Crenna Odyssey (part 4)
You gassed me!" jason now almost overcome with pain, his head felt like it was going to explode. "what did you do to me?"
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Fourteen
Instead, we have discovered a way to use the gasses in the earth's atmosphere in place of a second mirror." "gasses?" sarah repeated. "i don't understand." "think of it this way," lucius went on, raising his hands to mime the process.
Police Dog, Part 4: 1st Day On The Job
When Alex entered the police dog's section of the police station three mornings later, having completed his police training in a day thanks to a brain implant and being given another day for rest, he was surprised to find the front ("recreation") room...
Over My Head
Lighter feeling as the strange gasses started to enter his body. soon after, a strange fizzy liquid poured into his hollow form. really getting those haunches swell up drastically as the rest of his body barely changed.
Anno Domini
So bog er in die gasse ein und traf schon das erste bekannte gesicht. „guten morgen willibald!", rief der wolf einem etwas fülligeren feldhasen zu, der ihm entgegen kam.
Timothy in the dark - Episode 02: Der Darkling
Mit einem klirren erlosch die straßenlaterne und die gasse wurde in dunkelheit getaucht. franks augen brauchten ein paar sekunden, um sich anzupassen. dann sah er eine leblose katze von der laterne herunterfallen.
Drachenherz Teil 26
"komm zum palast von rain silves und warte dort auf mich.", sagte sie zu nickte und verlies die gasse.
Bounce House Party
And the cause of this sudden gape was a rush of fur-scented gasses, another rumbling belch, right in the zigzagoon's face.
Coyote Quarantine I
The whole point of this gassing tactic was to avoid armed standoffs, reduce the danger and prevent casualties. if any virus carriers slipped through the cracks, it would only extend the pandemic.
Ich springe von dach zu dach als ich schreie höre aus einer dunklen gasse heraus, meine nase verrät mir sofort das dort 3 männliche ghoule sind und ein normale frau. ich entscheide mich die situation vom dach aus zu beobachten.
Fur Fighters, Chapter 1
She kept on silently gassing him, and his struggling began to slow down as be became light-headed, his vision blurring, the sounds of the cheering crowd sounding further and further away.
Shift: Stalling 3rd
gassing out of the corner i gained a good amount of momentum to see the rear of my corvette rounding a corner. i pushed the antique car to 5th and had to lower it once i hit the turn. the tires squealed and the front right was nearly off the road.