It was the strangest thing, it had been some warning of a prison for mias.
A soft song from a bird perched on a tree in the street, mixed with the morning rays of sunlight piercing through the small cracks in the cream, flower-patterned curtains marked the time as morning. From under dark blue bed sheets, two bodies shifted....
To Mate a Bastard
mia had several quick dreams, remembering nothing when her senses awoke to roars and warmth. mia knew she woke last.
Date-night dinner
The snake wrapped her legs around mia and grabbed her harder and mia assumed that she was going to come as quickly as mia had, moments ago.
Tablet Master - Chapter 3
Other than that, mia does not need to sleep, mia is as strong as ten humans, mia can regenerate wounds, mia can see very well in the dark, mia can hear much better than other humans, and mia can turn invisible at will.
Lucky Husky 13 - With Friends Like These...
She started pulling it up over mia's head when mia tried to move her arms down to stop her. "don't fight me, mia" chloe commanded. reluctantly, mia brought her arms up and let chloe pull off her shirt.
Tablet Master - Chapter 1
"mia can try, but if new master will not force mia, then mia wants new master to promise master salks will never be mia's master again."
Tablet Master - Chapter 2
"mister valsheen should be very careful not to recall mia into the tablet," mia said telepathically. "mister valsheen should make sure no one comes to bother mia neither." "put me down mia! it's not funny anymore!"
Life's Fun Bits: Part 3: The Taste of Love
mia pointed at her, pouting, "mia ish not durnk!" "riiight..." "i'll prooove it. would i do this if mia was drunk?"
Lusting for Lions
mia twitched an ear. she knew that sound well. two feisty lions, alerting every predator and prey of their blissful copulation "i lost count," revad said, turning his head towards mia.
Tablet Master - Chapter 6
"what answers do you seek mia, he said as he started to undress. "mia wants to know if mr. salks died." "i'm afraid he did not." mia meowed low. "why was mia killed before mia could finish torturing mr. salks?"
A Vixen's Love
mia asked. "good."