Drinking Problem
His beak softly nuzzled into her folds, the vixen letting out a gasp of pleasure as his beak felt rough along her inner walls.
Party Favour
It meant lowering himself down, interrupting the others, and fidgeting until he and marten were both pumping into the penguin beak, alternating. two in the beak, technically two under the tail.
The griffon and the tigress
With a toss of his beak her thighs were gone, a gulp pulled in her calves, and a second easy toss of his beak disposed of her padded paws.
Raindrop Prelude
The robin's head was bobbing hungrily again, and its beak was stretched grotesquely wide, searching for food, any food. gingerly, the weasel kit poured a little sand into the beak.
The First Step
Kira's beak clicked again and she quickly lowered herself down to look at the hard masculinity of her trainer, gazing at it for a long time before opening her beak and letting her rough, dry tongue slide across it, causing verg to moan softly.
Gryphon’s First Flight: A Second First Time (erotic eBook teaser)
A gryphon's beak was a dangerous tool indeed and one could not possibly be too careful with that. relica licked the edge of his beak, tasting himself on eos' cock, although with the other drake's cum.
Doubling Eroticism
A beak may not have been suited a much as she would have liked but she could still nuzzle and please, teasing even further back, letting the weight of nalu's balls spill over her beak.
Tarred Feathers
As her orgasm died down, the older crow slowly lifted herself up off orin's beak. he took a deep breath, licking around his beak for the sprayed liquids. they had a somewhat different sweeter taste to them.
Master Crane's capture
The paw then raised to the leather cuff on crane's beak. "time for your payback, birdy." came a growly, menacing voice. the leather cuff was yanked off crane's beak and tossed aside.
Hard work has it's rewards
Slowly, until his beak just touched the tips of the fur of the lowest-hanging one. he slipped his head forward until his nares were underneath of lion's furry sack. gryphon raised his head slightly, draping lion's balls across the cere of his beak.
Falco, I Understand Why You've Done that (StarFox Fanfiction)
Katt happily nodded as she let him fuck her with his beak. "yes, but use your beak this time," she said. falco got on his knees and continued the sex, but used his beak for this. katt continued grasping the bed as his beak penetrated her pink slit.
A Bird of a Particular Feather
And then her beak was up against his, the bird struggling to kiss him even as he helpfully returned the favour, wrapping his arms around her and clasping the back of her neck lightly as he dropped kiss after kiss onto her beak.