The wolf must know some german, presumably an important asset in his trade.
Outgrowing the Position (SynTech)
Suit meld... 100% communication... 100% power usage... 15% program memory... 2% so, the german shepherd pulled it off after all.
Sean nodded and slipped them up the german shepherd's legs. "there we go." sean said, helping the german shepherd to stand, kissing him. colton smiled and kissed him back.
Kinktober 2018, Day 20 - A Message from Home
The german shepherd nodded to the picture on the bedside cabinet as nalani dropped to her knees in front of him and began to loosen his belt.
At the communal laundry room
The canine complied and christian felt a bit dizzy as he saw the big, masculine body of the german sheppard.
Swinging the Other Way (2/2)
Once more the german shepherd found himself confused before his eyes were drawn down to the tight shorts that the mutt wore.
The female dog clenches her teeth and the knot of the german shepherd stretches her inside and her juices help to jack.
He was a german. scott stood in shock for a second, while the german soldier continued his slow advance up the trench.
The Dog Dungeon
Shuffling around the german shepherd presents himself with both his hands and knees on the cold surface of the floor.
Courage Under Fire
He indicated the dead german driver by kicking the body with his boot. "quit it," kowalsky said, frowning. he was part polish, and spoke a little bit of german.
High School of Cliches: Coming Out
The german shepherd perked his ears up. "oh uh," he replied with a distant shrug. "not tonight. i've got some homework in chemistry."
High School of Cliches: Homecoming
While the german shepherd blushed and covered his cheeks with a free paw, holden laughed for another moment.