Metempsychosis II - Nathaniel and Storm

I was conceived, after all, as a battle machine. ~ - i-i see... glad you're on my side. - ~ so am i, pilot. i took my place in the seat and as before, i felt the connection from the neural link.

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The legend of a warrior, chapter 16 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - From father to son

Killer and alexis had good expectations from the studies on the two combat machines, but they were also well aware that most of the two robots had been lost.

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Planitary CH1: School-grounds, both unbelievably boring parts to any great story

Some form of combat mech aimed at the child with pulse grade concussion blasters, it's wide optical receiver turning red as a symbol of it's intentions.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 9

It had a single staring eye that was looking back and forth, protected by a metal grating... but what sabnock was trying to hit was the mage wearing a skull mask on top of the battle machine, who was guarded by four amazons.

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Family Matters (long Rocket fanfic)

After years as a team, or year in lylla's case, the crew was a well oiled combat machine. wires sparked as rocket worked, and overhead lights came on. "i'm powering these off the emergency reserve, so we don't have long.

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Another Time: Chapter 6

All that bulky metal and the billowing grey cape that fluttered behind him just made it seem like he was a child placed into a massive battle mech. that, or he was compensating for something...

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 41: Glacial – The Last Wing to Tear

Nigel was a giant, and a powerful, excellently-trained combat machine, and no one had ever been bigger and stronger than him. save for alexis.

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Toxic Love

Is this truly the pinnacle of this world's unmanned combat machines?" "to be honest... yeah." i replied as the hail of bullets continued to bombard my friend.

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The Explanation to Everything

I've got the blueprints for a blade-toothed gear i was going to make for a part of my battle machine. it will work perfectly. kreia: could you make a single large one? tumba: yes, i can. i'll have it to you in three days time. kreia: wow.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 72 - Planet Hell

They had been part of the resistance against the occupation army led by riaku and they had fought against the ra's technological battle machines and against regina's demons in argolis.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 74 - Stygian Fields

Steel ramps had been built into the lower jaws of the ship-eaters to let the demons and their combat machines walk over and above the deadly, immense fangs of the monsters and blood leaked out constantly from the points where the heavy structures connected

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