1000 Words: Parent Trap
The trap in the attic had been set, and her prey walked obliviously through the kitchen downstairs. how would he react? she couldn't know. would he ever forgive her? could he possibly understand how difficult this was for her? "son?"
Trapped - Ch 2 ~ The Defloration
The big horse wrapped an arm around her waist and kept her trapped against him, her nude body pressing up against his, the massive shaft of his manhood trapped between their bodies, pointing down along her thigh.
Trapped By The Rubber Wolf Woman
As the jelly-like layer tightened on him, he finally realized what she had trapped him in. he was trapped in a double-layered bubble!
Rubber Bunny Suit Trap
Part 1 rubber dolphin massage https://www.sofurry.com/view/1361300 other spinoffs squeezed by the balloon snake https://www.sofurry.com/view/1361301 trapped by the rubber wolf woman https://www.sofurry.com/view/1364709 the homing capture balloon https://www.sofurry.com
YCHtober Day 18: Trap
At least it sort of fits the trap theme because you trapped me in a ball." greenie crossed their arms. "but i'm going to find her." lysandre looked down at the grunt turned pokemon, and then at greenie.
Traps in the Ruins (Original version)
He stopped dead, coughing and sputtering, with his hind legs still pressing down traps. matessie breathed deep again, bounding forward to pull the dragon's legs out of the trap area.
Trapped Above Cloud Nine
"p...please...release- "you're not going **anywhere,**" serapha replied, cutting the trapped rabbit off in the middle of what was already a staggering, struggling plea. with the faintest shake of her collared head, suzanna tried to speak again.
CYOA: Love Potion - Traps
_ no, not only was she still in city limits, but no human would set a trap like _this_. still, she paused, debating whether to step into the ring of fungus. choices: a) step into the ring of mushrooms.
Tentacle Traps In the Hedge Maze
"your new destiny, regardless of what your old one was...is to doom others to the same fate that we've trapped you within..."
Tales in Taboo: Rat Trap
You (a male chestnut anthro stallion) barrel down the dark city sidewalk only just illuminated by a few flickering street lamps. Your partner, an anthro german shepherd, runs full tilt just a few feet ahead as you chase a shadow that appears and...
Trapped On The Highway To Hell(With Tuck)
He had a fat gator seated on his lap, dick sheathed within that trap of a snatch and not one drop of his own corruptive spunk gracious the surface of his meat when the gator started rising up to ride him again.
Trapped in the Simulation: Part Three
And the poor goat would be trapped in orgasmic bliss forever.