Pegged & Knotted
Especially as he knelt on all fours on his bed, the simple room around him tasteful in shades of grey and blue. it was only a shame that he was forever leaving white clumps of shedding fur around it whenever he was moulting.
Hidden Desires
"tell you what, how about i rent that new flick you wanted to see. 50 shades of grey fox just released on furflix." "what "fur"ty 8 hrs. isn't out yet?" "the remake? i hope not." sapphire grinned she knew suel wasn't one for remakes.
Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication
One book series to note, having made it to the big screen, is fifty shades of grey by el james.
Housewife Number 377
Her entire coat had lost its color as well, faded into monochromic shades of grey from head to tail. almost every trace of her individuality had been removed to make way for her new life to begin. "good...your name is housewife number 377."
Cat Chat (Herm TFTG PG Wodehouse Style)
I look in the mirror, and sure enough, i have the fur, i have the ears, albeit in a lighter shade of grey, just like that cat i mentioned.
Lust on the Breeze: Pegasus Stallion Delights (erotic eBook teaser)
Whereas one kept his mane long, as was the tradition, the smaller, second pegasus had his mane cropped short in an upright style that revealed different shades of grey running through the hairs that were less obvious when the mane was kept long and flowing
Glimmer - Part 04
Ravi's eyes sparkled with excitement as he look in the the place, the walls adorned in neutral shades of greys and whites with darker accents punctuating ari's monotone tastes.
Time Magic
Even as they did, though, they nestled in, slightly closer and tighter against mathias's crotch, and the skin, much like the rest of his skin at this point, became a shade of grey akin to marble.
A Fated Reality-Chapter 21
** **volucris: you promised we'd watch 'fifty shades of gray' with cobe today! you've been holed up in here making new shit that you wanna avoid!** **come on! don't break cobe's heart...** **me: [groan] fine...** **moncheli!
Meet Miss Sonata
They lost the telltale shine of awareness, then gradually faded to a light shade of grey.
Orc Milkings
The creature certainly looked human, or at least its face did, but its skin-tone was a distressingly bland shade of gray. sky-blue eyes started back at him, so intently that el macho found himself backing away a bit.
Revealed: Chapter 6
Each of the wolves were the same shade of grey. i would have to rely on size to tell krauss apart since he was the largest of them. "they follow me and i get his strange feeling as if they are family."