
This scene contains violence and death, as this scene contains gladiatorial combat and forced fighting. i'm always looking for feedback in my work, and would appreciate any critique you may provide! thanks for looking!

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The Miyatsu File Chapter Seven -- On The Circuit

She would only see her mate's face relayed via satellite to the small screen of her mobile, or on the television, fighting other gmas in gladiatorial combat for the entertainment of humans.

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Adipose City: You Can Never Go Home Again

Regulated gladiatorial combat was something the consortium approved of for several reasons.

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Secret Origins of Pawstruck

Kevin had gotten almost all his best gear as donations from the twice weekly gladiatorial battles. pawstruck had a special moveset for those, even more crowd pleasing than her typical combat moves.

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Changes to a hero's perspective

"it's like a gladiatorial combat for the new age." jacob hadn't considered that aspect of being a hero before, though it did make a lot of sense the more he considered it. "yah, we did a good job back there.

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Pet: The Tavern

Your blood oath did not prevent anraku from using bloodfist for other ventures, such as a gladiatorial combat called for by a new patron, especially when the ogre was asked for by name.

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Tales from the Nexus: Sabre

There was intelligence life in the universe and they drew entertainment from gladiatorial battles. thus _gene gladiators_. but the show had more than just humans kidnapped from other universes fighting one another.

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The Other Side of the Fence, pt. 4

He and sigmund had both been in the bloodgames, an underground gladiatorial combat for slaves in bastana and castration was one of the potential punishments for losers in the bloodgames.

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Many Helping Hands

The temples themselves weren't just glorious structures paying homage to the gods of old, but also housed spots for gladiatorial battles, all manner of religious ceremonies, and of course the usual trifecta of food, information, and souvenirs.

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A Territorial Matter of Pride 01 - A Warrior's Touch

At the end of every week, the jysar and oaria of kila's tribe from endra would hop onto a dozen boats to meet an equal number of cien and saurossins from the packs of yelfrit on the isle of ashoor, where they would prepare for brutal gladiatorial combat

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Friendship is Hunted: Over the Rainbow

She would have just flown, but unfortunately, her wing was somewhat damaged, having recently been injured in an unfortunate gladiatorial combat fight. all she needed was to wait for them to come around the corner, she reasoned.

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Profile of Drake Hellblazer Harkonen

He later used these skills to win streetfights, gladiatorial battles in the coliseum, and later battles in many wars, often using his tracking skills to kill any fleeing survivors.

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