Tabitha's Kittens

Whenever tabitha was being bullied by older kids or received unwanted attention from overly sexed males, ryan would stand up for his littermate, doing everything he could to protect her.

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The Snow Leopard's Companion 01

We can find a way to get a letter to your littermate. we can't exactly send a courier, but i'm sure we can think of something." the wolf smiled then, the first one i'd seen on him. it was bright and pleased, his tail waged.

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The Big Decision

There are two little male pups inside you...and it would seem that they're already aware of each other", the doctor mentioned as the ultrasound showed the one of the pups gently nuzzling against his littermate.

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Catholic Bitch: 21 Jump Treat

Don't you remember your littermates?" "um, yeah," he said uncertainly. " do they get _in_there?" he asked, pointing to trudi's belly. "marty, sit," she commanded. he sat. stepping forward, she pointed to his little, golden sheath.

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We Travel Blind

His sire, dam and littermates; the cubs he had grown up with and gone to school with... people who had seen him getting changed to do sports, go swimming, bathing... _yeesh. that's more than i thought!... did i advertise, or did it just happen that way?

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WAR!... By the Light Chapter 14.

Yes i am scared shitless...but i will not be cowed like a runt pup in the corner by his littermates. henry has shown balls defying me and his dam..." ysmay bristled slightly at the compliment to her errant offspring.

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By the light... Chapter 14 WAR

Yes i am scared shitless... but i will not be cowed like a runt pup in the corner by his littermates. henry has shown balls defying me and his dam..." ysmay bristled slightly at the compliment to her errant offspring.

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Maggie's Decision

My sister and i are happy to endorse any couples like us that want to show their appreciation for their littermates through sex, but you need to be careful if you do it", her brother added a few moments later.

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The Pack's Dilemma

But niju's littermates died soon after - the rapist had returned, demanding we hand over them so he can return to his pack with a new breeding stock. we refused, and in the ensuring battle, lika, mel, and maesi were thrown into the sea.

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Celicia's Brother (Part 2)

In addition, melissa and her littermates were able to attend the barbecue, as well as sapphire and hir twin brother ruby.

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Chapter 1: Bennett's

"that was one of ellie's littermates," she informed jason. "she wants to come visit wednesday to see ellie. it might get a little crowded around here if everyone wants to do the same. i hope that won't bother you."

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