Don't Dream Its Over - Chapter One -
Ashtail and greytail are two young kangaroos, who share a dark secret, yet their love is unconditional and as deep as can be. don't dream its over chapter one © cederwyn whitefurr 23rd june, 2019 all rights reserved.
Let It Loose!
After all, he cared about his hairstyle, treating every piece equally and with deep, unconditional love. isabelle grinned wide, seeing his reaction.
Spending the new year Chapter 3
Alyssa loved oliver unconditionally, but would most certainly throw a fit if she found out about his preferences. she might come around, eventually, but for now it was best to stay quiet.
The Blessing and The Curse - Part 11
The kind of unconditional love your parents could only hope to give you. "grateful," i said this time. gregory leaned over to give me a peck on the cheek. "i'm glad you appreciate the gift i've given you, nick."
To Wish Upon a Star ~ CH 1
Tonight wasn't a good night to get brian all emotionally rattled up, still upset over the absence of love in his life as he climbed up his bunk and found a comfortable position to fall asleep in, which normally included embracing and basking in the unconditional
it could happen,,, part 4
I diddnt feel like her father, just the feel of being someone to rely on, that can be trusted, and love unconditionally."
Heaven on Earth
They were filled with care and love, the kind of unwarranted, unconditional love that a mother gives her child. and a mother she definitely was.
To Route 213.
Skye enjoyed ruki just as much as she would human companionship, except ruki loved her unconditionally, and she couldn't screw up their relationship that easily. "you wanna go up to the deck? i'm sure we can see sinnoh by now."
Spring Break Chapter 9
Finally giving those wonderful loving mice their very own legacy of this epic night of unconditional love.
Beloved Father and Lover
He stayed with damian, loving him and unconditionally caring for him like all those years ago. sitting in front of me, harry broke down into raw sobs once he described going to the funeral.
D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Prologue
They loved him unconditionally, and he knew that. but the guilt never went away, and this was something that had taken away many nights of sleep. he needed to clear his mind and search for answers.
Duty Chapter 23: The Intersection
Joji head jerked as he let out his litany of cursing and swearing but still keeping his eyes unconditionally fixed on the body of alex until the cat's feet stepped in front of him.