Late Pleistocene

I wrote this story as part of danaume's story contest the theme was culture clash. initially i wanted to write something about a kid moving to a new town, but then i realized... i could make something about a kid moving to a new time!

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:2

**chapter two: culture clash** _"when talking about the history of the great northern wolves there were a great deal of elements i neglected to cover.

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The Vampire of Gamma Seven

Anve waited until they hit one of those dead spots between districts, a place where cultures clashed so hard that they created an accidental demilitarized zone where no business could flourish.

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 13

Before returning to the subject at paw she made a mental note that she would have to spend some time educating her boy about anthro laws and customs before he was surprised by some of the same cultural clashes that had caused the war in the first place, the

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Leashers and Burb Dogs

She readily volunteered information about her prior relationship with mateo-- as paul discovered they had been college sweethearts, but things went sour when the human/dog culture clash resulted in hurt feelings.

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Fatal Radiance - Chapter 16

But i guess that is to be expected in this sort of culture clash." "yeah, whatever. just let us get to the central and get this over with." dragging even more now, lucille was now running.

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Silverfox 06

And they initially hated one another, but after being forced to work together developed a grudging mutual respect, through many wacky scenes of amusing, "it's funny because it's true" culture clashes involving poutine, hamburgers, hockey, football, and a final


Chapter 2 - First Fight

"hold off on making your decision for the culture clash quest. it's something we'll discuss after we finish getting elsa off that moon." i say. there's pros and cons to both sides, and it's not something that can easily be determined. "wow." elsa says.

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Spider-Man: Tangled Web - 02 - Forewarned and Forearmed

They were certainly from different worlds, but hugo knew that if he and otto could conquer the culture clashes between them, peter was going to love having otto in the family.

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 23 - Lure

This, i think, was just an accident of two cultures clashing. one of us met the naga before. i'm very sorry for what they did to you though." eli said. zeke looked up at eli slowly. "what's going to happen to my babies?" he asked.

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The Assignment, Part 2: Evening

I still wasn't nearly over the fact that every tiaileng in the place knew exactly what kind of porn i liked, and i really wasn't in the mood for any other culture-clashing revelations. "yeah, sure... sounds fun..."

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