The elk pointed at the bag of translucent yellow solution.
Age Difference, Amputation, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, BDSM, Balls, Bestiality, Body Modification, Boerboel, Bondage, Breathplay, CBT, Canine, Castration, Chastity, Choking, Cock, Cock And Balls Torture, Deer, Dog, Domination, Domination/Submission, Elk, Feral, Fucking, Gay, Genital eating, Leather, Male, Male/Male, Medical Procedures, Mind Control, Non-Consensual, Pet, Pet Play, Piercing, Rhino, Sheath, Size Difference, Spanking, Submission, Surgical, Suspension, Tiger, Whipping, brainwashing, rope, shibari, surgery
She curled her lip at the elk, fighting past the fear that bubbled in the pit of her stomach.
Anal, Blood, Blowjob, Creampie, Cum, Cumshot, Elk, Forced, Forced Sex, Fox, Jackal, Lion, Lynx, M/F, Magic, Mink, NC, Orgasm, Presenting, Rape, Story Series, Straight, Vaginal, Violence, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf, Wolverine
Carting an entire pot of soup off to his office, the elk thought back fondly to when he was considerably... less elk than he was at present. this had been nearly two years before, when he had finally achieved his third and final michelin star.
Elk, Fat, Obese, chef, eating
A healthy elk could run faster than they could, but they could run further than anything alive. this wasn't a healthy elk in any case. it bellowed its pain and rage between massive heaves of air into its chest.
Anal, Compassion, M/M, Non-Anthro, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf
The elk snapped as he charged suddenly at the man.
Anal, Dragon, Elk, Gay sex, Harem, Humans, Male, Male/Male, Male/male/male/male, Muscle, Oral
Tyler was, like bruno, circumcised; but his cut had always been a fair bit more moderate than the elk's.
Asexual, Bisexual, Bovine, Buck, Bull, Casual nudity, Cervine, Circumcised, Cum, Ejaculation, Elk, Exhibitionism, Father, Friendship, Gay, Humor, M/M, Male, Male/Male, Masturbation, Mature, Middle aged, Musk, Nudity, Precum, Premature Ejaculation, Scent, Stag, banter, dad, mutual masturbation
Any traces that the female elk had ever been human were gone forever. what was left behind were the instincts and personality of a supplicant young elk cow who'd just enjoyed her first mating with the herd's alpha.
Bestiality, Breeding, Cervine, Elk, Gender Shifting, M/F, Male, Male/Female, Mature, Military, Musk, N/C, NC, Non-Anthro, Non-Consensual, Pheromones, Pregnancy, Punishment, Revenge, Shapeshifting, Telepathy, Transformation, Transgender, Transsexual, tf
Tisha ate, her thigh pressed against marco's as the two of them sat across from black elk.
Character Development, Female, Human, Husky, Male, NaNo2012, No-Yiff, Plot Development, Post-Apocalyptic, Story Progression, Story Series, survival
Arianna moaned out, feeling absolutely drunk on this elk.
Anthropomorphic, Bath sex, Bathing/Washing, Blizzards & Snowstorms, Car Accidents, Cheating, Christmas, Deer, Deities, Doggy style, Drama & Romance, Elk, Feral behavior, Furry, Guardian Angels, Holiday, Hot Springs & Onsen, Lap sex, Love at first sight, Magic, Marriage proposal, Near death experiences, Romance, Snow, Spirits, Yuletide, ascension, caves, divorce, gods, marriage
Covered again, sairai tried to keep her position, sliding back through the mud slightly as the elk pulled roughly at her rump. finally, she got strong footing, and began to push back against the elk, moaning.
Bestiality, Centaur, Cervine, Gang-Rape, M/F, Oral, Pain, Psychological, Story Series, Vaginal
Gasping, she stared incredulously back at the elk, uncomprehending as the elk violated her again, entering her roughly and deeply.
Bestiality, Centaur, Cervine, First Time, Incest, M/F, Pain, Psychological, Rape, Story Series
Across from them, black elk did the same.
tisha tried to keep things light herself, despite her earlier flashback.
Character Development, Female, Human, Husky, Male, NaNo2012, No-Yiff, Plot Development, Post-Apocalyptic, Story Progression, Story Series, survival