Spirited away!
#2 of halloween spirited away! by puma & darkstar concolor it has been many years since i was last on this road. long ago i had given up traveling on foot. i had traded in my back pack for a horse and wagon and later a truck and trailer.
The Forest Spirit
'a charm to deter evil spirits.' she recognized the writing flipping it over a few times. the kitsune ripped the paper in half and set the two pieces aflame with a disdainful frown. 'i am not an evil spirit!'
Lively Spirits
Her beloved spirit answered the silent plea of her flesh and came as well his unearthly seed intensifying her orgasm further.
Spirit - The Start
spirit wraps his arms around the other wolf, and begins to lick and clean the other wolf, starting with the area spirit had bitten on the other world, who lets him. it tastes good, it is right. "spirit." spirit growls to the other wolf.
A Spirited Evening In
He had found a kindred soul in the spectral girl, both aching for companionship but both running into barriers keeping them painfully isolated.
Lake Spirit
A deer takes a walk in the woods and has a run-in with the spirit of a lake. the deer's uncertain steps came to a pause, and he scanned his surroundings. he _thought_ it seemed familiar.
Spirit of \'67
When there was a show on at the spirit of '67, no disturbances were tolerated.
Forgotten Spirit
The life spirit curls into the fetal position, covering her face with her hands. "go, xani. go back to where you came from. go back to your people, leave this ancient spirit to fade away with her people."
Warrior's Spirit
I pledged now for two souls, and for the return of my beloved's spirit to her cryo-preserved body.
The Spirit of the Forest
I was honestly very frightened of the forest spirit.
Wolf Spirits
Children, who would grow unnaturally strong, and unnaturally fast, offering their tithing to the spirits of the wolf. end.
Christmas Spirit
The spirit of the season had never been stronger.