Reptilian Meet

He lets go of the cot and drops his arms to the ground again, his cheek going against it as well as he whimpers in bliss.

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Bad Porn: Chapter One

This isn't a tile floor, it's a cot... a hospital cot. where am i?/ the room was illuminated by fluorescent ceiling lights through a translucent cover. it was a sizeable room, along with a strangely large cot... with two pillows.

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Cabin Fever

. :3 cabin fever he woke up on the cot of the small two room cabin. the snow was still falling after six days, rising three feet tall in front of the door.

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Chapter Two

Nadirah snorted in annoyance at his words and turned her back on him as she dumped her clothes across the surface of her cot. "don't mock me for your own carelessness." she snapped coldly before reaching for her pack to retrieve dry, clean clothes.

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Inhuman | Epilogue [old edition]

He looked around, feeling like he'd noticed something vaguely unusual; his eyes then found his and aki's cot, which had been moved slightly out of place.

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Jumping for Joy - Part 2

When she knew he was fully erect and hard, she rolled back over and giggled, staring at him upside down with her head hanging of the edge of the cot.

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Chapter Two

Her wolves laid in their cot as always curled around each other. "time to wake up." jayden just grunted and curled tighter around his brother. not ready to wake up. ava got out of bed and came over to their cot.

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Jherik's Tale - Part 3

The fox grinned at him and then guided him to the cot. "lie on your back?" jherik obliged, stretching his bulky frame over the small cot. benton knelt at one end, and lowered his nose to jherik's sac.

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Chapter 10

With a tired moan he rolled of the cot and picked up his helmet and resealed it. he reached down and picked up his abandoned supplies repacking them in the pouches.

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Brothers in Arms - The Battle of Evermore

She pushed this oddity to the back of her mind as she grabbed her combats from under her cot.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twelve

._ tired, nishant allowed himself to collapse on the cot.

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