Meeting Cain Carson
After a moment of the bellyrubs, i stepped aside and walked over toward my home entertainment center. "any radio stations you particularly like?" "huh? oh, uh, not really, i'm cool with just about anything except country and classical."
3.1 - A Stroke of Mutt
The bellyrubs were working to calm him down, but he still worried, "he did? he didn't look happy." billy sighed and put his paw over mutt's now sheathed staff, "he misses his own fox and i think he forgot for a moment that you aren't him."
Tulin's Enema
Warning: This story contains enema use, light toilet use, sexual themes, incestuous themes. I figure Tulin is like a late teen/young adult, (He has just come of age in the game). Read at your own risk and if you continue past this point you lose your...
Into the Vortex
Keith frowned deeply as soon the tod rolled over onto his back, his cocktip sticking out bestially, while his son assaulted him with bellyrubs of the kind that should be reserved for ferals.
Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 13
"i could try giving you a specific bellyrub that i saw dad giving our moms when they had eggs last." "you have siblings?" his face fell. " ember and i are the only two they had. the rest were...duds." "oh..."
A Friendly Demonstration
Get yourself some proper bellyrubs," he added. "mh, i might," lily huffed. she was already looking forward to it. not to mention she'd heard that sex while pregnant was supposed to be pretty fantastic.
When Pets Strike Against Their Masters [clean]
All that was worth knowing was in the bellyrub, and so his mind began to eject all other things. and then pixie stopped rubbing. randal came out of his trance to hear a crowd of chuckles and laughter.
Sore Losers
The ninetales grinned and raised one of the tails just enough to allow her to free her paws, "how about a few bellyrubs for luck?"
Friend Roleplays: Squalor and I #3
He weakly presses into the bellyrubs from the tendril on his torso after his climax, nearly exhausted. he was, however, conscious enough for one more thing his master wanted to do, whatever it was.
Quest Reward!
Once inside, they'd quickly shed their adventuring gear and now, here they were, with triti rubbing fernier's belly just the way the worgen liked - really, despite her maternal attitude, she was just a big puppy when it came to bellyrubs - and bringing her
When Pets Strike Against Their Masters
All that was worth knowing was in the bellyrub, and so his mind began to eject all other things. and then pixie stopped rubbing. randal came out of his trance to hear a crowd of chuckles and laughter.
[Comm] Raksha's Date
The bellyrub and the fondling were nearly too much, forcing the red's tremendous cock to strain against the smooth, silken underwear he was wearing, already leaking thick shots of messy pre into the warmth of his bulge.