Make me Invincible, Or Invisible (PMD:WNA #4)

Invincible, undefeatable, invulnerable. i was speechless, i couldn't look at him. the honesty was unexpected. i could feel his eyes on me trying to gauge my reaction. i didn't have one. 'he trusts me? but.. i'm just..' just what?

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The Collector

For whatever reason, the bear seemed to be invulnerable. this thought excited laika quite a bit.

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Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 11

I guess that banishes the idea of an invulnerable god... and i guess it teaches me a few things that i desperately wanted to learn, and have ended up cursed with, due to my own hubris. irony, huh? what a bitch.

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Chapter 2: The Mortal Warrior

He's supposed to be invulnerable to fire, but magma is far stronger than fire. his muscles couldn't hold the strain of sudden impulse of lightning. i can't explain the earth and ice, but right now, do not let him use any of his elements.

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Unstable Future - Chapter 2

Virania was a fairly powerful country, the most powerful in the region actually, but it was not invulnerable. if firanel and galvanta could actually get along then they might actually prove a threat to virania.

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The Fireborn: Cold as Hell

Each hot bullet that ejected from her cannon smashed against my body but each bullet bent, broke and then vaporised as it contacted my invulnerable flesh.

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Symbiotic Love

Their flesh and bone would also be changed into their rubber alternatives, becoming much more resistant to injury; but they wouldn't be invulnerable. their lifespans would also be greatly extended, expanding by many millennia.

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Equisseus: Yiffy stallion adventurer

And finally i-cum-ease; the nearly invulnerable equine warrior who fought naked because no arrow or spear could penetrate his skin.

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Gingerbread Man: 2109: Prologue and The Awakening

They all kept and shared records of the type and the extent of her powers which included her energy beam emitting power horns, fire breath, near invulnerability to all weapons (except for one sneak attack by some high performance fighters that had managed

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My First Time (Old Story)

I told eric i remember concentrating on being small and invulnerable and he said that that's probably why it happened. we both wondered if it was permanent and we both agreed that it isn't. i tried to concentrate and change back, but just couldn't do it.

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One long day on the road

Suddenly he's only an inch and a half tall, and though his spell-infused police uniform makes him all but invulnerable, a seemingly endless series of creatures see him as something to be snapped up and swallowed.

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