Nick - Wild
"right now that dangerous werebeing is him self, he's resisted and fought his change for so long he's in conflict."
2020-05-07 The Meeting of the Wilds
#13 of stream stories the werebeings meet to decide if their peoples will continue to hide themselves from the human world or if they will conquer it instead. **the meeting of the wilds by: veronica foxx for: ehh123** late, late, late!
The Mayor is All Fired Up
His hands were grabbing at the stones and his knees werebent up in obvious pain. she only hoped he kept that blast going upward. if herolled, there were going to be a lot of people burnt to a crisp.
Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 6: The Many Passions of the Winter Prince
Teroso was getting his head horn shined as his foot hooves werebeing re-shoed. one elf comes up to them and said that i would like to see buddy for a while. the jackal got out of the tub and put on a pure green robe.
Read the Warnings
Cock growth, lip growth, ass growth, age regression and progression, even more complicated things like changing of skin color and transformation into 'werebeings', as the marketing called it. the furries liked that one.
Nick - Abandoned
The bloody razor blade and hobby knife said that nick was fighting his inner beast for control, the same inner beast that all werebeings have; the one thing that was probably keeping him alive now.
Walls: Exodus 30 - Agnus Dei
Great clouds of regolith werebeing shaken into the surroundings, and the cracks were growing larger by the second.while i couldn't know for sure, my senses were telling that this being was maxwell's true form.