing to Alan the ticket.

He gets surprised and takes the ticket before raising his hand. A spotlight suddenly illuminates him.

He feels uncomfortable when attention capsizes toward him. The gazelle comes down from the stage and she approaches him smiling smoothly. Alan looks at her without moving and he listens to a few whistles of emotion and ones more of envy while Juno comes closer and she is smiling mischievously.

"Well big boy, time for fun." The gazelle says seizing Alan's right hand and pulling him.

Alan gets up of the chair and goes after the woman while he hears make sexual noises of fun and encourage for Alan.

Alan again goes by the corridor where the guy reading the newspaper is sitting. He and Alan exchange looks and the man looks at him with some envy before reverting to his matters.

In this occasion both get in the room number three. Alan sees that it is similar to the other one, but with the exception of the suits in the clothes hangers are pretty different.

Alan sees that the gazelle begins to get undressed with calm. She has the back turned, the first detail that Alan notices is the little tail that moves slowly on the round and brown buttocks.

He licks his mouth while he begins to get undressed also dropping his clothes to the floor.

The female turns over and Alan sees up and down, her white fur covers her stomach and chest.

Her tits have a medium size that match to her body.

"Do we begin?" Juno asks looking at Alan and getting on the bed smiling.

Alan does not answer and gets on the bed while he gives pulls to his sheath. He does not take off his view of the woman that expects him, his member reacts and it slides outside continuously.

The female watches this content, she moves and she sits to Alan at the hedge of the bed.

She knees between his legs.

"I love the canine cocks." Juno says doing a light grin and opening her mouth she takes down her head. Alan moans and gasps when the female begins to give him a fellatio slowly.

Juno's mouth moves up and down slowly on his swollen and hard flesh. He quivers and moans with pleasure while his eyes are closed, the saliva begins to slide to his knot.

Juno does not stop her sucking, she moves his tongue on the tip of the member time after time. He moans while his precum disappears in the throat, the female takes the balls with one hand to massage them.

She pulls them and caresses without stopping. Alan has a good time every time that the mouth moves up and down on his throbbing cock, he should recognize that the female knows how to make it.

Juno stops after some moments and takes out the penis of her mouth to lick it slowly from the tip toward the knot. Alan feels soft kisses on his knot.

Alan stops her after some moments. The gazelle looks at him and smiling she crawls to place herself in the center of the bed and to open her legs for Alan. He does not wait and he places himself above her with his penis in his hand.

He aims his shaft at the pink opening surrounded by white-furred. Both growl when Alan pushes and his penis slides inside the female. She is soft and wet.

Alan moans with pleasure and he stops when his knot touches Juno's vulva dividing the vaginal lips. Alan's hips begin to move slowly.

He moans just like her, the wolf catches the right nipple in his mouth and he sucks it over and over again while he moves his ass. Moans of pleasure get out of the mouth of the gazelle.

Juno closes her legs around the ass of Alan while he continues moving inside her. The female is tight and soft, her vaginal walls caress his hard flesh in each thrust.

He bites and sucks the tits with pleasure, his teeth bite the nipple and his canine teeth dive lightly in the sensitive part. The sound of splashing is heard every time that his knot hits the wet vulva.

Juno takes the ass and she squeezes it while she moans of pleasure. The precum sprinkles the vaginal walls. The pleasure of both grows, but Alan stops and he moves back withdrawing his member of the moist cave.

"Something bad?" Juno asks looking at the wolf with some bother. The situation was coming to a good point. A little more and she would have a good orgasm.

"I want an ass in this occasion and you have a very good one." Alan says the moment that his penis slips outside and the juice is dripping from it. The comment pleases Juno, she without avoiding smiling she flips over raising her ass to show it in all her glory to at the wolf.

Alan places his hands on the female's buttocks and he squeezes them a little, he sees as the little tail moves with slowness. Alan's hands separate the two cheeks and he likes what he sees.

The brown hole is closed and tiny.

"There Is lubricant in the bedside table." The gazelle says looking at Alan over the shoulder. Alan nods and evidently there is a lubricant bottle that he takes and he looks at it a moment.

He sees that is an anal lubricant, what he needs. Alan spills some lubricant on his fingers and he begins to rub them on the posterior hole with calm.

The female shakes lightly and the hole becomes taut a little. Alan lubricates it externally before coating his penis with the slippery substance with a little more interest.

He sprinkles the hole with a little more lubricant before placing the bottle in the bedside table and he gets ready. Alan takes his penis aiming it at the midway of the crack of the ass.

The tip touches the hole, Alan pushes with some force and the sphincter opens without problems. Juno moans just like him, Alan feels as heat surrounds his penis.

He stops for a moment enjoying the sensation, he pushes slowly sinking his shaft in the anal passage. Juno's entrails surround it as he enters in her.

She moans smoothly and it does not seem being the first time that it is fucked in the ass by her customers. Soon Alan's knot gets between the two cheeks of the gazelle.

Alan sees as the sphincter closes around his member, he grasps the hips of the female and he begins to pump in her. His penis enters and goes out with a moderate velocity.

Juno moans and he pushes her ass toward him, the gazelle embraces the pillow and her breasts are pressed against the mattress. Buttocks shake with each push of Alan.

He growls and pants with pleasure drooling on the back of Junoa. The rectum squeezes his penis with force and it is somewhat incredible. The female moves her rectal muscles squeezing with a rhythm the cock with a very good control, that makes Alan enjoy even more.

Alan stops and pushes his knot against the pinhole, he growls with determination pressing his knot. The hole does not resist long before letting pass the wolf's big mass of flesh.

She moans with some pain, but it is somewhat incredible for Alan. He pumps slowly and take the woman by surprise when he takes her by the horns and he increases the velocity.

Alan's thrusts are savage while he pulls the horns of the gazelle. He holds them hard while he growls and his groin hits the two round cheeks that shake with force.

His balls get wet with juice every time that they hit the wet vulva. Juno moans and also enjoy the moment in spite of the rudeness of Alan.

Alan feels that his pleasure increases rapidly, he loses control and he howls at the moment of pushing his hips against the ass of Juno. His penis throbs with force and releases wolf sperm in the anal passage.

The female whimpers of pleasure, and her anal walls squeezes Alan's penis trying to strangle it. Alan enjoys that feeling that increases his pleasure and his semen flows with more force.

A juice squirt gets his balls wet completely. Alan and Juno remain frozen for some moments until the ecstasy of pleasure disappears

His hands finally release the gazelle's horns while he pants heavily and he places his hands on the two buttocks to caresses them a little.

"You are a ruthless wolf." Juno says smiling impishly and looking at Alan.

"Have fun with my ass awhile." The gazelle says while she leans upon the bed and rests while she presses her ass against the groin of Alan. He accepts the proposal.

But he not only limits himself to enjoy the ass of the gazelle, he explores each centimeter of the female's body achieving that she moaned occasionally. His knot slowly goes flat and he can draw it from Juno Juno's awesome tail hole.

"Well that was something that I will not forget at night." Juno says sitting and taking a cloth to clean her posterior hole wiping out the seed that oozes from her rectum.

"I say the same thing." Alan says taking his clothes and beginning to get dressed. When he is ready he gets out of the room letting alone to the woman. Alan feels pleased and he sees that the guy that keeps watch of the corridor looks at him a moment.

Alan is again surrounded by music and the noise when he returns to his table. When he comes closer, Alan sees that Larry is drinking a beer bottle without a lot of temper.

"How was it?" Larry asks looking at the bottle.

"Pretty Well." Alan responds making a grin. Larry says absolutely nothing before to take the last sip of beer.

"It will be better return, we have work early." Larry says looking at Alan. He nods and yawning.

Around forty minutes Alan can finally let himself fall on his bed completely gotten tired and satisfied. He takes no time to fall asleep rapidly just like Larry.

The next morning, he growls with bother when he listens the alarm of the cellular phone of Larry. His friend also gets upset and both are compelled to get up.

Alan takes a shower first before going out to the room to get dressed, he notices that Larry in this occasion does not seem interested in looking at him. He looks somewhat tired, but also, he looks disappointed.

After one hour later, they again are close to the rest of the team in the company's stand.

The next hours do not differ a lot of the day before, but Alan notices that his co-worker does not put the same effort.

His enthusiasm had disappeared, but Alan cannot understand what happens with him, Alan gets close to Larry and touching his shoulder.

"Why don't you take a walk around? Perhaps you find an idea that it can serve us later." Alan asks with a smile in an attempt of encouraging his friend.

Larry looks at him and nods before talking with his men and going out to give a turn to see the other stands. Alan waits that his friend can feel better.

Around forty minutes later, Alan sees that Larry walks with a man, a tiger. Both chat content and Alan sees that the man passes a piece of paper to his friend.

Larry nods content and they keep on walking. Alan puts his attention in his work when he sees that a group of people surrounds the stand to see the cellular phones.

They all are busy when Larry returns and he joins to help. The hare looks more content than before while he is recovering the enthusiasm of the day before.

When they get free of the people, Alan sees as his friend focuses on using his cellular phone while he sees that piece paper. The wolf sees that Larry opens his eyes while he moves his finger time after time.

Apparently, his friend found something pretty interesting and he is completely focused on it. For noon all of them take a break and Alan has a good lunch with Larry while they exchange opinions of how everything goes for now.

For Alan everything is going well. He had seen many people interested in the new models.

Larry also considered the same thing, he has some new ideas that came to his mind during the journey.

"Well I suppose that we will be able to leave tomorrow evening without problems." Alan says looking at Larry.

"Yes, I already talked with the boys and they will take care of everything." Larry says looking at Alan. He nods.

At that moment a sound that comes from the cellular phone of Larry is heard.

He puts his hand into the pocket of his pants to take out his cellular phone and to look at it with attention. Alan sees that his friend opens his eyes and he smiles openly seeing something.

After some moments Larry again puts his cellular phone into his pocket.

"Any new things of the company?" Alan asks taking an orange-juice sip. He enjoys the taste and this cold beverage as he likes it.

"No, it is just a friend's message confirming to me a direction of a club that he recommended me to visit before leaving the city." Larry says completely content and enthusiastic.

That makes Alan feels pleased, the previous night had not been fun for his friend at and that made Alan feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Well if that club is so good, we can go together." Alan says doing a friendly facial expression to his co-worker. Larry opens his eyes completely.

Alan wishes that he may have fun also get to know him a little better, yesterday he had the time of one's life of fun thanks to Larry that gave to him his winning ticket.

"Uhmmm I do not know. It is not something to which you must be used." Larry says with a lot of worry and discomfort.

Alan sees that his friend considers it repeatedly without making a decision. Alan clearly feels something of nervousness while he thinks and reconsiders.

"While there is not something like naked clowns or old women I will be fine." Alan says while he attracts the attention of a waiter to ask for the bill and return to their work.

Alan does not have idea of what kind of club is where his friend will take him, but it should be somewhat interesting. That one is an ambiguous word that does not have justice done to what he saw and enjoyed the previous night.

If that club comes with a good reference, it must be great. Larry is completed thrilled to go this place.

"Ok... just do not complain later about that I did not warned you." Larry says sighing lightly and even showing a facial expression of worry. Alan just smiles and nods, he experienced several experiences in his life and he does not believe that something new may perturb him.

They return to the stand to continue working next to the other crew members. Soon Alan and Larry are pretty busy to think about that night.

Hours pass and by the time the sun hides behind the horizon Allan and Larry are pretty tired and both return to the hotel. It had been an exhausting afternoon, but fruitful.

Both return to their hotel room and rest for a couple of hours before preparing to go out.

Alan decides to take a shower, he takes a towel and he is heading for the bathroom where he enters and closes the door. With calm Alan gets undressed and taking soap and shampoo enters in the shower.

He turns on it and soon water begins to fall on his head and body. The wolf shakes and it runs out of breath when the cold water touches his body.

He closes his eyes and feels as his fur gets wet, but the sensation inconveniences only it lasts for a moment. Alan usually takes bathrooms with hot water, but in this occasion the cold water helps to relax his body rapidly.

With calm he takes a bath while he feels pleased that the day of tomorrow he will finally be heading home again to see his daughter and Katherine.

In spite of the fact that time was short, Alan misses his daughter. Since her mother died both accustomed to be together on rare occasions they separated for a long time, besides their union had looked reinforced since that weekend where he had felt a virgin pussy for first time in years.

Memories revert to his mind while he has closed eyes and it rubs shampoo on his head before water washed it. Images and memories make his penis react.

Alan shakes when his cock tip slides outside and is touched by the cold water. He shakes as the rest of his member slides outside and it gets wet completely.

Alan takes off the excess of shampoo and he cleans the eyes before seeing down.

He observes as water runs on all his member and get to the knot, water drips from several points. A drop of precum that appears promptly is swept by the drops of water.

Alan catches his penis with the right hand and he begins to masturbate closing his eyes while drops of water fall on him. Growling of pleasure come from his mouth while his hand moves back and forward.

He reclines his right hand to the wall while he continues masturbating, in his mind he can see his daughter completely naked bed while she whines of pleasure.

Alan imagines Samantha moving his hand on her crotch of fast and frantic way. Two of her fingers enter in her vagina while she stimulates her tits using her free hand.

The image makes his penis harden and he increases the velocity of motion of her hand.

Every time that his hand moves his pleasure grows more and more until he clenches his teeth.

His member begins to release sperm spurts that fly on the air splashes the wall. Alan does not move while he supports his penis that continues releasing sperm.

His seed falls to water and disappears in the drainage.

He pants and feels as last drops go out by the opening of his penis to fall from the tip and to disappear. Alan releases his penis and takes the soap to continue his bath.

Around ten minutes after Alan finally gets out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist while he dries his hair. He is pretty content before sitting in bed.

While he gets dry he sees like Larry also prepares to take a bath, his friend is pretty excited. The rabbit takes what's needed and it heads toward the bathroom to take his shower.

Alan finishes dried his hair and puts the shorts to begin to get dressed with calm. He takes his cellular phone and calls Katherine to know how everything goes.

The conversation with the female cat is good, but Alan notices a light tone of worry. But it should be not important because, if were something important Katherine would communicate it.

He has also a moment of conversation with his daughter, that confirms him that his daughter is well, perhaps it was some mischief that is not relevant.

Alan finishes the call after some minutes and he feels pleased of his daughter and Katherine are doing pretty well.

Alan gets dressed and is almost ready when Larry gets out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. With calm Alan is close to be ready, he notices as his friend takes off the towel to get dressed.

The ass of Larry is discovered, Alan looks at it without giving importance to him to concentrate in his telephone to hear that he received something. He takes his cellular phone to see that it is.

Alan smiles seeing Samantha's and Katherine's selfie, they two smile a lot content while they are sitting on the living room of the house of his friend.

Both look content and he likes that. Alan is ready much before than Larry, he takes his time.

Alan sees some television while he sees that his friend finally is ready.

After around thirty minutes they get out of the hotel and take a taxi that begins to move on the streets of the city. Alan looks out the window as people and automobiles move.

"Where do we go?" Alan asks looking at his colleague.

"It is a different club, there is not much of this kind in our city." Larry says trying not to look uncomfortable.

"I told you that with the fact that there are no clowns will be OK." Alan says doing a funny and friendly face to Larry. Alan cannot understand why his friend is so nervous.

"I doubt that there will not be one." Larry says with a lot of temper and a little bit of hope.

Alan nods and notices that it is really the first time that his friend goes to this club just like him.

Alan tries to imagine of type of club while they talk to each other. Around thirty minutes after the taxi stops the moment that they get to their destination. Alan pays and both come out from the automobile.

He sees two gorillas stand up at each side of main door of the club, both look threatening.

Alan can see that Larry touches the neck with a lot of discomfort while he does him a facial expression in order that they head for the door. Alan nods and next to his friend they head toward the entrance.

Alan can listen to music that comes from within, it is a very animate music that gives indication of what is happening in the inside. When they are close to the door Allan looks up to see the name of the club.

But for that moment that already is impossible for him for the point of sight, but he shrugs his shoulders and next to his friend they go by the door to enter a carpeted corridor, the walls have a very intense red color.

Larry clears his throat while the sound of music is heard a lot stronger and several voices of joy come from the interior. At the end of the corridor there are two gorillas more than the door and a crocodile watch seating in front of a table while he smokes a cigarette.

The three individuals are wearing some black suits. Larry does a facial expression to Alan in order that both moved. Both get close to the guys to pay the entrance.

The sound of the interior is blocked in its mayor part and through a bull's eye in the door go as several lights of many colors move and there are some people walking.

Until now it is not something that Alan had not seen never, his friend still is somewhat nervous and Alan cannot understand him yet. When all is paid, they can enter.

The door opens and music is heard with more force the moment that Alan and Larry enter in the club.

Behind passing the door Allan gets surprised and finally he understands why his co-worker is nervous. Alan's eyes open largely seeing that the single place is different only there are males of different species there.

He sees a couple of waiters walking from one side to side only using loincloths while they charge drinks to the tables.

"There Is one free." Larry says with discomfort pointing to a table that is free for that moment. It is a table which also it can be offered a show because it has a pole in the middle.

Alan nods and follows his colleague to the table. Alan sits beside Alan while he continues seeing what happens at the place. A young gazelle comes closer.

For surprise of Alan, Larry asks for a bottle of whiskey. That surprises the wolf a lot he says absolutely nothing in front of the order of his friend.

"Doesn't it seem a bit strong to you?" Alan asks leaning back on the back of the sofa.

"Perhaps, but the key is not to drink it rapidly." Larry says looking at Alan. He just nods with a lot of certainty of this. Whiskey is nothing new for him, but both are here in a job-travel and it is not somewhat correct to get drunk.

In less than five minutes arrives whiskey's bottle in addition to two glasses, an ice small bucket and a water jug. Alan takes glasses and puts two ices in them before pouring whiskey in them.

Alan opens his eyes with surprise when Larry drinks the whiskey in a single sip before placing the glass again at the table. Alan serves more while he notices that his co-worker is pretty nervous as soon as he says absolutely nothing.

"So... for this reason you were not comfortable yesterday." Alan says taking a sip.

He feels his peculiar taste in addition to the sensation of warmth that moves down in his throat to swallow his liquor.

"Yeah... that was not a good place for me... I do not like that some woman scrub her tits on my face." Larry says with calm while he sees the glass that he has in the hand with some whiskey in it.

"I suppose that it is true." Alan says while the lights painted in colors go over his face illuminating it for some moments before moving.

"You may have said it to avoid an uncomfortable moment." Alan says taking a sip more while he sees like one in a table that is to several steps a couple of individuals have fun with an individual that makes them an interesting show.

As much as it succeeds on the stage or other parts of the club.

"Yeah, even so I wanted to go out a moment and I didn't care. We managed to chat." Larry says reclining his back on the sofa.

"It was a nice time, but I do not understand. There is a lot of gay man in the company, and as far as I knew your you were not among them. You know the standards of tolerance." Alan says placing his glass at the table and looking at Larry.

"Of course, but it is complicated." Larry says taking a last sip of whiskey before serving himself more of the liquor.

"How?" Alan looking at his glass while leans his forearms on the table.

"It is a simple answer, Tom and Tobias." Larry says with discomfort and light bother.

"Oh... I see, they are a couple of assholes." Alan says remembering the two foxes that do not have a good reputation. They are homophobic.

"Of course, it does a couple of days I had a big problem with both, I had to stop of tips both when they were molesting to Walter. Both received a very hard memo from Charles." Larry says looking at Alan.

"Great, somebody has to put them in they place. If were for me, both already would have been fired." Alan says growling remembering those undesirable subjects.

At that moment a fox gets close to the table with a soft and confided smile.

"Gentlemen, for one hundred I give you a good show." The fox says smiling and leaning his hands at the table and looking at Larry mainly. Alan and his companion open their eyes with surprise.

But before Alan could say something, Larry nods with a lot of enthusiasm. The fox smiling with a lot of enthusiasm climbs on the table and he begins to move.

Larry's attention focuses completely on the fox that moves slowly at the table putting a lot of emphasis in the motion of his hips besides using the pole to increase the variety of poses.

Alan looks at him with the open eyes the show, this type of spectacle is new for him.

In general, a feminine performs is what he enjoys. The efforts of the fox focus particularly on Larry. He is completed focused in the show.

The wolf notices that his co-worker drools over and over again and taking more whiskey.

The fox's crotch moves in front of the face of Larry. He moves her eyes in the crotch of the other guy. The fox smiling with a twinkle unbuckles the button that supports his loincloth.

Alan sees that when the garment falls the fox's crotch is revealed. It is covered by a golden small G-string showing a very evident package below the cloth.

This attracts still more the attention of Larry that looks at with a lot more enthusiasm the package, his eyes move following the motion of the crotch of the fox.

Alan takes another sip of whiskey while he sees the show. He sees as his friend looks up with petition to the fox. The guy smiling smoothly places his hands on the front part of the small G-string.

Alan looks with surprise that the fox frees his cock that bounces on the air lightly in front of the face of Larry. Alan's eyes open largely with surprise the moment that his colleague gobbles up the axis of the fox and he sucks it without stopping while the fox moves his ass circularly.

Much to your surprise he feels that his member begins to react seeing the improvised show of oral sex. His member's tip slides out of his sheath and it begins to grow.

Alan takes another sip of whiskey with discomfort seeing as his friend sucks with zeal, his saliva drips on the table. The fox begins to move his hips of back and forward.

He growls of pleasure and two minutes later he does a push in the mouth of Larry pressing his knot against the mouth of the rabbit. Alan sees as the cheeks of his friend swell up.

Larry does not pull back his mouth of the knot until the fox pulls out his penis completely. Some seed drips from the mouth of Larry before he swallows it.

The fox comes down from the table taking his loincloth while Larry takes out his wallet.

Alan sees that his co-worker draws a bill from two hundred to offer it at the fox. He smiles at before going away to get lost between the other customers and staff of attention of the club.

"I am sorry, but I could not resist. I do not usually come to these clubs." Larry says taking his glass and drinking it completely in a single motion.

Alan again gets surprised and he begins to worry that his friend ended up completely drunk. He also drinks occasionally, but this is something pretty strong at least for somebody like Larry that is not apparently involved in a very active social life.

"I understand, don't worry." Alan says shrugging his shoulders and trying to show that he is not still affected. But his penis is something else, he feels like his member is hard and it pressed by his shorts.

At that moment a young cougar gets close to both. Alan recognizes him because he was seated in a place located in front of him and Larry. The cougar was with another pair of men, Alan did not pay attention to them.

"Hi big guy I thought that maybe you would like to join me and my friends for an amusing night, a big guy like you can be certainly fierce. Your mate must know it very well." The cougar says caressing Alan's arm slowly and looking at Alan and next to Larry.

Alan gets surprised completely.

"I am sorry, but I am not in this kind of things." Alan says growling with a lot of bother and indignation.

"Well... you lose it big boy." The cougar says without hiding his bother being rejected.

Alan sees that he returns with his friends.

They are an elephant and a tiger. The cougar sits at the right of the elephant in the meantime the tiger is at the left-hand side. Both men look small in comparison of the guy in middle of both.

"I am sorry about that, you know the big man... the other smaller." Larry says with a lot of discomfort while he takes whiskey's sip.

"I Understand." Alan says growling smoothly. He gets surprised a little seeing that cougar in the other table begins to caress the elephant's crotch shamelessly.

The tiger at his side also begins stimulating the big man. He that does not seem annoying and opens a little more his legs while he takes a sip of liquor.

"You know... it surprises me that your team of more confidence are women... with what happened yesterday." Alan says in an attempt of changing the subject. He for the corner of the eye sees that the two subjects continue stimulating the elephant.

"Well I feel comfortable with them, in my particular case it is something that I appreciate." Larry says also looking at what happens with the three subjects.

Alan becomes uncomfortable feeling as his penis throbs with force being under pressure in his shorts and it strives to be free. Alan's eyes open completely seeing that the tiger opens the button of the pair of pants of the elephant.

"They know about my pleasures and they do not worry that their boss sexually-harass them or so, if by any chance there are a rubbing or something. Miriam and girls know that it is not somewhat intentional." Larry says taking from another big sip liquor.

Alan does the same thing. His eyes open completely when the hands of the cougar free the elephant's member.

"Fuck." Alan says to see the tremendous erection of the pachyderm. It is a cudgel of meat pretty thick. Alan this sure that with a blow well done with that thing could put him out of count.

The tiger and his companion begin to give oral sex to the man. He moans and that has a good time by attention on his crotch. Alan only can shake his head having a guess at as such piece of timber cold fit in the holes of the tiger and of the cougar.

"What bothered me is someone shake the tits in front of my face." Larry says without taking off his look of the spectacle that the threesome in front of them are given to everyone there.

"I see." Alan says even looking at the three men. The cougar and the tiger lick the erection without stopping. Their tongues move up and down trying covering with saliva that big pole of flesh.

Alan looks away feeling that his member throbs with more force and the precum goes out by the opening of his cock. His precum gets his shorts wet the more of the sticky substance it sprouts.

He tries not to pay attention to what happens, the sex between men never attracted him, but he feels a lot of discomfort having an erection. He does not feel attracted by men, but the sexual spectacle clearly excites him without desiring it.

But even looking to another side, he cannot escape to see something sexual happening to his around. The music in addition to the aroma of sex on the air make him get harder than before.

He is afraid that the button of his pants not resist more and fly through the air besides that his pair of shorts broke.

"I will go to the restroom a moment." Alan says getting up rapidly and moving.

Larry just nods even with his attention addressed in the three subjects that give a spectacle that he does not wish to miss.

Alan moves fast while there is a very evident tent in his pants, he looks around looking for the restroom. A red light blinds him for a moment before turning his head.

He becomes happy seeing an indicator sign where the restroom is, tightly next to the bar where there is a couple of guys were seated. They drink without paying a lot of attention to him.

Alan hurries up to enter in the restroom and to see two guys in front of the washbasin while they chat. Alan immediately enters in the first free cubicle that he sees.

He closes the door rapidly and he opens his pants and decreasing the front part of his shorts letting his free member. His member bounces on the air releasing a little spurt of precum that falls on the toilet that is closed.

Alan closes his right hand around his member to he begins to masturbate, but a growl of pleasure surprises him. This puts his ears in alerts listening to a groan of pain and pleasure in the next cubicle that it is at his right side.

He reopens his eyes listening with care, he is a deep groan of pleasure, Alan buckles up his pants and he with care he climbs on the toilet to have a look about what happens in the next cubicle.

Alan opens his eyes with surprise seeing a bear reclined against the toilet in the meantime to big rhinoceros is fucking with force. The bear growls with force while his ass is whammed.

The rhinoceros's member moves back and forward very between the buttocks of the bear.

Alan gets surprised to look as the shaft is pretty thick. The rhinoceros realizes that they are been seen and he does an open smile to Alan.

He gets surprised and again he places his feet on the floor while the growling of pleasure does not stop. Alan feels as his penis is harder than before, he again opens his pants to take out his penis and to masturbate.

But a motion in the left panel suddenly makes him stop, he for the first time notices a hole in the divisor. Alan opens his eyes when a tongue goes out by the hole and it moves on the air.

Alan looks at the tongue that indicates to him that he come closer. Alan does not know what to do now, but a moderate shake of the right panel and a strong growl of pleasure makes him make a decision.

He moves and with a little bit of uncertainty he introduces his penis through the hole, he does not feel something for some seconds, but a slow lick on his shaft makes him quiver with pleasure.

The rough tongue makes him growl of pleasure, Alan closes his eyes feeling more licks on his hard and sensitive member. The subject in another cubicle licks slowly covering his member in saliva.

The tongue moves on his knot and next the tongue moves down to lick his balls; his testicles get wet in saliva and they are lifted-up on the air. The mouth closes around his right testicle and a hand closes around his penis begin to masturbate him slowly.

Alan moans and growls permitting that pleasure controls him, the motion of the hand is slow. Teeth dive in his ball pulling it a short time before releasing her.

His other ball receives the same treatment while the hand is moving, the spurts of precum get out of his penis. He hears as the men in the right cubicle get out from there.

Alan moans and growls when pleasure focuses on his hard flesh, a mouth closes around the tip of his member. The tongue moves slowly on the tip and it does him quiver.

A pant of pleasure gets out from Alan's mouth at the moment that the mouth begins to move back and forward. He moans and he keeps in position enjoying the oral sex of a stranger.

The saliva drips from his penis, he moans and growls seeing the divisor. His flesh hardens but while he listens she sound of slurping. Alan fails to pay attention to voices and noises that happen to his around.

Alan closes his eyes feeling that his member slides more in the mouth of the guy, his shaft slides in a throat and the nose touches his knot. Muscles squeezes his penis.

He growls feeling the squeezes around his shaft, Alan begins to move his hips and the man does not move. His shaft rubs on the tongue and it releases more precum.

His penis enters and gets out of the throat until the man in the other cubicle begins to suck his penis with force. A right hand catches his balls to massage them.

The wolf growls while his precum increases due the pleasure. Alan concentrates not to be discovered, he would not like that somebody looks at him in this position.

This is a situation than he never experimented in her life. Alan feels as is close to release his semen and he pushes his hips clenching his teeth with force.

His member begins to shoot powerful sperm squirts, he moans and the sucking intensifies. Each drop of seed is swallowed with pleasure and the tongue moves on the tip of his penis.

Spurt after spurt is shoot and his pleasure keeps on becoming extinguished. Alan pulls his penis and rapidly he takes his pants to lift them and to buckle up it just like his belt.

He rapidly gets out of the cubicle, everything is empty and Alan gets out of the restroom and soon he is surrounded by music and the fun. Alan now with more calm he heads toward his table.

But his penis does not hide in his sheath, it fills with blood again when he sees a couple in complete fun in a corner of the dancing floor. Alan gets close to his table and he gets surprised seeing that other men are occupying it.

Larry just like the bottle of whisky had disappeared. Alan growls and without a great deal of enthusiasms he sits on a stool in the bar. He asks for a beer bottle to have something to drink.

He does not know where his friend had gotten into, and his fears apparently are confirming. He has a drink of beer while music surrounds him just like the lights.

The people this pretty animate at that moment.

Alan gets surprised a little when a big hand rests on his right shoulder, he raises the head to see as a great bear looks him from above.

"If you look for fun you could join me in one private room." The bear says rubbing his crotch in back and the ass of Alan. He gets surprised and growls with bother until the bar attendant comes closer.

"Joel, leave him in peace, he is not interested." The guy says while he dries a glass. The bear sees as Alan that looks at him with bother, the man leaves and Alan hears that he babbles something against him.

"Joel is a big guy that thinks that everyone wants the big piece of flesh he has between the legs." The bar attendant says finishing to dry the glass and placing it on its place.

"I Imagine it." Alan says looking at the bar attendant. He is corgi with big ears like any male or female of his kind. His stature is low so he must use a couple of drawers to stand up on them to equal the bar in height and to attend the people.

"My name is Bryan." The dog says showing up while he finishes dried a glass.

"Mine is Alan." Alan responds while he sees the man. He nods while continues with his work.

There is a mirror behind the corgi and Alan opens his eyes seeing as in a close table there is a trio. His eyes open seeing as a coyote rides of reverse cowgirl a big Great Dane.

The Great Dane smiles while he enjoys the moment.

Alan can see his cock appearing and disappearing between the buttocks of the man that sucks the member of a hyena than is stand up in front of his face.

"I suppose that it is your first time in a place like this." Bryan says looking at Alan.

"Uh uhu... Yeah... I prefer more conventional clubs." Alan says swallowing hard feeling that his penis again reacts, by the reflection of the mirror go as the three men continue having fun.

The member of the coyote wobbles without control on the air. To some meters from them there is a horse receiving the fellatio from a suricate. He fights to maintain his feet on the floor while he clings to the equine's member.

"It does not surprise me, it is not the first time that I see to one straight guy coming here, some make it for curiosity without knowing where they get inside. Everything here can get much salvage of what they thought." Bryan says doing a funny face.

Alan nods while he feels as the tip of his penis slides out of his sheath and it presses his shorts. The wolf shakes lightly feeling the rubbing of the cloth with his penis that only makes his member grow up more.

"But I suppose that you had some fun in the restroom, you took long there." The corgi says while he cleans another glass. Alan opens his eyes with surprise and says absolutely nothing while he tries to know how he made what he made there.

"I suppose that it was a blowjob, uh?" Bryan asks winking an eye to Alan.

He does not respond and he drinks another sip of beer while the many-colored lights move everywhere illuminating his back occasionally.

Moans and heavy breathing blend in with music and make the penis of Alan again grow up while he takes more beer. Soon all of his cock is trapped in his shorts releasing precum.

Alan looks at the reflection in the mirror of the bar and he opens his eyes seeing as the big knot dies out between the buttocks of the coyote that lets off a groan of pain.

But the guy which that enjoys the oral sex obliges to the other one to continue his job.

That achieves that Alan growls softly, a new visit to the restroom would not perhaps a bad idea. He has pain in his penis being hard and trapped in such a small space. But Alan does not want to get up and permit that somebody else notices the tent in his pants.

"If your cock bothers you, I can give you a hand in that matter." Bryan says looking at Alan with a soft smile. Alan gets surprised and he does not know how to say at that moment.

"As I said... I am not..." Alan says looking at the corgi. The small dog laughs. That surprises a little to Alan.

"I did not say that you are one, just leave me to handle it. You do not have to make nothing more than fucking me hard. I suppose that you like to fuck an anus." Bryan says looking Alan.

He only nods swallowing hard.

"Hey Ralph!" Bryan says turning over and looking at other side of the bar where a leopard is serving a drink to a customer. He the guy turns over seeing his co-worker.

"Can you cover me for some time?" Bryan asks with a friendly look his friend. The guy nods before reverting to his works.

Bryan takes off the apron and he goes out of behind the bar while Alan only looks at him in silence. He swallows hard at the thought of where he had gotten into.

Bryan does him a gesture in order that he follows him, the corgi begins to walk and Alan follows him. He becomes tense a little while he walks behind the man, Alan avoids people and groups that enjoy the moment.

The small dog takes a dark corridor only illuminated by a couple of soft white lights behind the stage. There are several doors, some of them closed and other ones opened, between the music of the club Allan listens moans and grunts come from the inside of some rooms.

Alan walks and stops to see an opening that permits him peeking inside the rooms. He with disguise looks inside of one of them.

His eyes open completely seeing his co-worker riding a fox while he gives manual stimulation to other two men that are at to each one of his sides.

Alan looks at the scene without being able to believe it, he feels that his penis hardens a little more and he sees toward the left to see like Bryan is next to a door that is open.

The wolf nods and does a last peek inside the room before going where the rabbit awaits for him. He arrives there and Bryan enters the room and Alan follows him. He goes in a little place.

The floor this carpeting just like the walls, there is a good-sized mattress in the middle.

In a corner there is a chest that is closed.

"You can close the slot, if you do not like to put a show for the other ones." Bryan says making a grin while he takes off his vest and he begins to get undressed with pleasure.

Alan nods and he closes the slot before seeing as the Corgi takes off the vest and the rest of his clothing that he places in bed, in a distant corner.

"If I have semen stains in the clothes, I get into trouble." Bryan says taking off the shorts to throw them next to the heap where they are their other clothes.

Alan nods and he also gets undressed, makes sense since he does not wish to have any semen stain in his clothing either. Although he has a pair more in his bag in case of emergency.

He takes off his pants to be in his shorts. Alan swallows hard when the Corgi comes closer and he kneels down before him. Bryan takes the waistband of the shorts of Alan and he pulls them down at one stroke liberating the wolf member.

Alan sees as the eyes of the dog open completely with admiration, Bryan licks the mouth seeing Alan's erection. He sees as the Corgi sees as his member with pleasure.

Bryan begins to nuzzle the wolf's two big balls, he sniffs with closed eyes perceiving the aroma of the fur that he likes very much. Alan closes his eyes when the dog begins to lick his balls slowly.

The tongue moves from the bottom up over and over again getting wet in saliva the two testicles that are pretty weighed in order that the tongue of the little dog raised them without difficulty.

Alan feels as Bryan bites his balls and pulls them smoothly before releasing them. His skin contracts time after time, he feels as the precum drips from the tip of his penis and it slides down on his hard meat to his knot.

Alan moans while the slow sucking continues, he opens his eyes to see as the Corgi performs. Bryan makes it with a lot of pleasure while he stimulates his own penis.

Alan takes his penis and he aims it at Bryan's mouth, he with a lot of pleasure takes the member in his mouth the best that he can. A growl of pleasure gets out of Alan's mouth.

His shaft gets wet in saliva and Bryan begins to suck with slowness, the precum gets abundantly out of the opening and it is sucked with pleasure by the dog. For Alan, Bryan looks like a cub that breast-feeds his mother's tit with voracious hunger.

Alan growls and moans while he feels as the teeth of the dog rub on his meat while he moves his head. The right hand of Brian takes the balls of Alan to stimulate them.

Alan sees as the man works at his penis of marvelous way, his talent is good. Alan places his hands behind the head of Bryan and he begins to move his hips.

The wolf growls of pleasure pushing his penis inside mouth of the dog that does not resist, Alan shakes with pleasure when his shaft slides in the throat and the knot touches the lips of the other guy.

He does not move and Alan feels as the muscles of the throat run on his penis clenching it repeatedly while his cock continues liberating precum that goes straight to the dog's stomach.

Alan begins to move his hips again fucking the mouth, his knot hits Bryan's lips repeatedly. The dog sucks over and over again while the saliva drips on the carpeted floor.

Alan's pleasure keeps on increasing, so he stops and slowly draws his penis from the mouth of Bryan. The dog opens his mouth and the member slides outside and hangs between the legs of Alan.

The saliva drips from it while Bryan licks his mouth content.

"A pretty delicious piece of meat." The Corgi says while he continues masturbating. He releases his penis and gets on the mattress to lean backwards onto it.

Bryan stretches his hand to take one of small bottles the lubricants, he extracts a little and without a lot of haste he applies all his hole. Alan meanwhile stimulates his penis that was pretty hard.

He kneels down between the legs of the Corgi . Alan takes the small bottle of lubricant to extract some the slippery substance and covering all his penis with it.

He shakes lightly feeling as the cold substance touches his sensitive flesh, Alan sees as Brian gets ready raising his ass a little on the air.

With calm Alan places himself better supporting his penis in the hand, he aims it down toward the crack of the ass of the other male. The tip comes between the two ass-cheeks.

Alan rubs the tip in the crack until he feels that it touches Bryan's posterior hole.

The wolf does a strong push and his member's tip passes through the sphincter.

Bryan growls of pain. Alan moans with pleasure, he pushes his cock that is wrapped by the internal heat of Bryan slowly. The Corgi pants and moans while he masturbates.

The posterior tunnel keeps on filling up as Alan penetrates it slowly.

"Too Tight." Alan says growling smoothly. The posterior tunnel is tight, certainly due to the smaller frame of the other guy. At last, the knot touches buttocks and the member's tip presses the rectal bottom.

Alan raises his ass and he moves it down beginning to move in the ass the dog that moans and pants with pleasure. Alan's penis moves in a and out without stopping, he occasionally leaves the tip inside before pushing again in the corgi.

The anal passage caresses his cock that releases precum, Alan growls and enjoys pumping his member. But pleasure is not as good as he has a good time when he fucks Katherine's ass or the one of Samantha.

Alan sees as Bryan growls and moans while he masturbates rapidly. He can feel the aroma of the canine member that gets to his nose, the squirts spatter the stomach of Bryan.

His thrusts soon slow down a bit and he closes his eyes to try thinking that he is fucking the ass of any one of the several women that he had pounded in his bed.

"Problems?" Bryan asks comically. Alan opens his eyes with a little bit of surprise.

"I suppose that you do not like the sight a lot." The dog says releasing his penis and looking at Alan. He does not know how to say at that moment, Bryan had hit him on the correct spot.

"You must be questioning yourself, don't you?" Bryan asks while he uses his anal walls to give a squeeze to Alan's shaft. He moans smoothly and says absolutely nothing.

"Let's change of position, that way will be better for your mind." Bryan says without demonstrating bother, he rather seems to try not to laugh. He moves and Alan's member slides out of his ass.

Alan sees that the dog leans on his hands and knees raising his anus. Alan positions himself behind him and takes his penis to aim it at Bryan's posterior hole again.

The tip touches the sphincter and Alan pushes again. His groan of pleasure is heard at the moment that his member enters in the tight ass. Alan holds Bryan's hips and he begins to pump.

The corgi moans with pleasure while Alan does not stop. He sees the other guy and he is easier for him to keep the beat, he can imagine himself fucking a female's tail hole so there is not trouble.

The anal passage is tight and he wants to enjoy it completely. His penis enters and goes out without a lot of trouble, the dog moans under his hard and fast pumping.

The member's tip loose more precum and the buttocks of Bryan shake with each blow of the groin of the wolf. Alan moves his hips in circles achieving that the corgi grunts with more pleasure.

The tip of the member of Alan gets in a couple of cracks stretching them lightly being penetrated. Alan's pleasure increases and he pushes his knot with force.

The sphincter begins to surround his knot and soon it slides inside being devoured by the ring of meat of Bryan. He screams of agony and pleasure when the wolf fills him completely.

Alan increments the rhythm of his pushes while he growls ferociously, he feels as his balls hit Bryan's testicles, but he no longer cares about that as he comes closer to the climax.

In a couple of minutes later Alan feels as Bryan pushes his ass toward him and the anal muscles around his penis shake and squeezes his cock with force.

He notices that Bryan had reached an orgasm. Alan pushes with force and clenches his teeth releasing his wolf cum in the ass of the dog of smaller size.

Bryan pushes with more force his on the groin of Alan. He does not release the hips of the dog emptying his balls in the anal tight passage that fills up with semen and the penis of Alan throbs without stopping.

Pleasure slowly is disappearing of Alan's body and he pants completely satisfied when being able to relieve all his impulses of a non-sought-after way.

He releases Bryan's hips and he gets surprised a little to have been capable to enjoy the ass of another male. He had never made this before but clearing also he never had fucked so tight ass like the ones of Samantha or Katherine.

Alan feels surprised of himself too, he perhaps is not heterosexual after all.

"Very good for a guy that feels confused on his own sexuality." Bryan says looking over shoulder to Alan. He opens his eyes with surprise.

"No... I just a... I have a girlfriend and I had cheated her." Alan says tried dissimulating what actually he has in his mind. He sees as the corgi laughs animatedly.

"Come on, don't worry. You are not the first man that have doubts and conflicted feelings with himself. I told you that sometimes I saw heterosexual males come without knowing where they are getting inside, and later some of them return over and over again." Bryan says with a funny look and moving his ass.

"You can take it out, if you want. I think that Ralph would get upset to cover me for more time." The dog says looking at Alan. He nods and takes the hips of the dog to begin to pull his penis out.

Both moans with bother and pain, Alan continues and he feels as the sphincter of Bryan keeps on opening slowly. His knot keeps on stretching it little by little, his knot keeps on appearing and when it is half way out, Alan does a strong pull.

The rest of his member comes out without problems from the ass of the dog and it bounces lightly. Alan gets surprised and moans when Bryan turns over and takes his penis in his mouth to suck it.

He moans and sees as the man licks each part of his penis. This lasts around five minutes before Bryan stopped and moved back to be able to clean himself. Alan quietly looks for his clothes and he sees as his cock keeps on contracting to hide in his sheath.

Alan avoids looking at Bryan, but this experience makes him think about himself. While he finishes gotten dressed, Bryan opens the room door. The loud music again is heard.

"I wait for you in the same place, I owe you a beer." Bryan says winking an eye to Alan before going out and leaving him alone. Alan does not move while he listens music and the party in the exterior of the room.

Alan takes a deep breathing and he gets out of the room, tightly when going out he bumps into three guys that enter in the room and the door closes behind them. This makes Alan feel some curiosity, but he decides to control himself and to go back to the bar.

He moves in the corridor avoiding the couples and guys that look for a free place

After some minutes Alan manages to get close to the bar, the stools are practically free and he retakes his place. At that moment Bryan serves a cold delicious beer bottle to him.

The other guy that takes care of the bar had disappeared, it is perhaps his turn of having fun.

Alan takes a sip of beer while he sees as Bryan moves about doing his job. The man is a nice and pretty educated guy.

At that moment the seat at his right is occupied by a man.

It is a red panda of low stature like the ones of his species, he jumps up to the stool and he sits content.

"Hi Greg!" Bryan says completely content while he gets close to greet the newcomer.

"Hi Bryan, a glass of your better bottle of whiskey!" Greg says completely thrilled and looking at Bryan. He nods and serves the glass to the red panda, he drinks the liquor in a single movement.

"You look pretty animate." Bryan says while he serves another glass to the man. He nods content.

"Natasha soon will give birth, so I decided to have fun while she can rest." Greg says completely happy looking at Bryan. He smiles while Alan gets surprised and he growls upset.

Greg is close to take the second drink, he stops and looks at Alan raising an eyebrow.

"Do you have some problem, sir?" The red panda says with some bother.

"I do not like the guys that cheat their wives and come here to celebrate, and she is pregnant by the way." Alan says with complete bother and reproach to the man.

Greg gets upset, but Bryan makes him a grin in order that he says absolutely nothing.

"Forgive him my friend, he is new in this place and he does not understand." Bryan says looking at the red panda. He opens his eyes and nods.

"Before judging me... in the first place you must know that Natasha is not my wife, she is my friend." Greg says with bother looking at Alan. He opens his eyes with surprise.

"In second, she is lesbian and I am gay. We just cohabit like a good agreement." Greg says taking the glass of whiskey to drink it.

"I am sorry. I made a mistake." Alan says recognizing that he did wrong judging Greg without at least to know him.

"It is well, I will let it pass just because you are new." Greg says doing a friendly and funny face. Alan nods and introduce himself the guy, both begin to have a drink and chat.

"Natasha and I are friends from children and our families are very close, but her parents are not people that accept our kind without difficulty. I had luck with my family in that aspect." Greg says looking at Alan. He nods lightly.

"My Parents understood it and as they have my sister and my brother I should not worry about the subject of the grandchildren." Greg says while Alan takes another sip of beer.

"Knowing that her parents would not tolerate her preferences, we decide to live together like a way of helping her. Her parents would think that we were in love or so until Natasha found out the way to tell the truth to them." Greg says while he drinks a little more liquor.

"But unfortunately, they perished. So, Natasha decided to go ahead and to live her dream life with her lover. They got a donor and live in my house, in that way I can help them a little and taking care of Natasha." The red panda says looking at Alan.

He nods quietly.

"I am sorry about what I said before, I do not like cheating." Alan says drinking another sip beer.

"It is Something pretty comprehensible, I know several customers that come very frequently and have wives and children. Many of them are hiding those who they are and they are cheating their wives." Bryan says looking at Alan.

"But that farce can be hardly ever sustain itself for a long time, they must admit to themselves who they are at some point. For that time, it already is late and they destroy their families and to themselves." Bryan says looking at Alan and using his nose to point a man that it is at end of the bar.

Alan sees a tiger seating there drinking slowly. His look is lost in his glass. He looks completely shattered and sad.

Alan nods in silence.

"Now that Natasha is accompanied, I decided to have some fun, it has been some time ago since I do not find a good cock." Greg says looking at Alan and Bryan.

The Corgi laughs smoothly.

"Well, our friend here has a big piece of meat between the legs, he gave me the best pounding of my life." Bryan says looking at Greg that gets surprised just like Alan.

He notices that the red panda rapidly puts his attention in him.

"Do you care, if I try it?" Greg says looking at Alan with a lot of expectation and emotion.

Alan opens his eyes with complete surprise and looks at the man that expects his answer with a lot of longing.

Alan thinks it for a moment, but after all is said and done besides the experience with Bryan was great. Alan would not pass up another opportunity to have a little more fun.

The wolf shrugs his shoulders and he turns over leaning on the bar, he opens the belt clasp and the button of his pants to tell the guy that he can proceed. Greg opens his eyes and he rapidly steps down of a jump of his stool to get himself in front of Alan.

He sees as Greg stretches his hands to take the waistband of his shorts and to take down the front part exposing his sheath and his black balls to the red panda.

The man's eyes open largely and he brings closer his nose to Alan's balls to sniff them.

Alan feels the hot respiration on his fur.

Greg takes out his tongue and he begins to lick balls while he stretches his hand to take the sheath of Alan and begin to give it pulls. Alan feels as the hand stimulates his genitals.

Alan looks as people keep on they enjoy the party and nobody pays attention to them, so he feels more comfortable. Soon the stimulation makes his penis react and this begins to get covered with blood.

His shaft begins to emerge by the opening of his penis while Greg continues caressing his shaft. The guy's eyes open more seeing as the masculinity of Alan emerges.

Soon his penis catches up with all its size and the swollen knot is on the base of the canine member. Alan shakes lightly when the bent red panda's hands take his member and they begin to caress it.

He enjoys the motion of the hands. Alan pants and sees as Greg looks at his penis without stopping to move his hands. The guy licks his licks and he aims Alan's penis at his mouth.

He moans and shakes with pleasure at the moment that part of his penis enters in the mouth of Greg. He begins to suck with pleasure, Alan closes his eyes and moans enjoying the sucking.

The mouth feels marvelous around his hard and throbbing cock. He feels as the tongue touches his member's tip picking up the whole precum that sprouts by the opening.

Alan moans and opens his eyes to see as the other man sucks his penis with a lot of pleasure. Greg moves his head lightly since the difference of height between both is enough and Alan still is seating on the stool.

He sees as Greg opens his pants button, the pants slides to the floor in the meantime the sucking continues. The bent red releases the balls to take his own shorts and to take down completely.

His penis jumps at sight, it is not big, but it should be a good size for somebody of his species. Alan moans and sees as Greg passes his pants and shorts to Bryan.

He hides them behind the bar while he looks content the show.

Alan moans with pleasure and closes his eyes. Music and the other sounds to his around do not avoid him to enjoy the sucking of the red panda.

Soon this pleasure finishes and Alan opens his eyes. He gets surprised seeing that Greg is on his stool turning his back on him. Alan sees as Greg takes down his ass, the small guy has Alan cock's in his hand.

Alan does not move and permits that Greg makes what he desires, soon his member's tip gets in the crack of Greg and soon touches the sphincter of the red panda.

Greg begins to push his ass down without that Alan did not take his sight away. Alan hears that the small guy pushes with force and Alan is not sure that that hole would open.

Alan notices that Bryan smiles while he sees everything from the bar and he finishes drying a glass. That makes wonder, if Bryan is pretty sure that his friend can make it.

His penis tip suddenly passes through the sphincter and it is surrounded for the internal heat of the man. Greg moans with pain and Alan moans of pleasure.

The bent red panda takes down his ass without waiting.

"Damm!" Alan says feeling as his penis is devoured by the anal very tight passage of Greg.

"Huge and thick." Greg says moaning and moving down more his ass. Alan moans and sees that Bryan smiles smoothly. The wolf soon feels that his cock tip touches the tunnel bottom.

Alan gets surprised a little and he moans when Greg begins to move his ass and to ride him with pleasure. The anal walls move up and down around his shaft, Alan can calculate that just two third parts of his penis are inside the other male that moans of pleasure.

In the stool Allan does move while he enjoys pleasure, Greg moves with a lot of pleasure and a little bit of difficulty. Greg's hands cling to the stool without he stops moving his ass.

Alan sees a pig gets close to them. The guy greets some friends with who he crosses in the way.

"Hey Greg. You did find a good thing." The new guy says stopping in front of the stool and looking as his friend rides Alan.

"Uhmmm, you should try it after I do, I believe that I will tear apart by this amazing thing." Greg responds looking at his friend without stopping to move. Alan moans with pleasure, the slow motion makes his pleasure not grow rapidly.

Greg wants to enjoy this what's more he can.

"I don't doubt it, it looks huge. I must record it." The man says taking out his cellular phone and preparing it to record everything. Alan opens his eyes with surprise and a lot of discomfort, he does not want that his visit is registered and lose his work.

"David, nothing of compromising photos, he is a very important friend." Bryan says with a little bit of warning to his friend.

"Yeah... yeah whatever you say." David says taking his cellular phone and beginning to record what happens on the crotch of Alan. He avoids look down and he reclines much more to prevent that is face appears in the video.

"Don't worry, David is not a guy that loves ruin to the people for evilness. He will not bring you problems along." Bryan says looking at Alan. He nods and moans with pleasure closing his eyes to enjoy the moment.

Alan growls again when David's mouth joins the pleasure that Greg gives him. The guy sucks his balls with pleasure, Alan did not know how will finish the night, but sometime he should thank Larry for this interesting night.

A couple of hours later Alan with difficulty gets out of the elevator growling while charges and holds to Larry. The wolf growls feeling his friend's alcoholic breath, as he had feared, Larry had gotten drunk.

"Eh Alan... are we going to continue the fun?" Larry asks laughing completely content.

Alan says absolutely nothing while he grabs his friend with force and preventing that he fell on a little decorative table.

Their room fortunately is close to the elevator and Alan has a pretty difficult moment to open the door with his friend on his back. Alan manages to put the key into the lock and he gets surprised when the right hand of Larry catches his crotch and he gets a squeeze.

Alan sees that his friend smiles with a lot of pleasure while he has closed eyes. The wolf growls and finishes opening door.

He drags along Larry to his bed and Alan throws him there before returning to close the door. Alan finally feels relieved, pass through the reception had been very uncomfortable.

Alan growls with bother seeing as Larry is knocked down in his bed without moving, while he babbles something and calls his name.

Without a lot of pleasure, Alan proceeds to undress his friend, he sees as there are several cotton wool spots for several parts of the pants and other parts of the clothes.

Alan shakes his head and only leaves his friend at his shorts, he places Larry on a good position in order that he rested. Alan knows that things will get difficult tomorrow.

He yawns and decides to rest because he needs it. Alan gets undressed and places his clothes on a chair before getting under the bedspreads and closes his eyes to fall asleep rapidly.

Alan growls while his eyes blink lightly, his sleep is incredible. He has his daughter sucking his member with pleasure, the mouth moves up and down on his erect member.

His shaft is surrounded by the saliva he drips to his knot, the very good and almost real pleasure, too much to be only a dream. Alan opens his eyes when he feels a motion below him.

Alan opens his eyes with complete surprise feeling as a mouth moves on his cock. He looks down to see ass Larry is on his chest in bed, he sucks his shaft with a lot of pleasure and delight.

This is completely unexpected, he never granted permission to his friend ad hoc. With a blow he could get rid of him, but Alan thinks about another strategy.

All her preparation makes him reason in possibilities and contingencies before any situation, so he takes his cellular phone and begins to record what happens, he makes it for a couple of seconds.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Alan asks looking at Larry that suspends the sucking to draw the penis from his mouth and to lick the hard meat.

"Making what I wanted to make it long time ago, your cock is more delicious of what I was thinking." Larry responds beginning to kiss Alan's knot and to lick it slowly.

Alan stops the recording and moans with pleasure.

This is a lot confused. But since his friend owes him one due the problems that he gave him, Alan decides to collect payment from him now.

The wolf permits that Larry continues, the rabbit makes this with pleasure. Alan feels as his colleague sucks his balls of slow way, the foretooths of the rabbit dive in his balls of deep way, but by chance it is not painful.

Larry continues and he releases the two balls time after time. Alan only looks at him and sees like the hare again concentrates on his knot. The wrinkled tongue pleasures the wolf, he whines and that drops his head in the pillow again.

The tongue moves up on his shaft arriving the tip, her friend begins to move his tongue on the tip of his member collecting each drop from precum that oozes by the opening of the cock.

A hand massages his balls with calm. Alan growls when the mouth engulfs his shaft and begins to move up and down. Larry sucks with pleasure while the sound of sucking is heard in the bedroom that it is to semi-dark.

Alan growls of pleasure, he opens his eyes with surprise when Larry takes part of his penis in his throat. The muscles of the throat squeeze his penis.

The hare's mouth touches his knot, Alan growls and pants with pleasure. His friend begins to move his head and the penis enters and gets out of the throat.

Pleasure intensifies in a few minutes after Alan pushes his hips, he clenches his teeth releasing his sperm in the mouth of the hare. Alan feels as Larry swallows his semen rapidly.

Each drop that gets out of his penis is absorbed hungrily by Larry. Alan moans with pleasure seeing as his co-worker sucks with zeal drinking all his cum.

Alan shakes with pleasure when the rabbit resumes the licked on his member of slow way, he licks the knot and the balls without stopping. The wolf pushes Larry with force leaning him backwards in bed.

Without problems Alan positions himself between the legs of the hare. Larry with pleasure holds his thighs and holds them to raise his ass on the air to expose his hungry hole to Alan.

He with his penis in hand gets comfortable aiming his member to the midway of the buttocks of his co-worker, the tip gets in the crack and Alan moves his shaft a little tracking Larry's posterior hole.

The wolf finds his objective some moments after and he pushes with force getting sphincter open and penetrating into the other man. Larry moans with pain and pleasure, Alan also moans for the hot hug of the entrails around his shaft.

The anal walls squeeze it, his co-worker is pretty tight, Alan pushes slowly sinking more of his hard meat in the pretty tight passage.

Larry has a tight anus, it is comparable to the one of Bryan, but not equal to the one of Greg.

Alan has his closed eyes enjoying the moment until his knot touches Larry's buttocks.

With calm Alan begins to move with pleasure, his penis shoots precum inside the rectum of Larry.

Before this travel, Alan never crossed with Lary and he only knew him as part of the work-staff, but apparently this was not important to Larry, he already had an eye on him since long time ago.

Alan moans and growls of pleasure, he sees as the member of the rabbit bounces right along with each strong push. With a little bit of curiosity, he sees the other male's cock, it does not have a knot and is longer than thick.

The tip is pretty pronounced and the jets of precum are dripping on the stomach of Larry.

Alan moves penetrating deeply before of withdrawing his penis.

Alan's eyes open completely with surprise when Larry surprisingly embraces him and he tries to kiss him. Alan pushes him taking it off on top, Larry's body bounces lightly.

Alan draws his penis from a pull and seizes the hips of the other male to roll him over and lifting his ass. Larry accepts and he leans on his elbows and knees with a lot of pleasure.

Without waiting, Alan penetrates into Larry in a single push without paying attention to the groan of pain of Larry. Alan holds the hips of the hare and he begins to pump with force.

He moans just like his friend. Alan feels better in this position, Larry would not try to kiss him again. Fucking his anus is not problem but receiving another male's kisses is not something that pleases him.

Alan feels as the sphincter moves back and forward on his penis, his balls slap with force the balls of inferior size of Larry while his friend squeezes the bedspreads and he offers his ass with pleasure.

Larry's buttocks shake with each slap of the groin of Alan, he holds Larry's hips and pushes with force without stopping to think about his friend. His knot stretches the sphincter and penetrates into the rectum.

Alan listens to the yelp of pain of his co-worker that bites the bedspread. Alan's thrust accelerates and he growls with force, his pleasure grows rapidly.

The wolf-like precum increases in quantity splashing more the anal walls.

Alan feels as the muscles of his friend become taut, he moans with more force and his hands squeezes the bedspread with more force. The anal walls clenches with more force his penis.

Alan restrains himself not to howl, he clenches his teeth and pushes with force. His penis begins doing eruption inside the anal passage. The powerful sperm spurts get out of his cock with force bathing the inside of Larry that quivers lightly.

Alan's eyes are closed completely enjoying the climax. Alan gets surprised when he feels a pull, a pull that drags him down. He sees below him and he sees as Larry is offered in bed with the ass raised on the air.

Larry's snoring is heard in the bedroom.

"Great." Alan says with bother. He begins to pull his penis and a couple of minutes after all his member slides out of the ass of Larry. The body of the hare bounces lightly without that he woke up.

Alan growls and he heads toward the restroom to wash up, he makes it without being able to believe what has just to happen. Some minutes later Alan turns off the light of the restroom and enters the bedroom.

He sees as Larry does not move, Alan lets himself fall in the other free bed. With a growl Allan closes eyes to fall asleep, needs a little bit of sleep for this day, the last one in the city.

A couple of hours later Alan growls with bother when the alarm of his cellular phone begins to sound, he did not want to get up, but he must do it. Alan gets up and seats at the edge of the bed before moving and taking his cellular phone that is next to the bedside table of his bed.

Alan turns off the alarm and he sees as Larry still is naked sleeping like a log. Alan growls and he begins to get dressed hurriedly to go at the convention.

A half-hour after Alan heads toward the place to help and to instruct men of Larry. For his fortune as it is the last day of the convention it is not a problem to organize everything.

Alan feels happy that at last he will see Samantha again, he already misses her and he expects to know how it was for her and Katherine during this time of get-together which Alan expects that both created a lot of bonds of friendship and understanding.

For the midafternoon Alan already can say that everything is done, Larry's group fortunately knows what to do, so he leaves everything in their hands as it is settled.

The tickets of airplane are prepared and Alan does not want to miss the flight. He returns to the hotel to prepare to depart and to wake up Larry.

That is not fortunately a problem because when he enters in the bedroom, Allan finds out that his friend is sit at the edge of the bed rubbing the neck with a little bit of pain.

"Finally, you are awake." Alan says closing the door and looking at Larry with bother.

"Yeah... it was a pretty savage night, wasn't it?" Larry asks while he growls stretching his body a moment.

"Do you remember what happened?" Alan asks upset and leaning on a table that is near.

"Of course, my ass also reminds it." Larry says pleasure and happy. Alan growls smoothly.

"Do you know how much difficult was today? I had to ask to the employees of the hotel that they did not do the cleaning, I called to the company and I had to reported you as sick and I had to take care of everything in the convention. Luckily your people are pretty competent." Alan says with a lot of anger.

"Ok... ok... I get it." Larry says without stopping to look content.

"But good also you had fun, now you can fuck my ass every day, before breakfast, at noon, after-supper." Larry says looking at Alan with a broad smile and his tail moves with a lot of temper.

"What does make you think that?" Alan asks with surprise and raising an eyebrow.

"The hard pounding of last night was pretty clear." Larry says with a little bit of confusion.

"That is nothing, I do not know what you have in mind, but I have a fiancée. Practically with a ring in her finger, I have a daughter." Alan says looking at Larry.

"The young get accustomed rapidly. Don't you see that achieve all this was very difficult for me?" Larry says looking at Alan. He raises the eyebrow one more time.

"Do you believe that we ended up in this bedroom was chance? This favor from Robert was very expensive. He knew about my interest in you for a long time and he took advantage, this it is the opportunity that I desired and did not know how to get close you until last night when we went to the club. I know that you enjoyed it." Larry says looking at Alan with some anger.

"I like to fuck asses, it is not of great importance of a male or woman, I told you that I have fiancée." Alan says crossing his arms.

"Do you believe that she would love to know what happened last night?" Larry asks with some anger and threaten in his voice. Alan laughs and that surprises Larry a lot.

"I doubt that she cares. How do you believe that we came to the first club? She recommended me it because she knew that I would like it. I guess that she would ask me if her ass is better that yours." Alan says looking at Larry.

The hare gets surprised.

"And don't threat me, with what I have recorded what I need to accuse you of sexual harassment or something like that. In two minutes you would be kicked out of the company and you will never get a job in the city again." Alan says growling smoothly.

Larry gets surprised and says absolutely nothing.

"You are a nice guy Larry, but a relation with a man never was neither will be present at my mind. If you have that present from now on we can leave this subject back and continuing working side by side. You are an intelligent and competent guy which I do not wish to ruin life. Ok?" Alan asks looking at the other man.

The only answer is a nod from Larry, he quietly looks for his clothing.

With the subject solved, Allan looks for his belongings and both prepare to return. Alan more than ever wishes to be home.

Around two hours after Alan and Larry are sitting in the airplane that begins the cartload and shortly afterwards the aircraft begins to move faster. Alan feels the pull when taking off.

Finally, he already returns and he cannot wait for meeting with Samantha and Katherine.

Alan, Barret, Franny, Richard, Tristan Elwyn, Franklin Wiley, Susan, Samantha, Katherine, Diane, Start, Rosalyn, Tabatha, Amy, Travis, Stan, Larry are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

Balto joins to the training

The eyelids of Kodi quivers lightly and he moans in the meantime his head move from one side to other one. He opens his eyes feeling an incredible sensation between his legs. He feels confused while he moans and he is leaned backwards in his mother's...

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