Every Guy Deserves a Man Cave

The canine slumped slightly into the larger anthro's side before he nodded with a content expression. his response brought a smile to the dane's muzzle.

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No Small Feat

But... if a little stupidity was what had kept him believing all this time, and if a little more would lead the far larger anthro dragon to continue to pleasure his micro-sized familiar through her supposed heat, erna wasn't going to complain about

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I love my fennec vixen

"us fennec's use less oxygen then humans and larger anthros. so the plane losing cabin pressure didn't affect me." she watches as eric trussed up the figure. the plane banked to the right. eric found the head flight attendant and took her keys.

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Spare Parts

The tentacles grabbed his wrists and ankles and held him suspended in the center of the cage, and the same thing happened to marvin, the larger anthro struggling desperately.

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Cow-Boys and Aliens

He heard his friend groan through gritted teeth and looked his way just in time to see him spasm and jerk with bliss, a set of gestures that the larger anthro was intimately familiar with. they stared at each other and panted heavily.

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Copycat Problems

It was in that state, minutes later, that a much, much larger anthro entered the showers, dripping with sweat and panting softly with exertion, undressing themselves and pulling a towel out of their locker to cover their modesty, given the sound of someone

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Fifteen Minutes (Neon City, Book 2): Chapter Six

Oddly, the woman barely budged, but the much larger anthro spun and lost his balance. her hand went up to her vest, a frown flickered over her face, and she whirled around and clamped a hand onto the dog's arm.

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Chapter 29: Back to Square One

The cheetahs and larger anthros in the group looked older and more of a command status. the humans standing there had two silver bars on their helmet, as opposing to wagner's single bar.

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Cheating Death: Chapter 3

Things were growing worse outside of these walls, they were getting hard enough that kalan had been sending out the larger anthros to ride herd on the more submissive ones.

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Far North

She slowly opened the door, holding it firmly against the whipping wind outside as a much larger anthro wolf pushed in past her. she slammed the door shut, leaving the two canines safely inside, staring at each other awkwardly.

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[C] Within Limits

The black man kneaded those seed factories to the best of his abilities, hoping to get the larger anthro as comfortable as possible, that he may have a taste of his fresh seed from inside one of those nuts.

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