Heckabun vs Gayle 1
T: both of them really resilient! h: yes, indeed. it seems even this demonic creature has its work cut out for it. t: be nice hanioc, she have fun with gayle. and gayle tough lady.
The Half-Neutered Half-Wolf
His balls were appropriately sized in proportion to his body, about the size of oblong grapefruits, which seemingly only increased their resilience.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 19
Malkar, however, was wearing a surface world coat that was supposed to give him warmth, but his resilience to cold was less than the ash hound trying to save him.
The Long Journey Home, Chapter 4
The quick, resilient snicker was the one of the last sounds that jon was allowed to make, that evening. \*\* for otters, trees were a symbol of strength and respect.
Drift - 03 - Utopia
He was terrified at the change, knowing he didn't have dustin's resilience... but at the same time he couldn't abandon dustin to the planet. it was no wonder that utopia had been bombarded and quarantined.
A Burden of Stripes [Commission]
"would you mind telling me who this resilient little puppy you're sitting on is?" "he's a filthy criminal, caught trying to steal fish from the royal market, your highness.
Punished by the Gryphons
He liked testing the resilience of a dragon's balls. he adjusted his grip, then squeezed even harder. makaidos tensed hard as his balls were savagely pressed into each other.
Keeper of the Forest
It possessed a level of intricacy and resilience that seemed to defy the crude shoves and pure willpower he'd grown so used to deploying, and thus far had managed to deflect every attempt to force it to his will.
Chapter 2: Darkness Descends
"my people are very resilient to injury" he told them. "is that how you survived the crash?" cynder asked. wonder was now evident in her voice. "to be honest with you, i shouldn't have survived." galinoth replied. "why not?"
Battle of Wits
I do find violence quite detestable, but i see it is something that i must resort to if you are as resilient as he has been.
Spare Part's Graveyard
It was resilience.
Vijaya's Pet - The Tender Show
Despite her small size, she has always been resilient, and even though aelis is monstrously sized for a woman, her length is nothing compared to other creatures she had taken before.