Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 121

Circling the carriage, they found rapidash standing before it, waiting to be latched on while chris squat by the lake, checking where he'd buried the magikarp's remains and nodding before returning to the carriage himself. "all good?" serenity asked.

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When You Love Muscles So Much

Well, considering that fighting types were about as scholarly as a magikarp marooned, his chances of getting in were higher than the stratosphere. and he made short work of his entry too! just by walking in through the front door.

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Angel in the Alleys

It gave him the appearance of a magikarp gasping, pulled from its domain and forced onto solid ground. "w....what are you doing here?" he challenged her. "this is...this is my house."

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Rinta: Island of Freedom - Part 7

Richard, his face now matching a magikarp's scale coloration, nodded eagerly before his cock finally came free covered in a mix of his and claudia's juices.

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MoN - Ch. 10: The Sheltered Land

I just forgot his skin isn't quite as tough as a magikarp's. i'm more worried about him not reacting, screaming, or beating the daylights out of me from that bite. that kind of sleep is unnatural."

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MoN - Ch. 4: Reunited, We are One

But buizel are capable of living out at the ocean, since their buoy-like flotation sacs can keep them afloat in the ocean while they sleep without fear of drowning, and they can dive to catch fish like magikarp, finneon, and remoraid.

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Halloween Special: The Next Year

As easily caught as a magikarp, i cringed, watching the door open. rather than the burly security guard i was expecting to see, the form was slender and small, wearing what looked to be a costume.

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Destiny's Song: Chapter One- The Way of The Tribes.

If she could just....get.... her paws beneath herself instead of splayed out in all directions like a damned dying magikarp she could throw her off!

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Pokemon Lover Studios, Chapter VII

"i still feel like i've been beaten with a magikarp," brendan grumbled. "kadabra?!" kadabra whispered in fear. coral turned her head aside and whispered, "that heal pulse must not have worked as well as i thought."

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The Long Overdue Finale

And soon, they would, dana coming out with a plate of cooked magikarp with a salad on the side; kobi had him looking starved with a platter of tauros meat and steak sauce. "u-uh...."

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Developing Prints - Chapter 1

Now that part can really suck sometimes - i once was stuck as a magikarp for _three days_ because that particular test subject didn't understand how octillery mate. but this... this is _much_ better.

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