Inteli-Pet Corporation - Made To Order - Chapter Four -
I know you're in oestrous and - " "please, calm my love, deep breaths. you're _not_a _full_ thoroughbred - oh, don't get me wrong - i've _seen_you at full arousal - you're...more than adequate..."
Pardus the Gelder Chapter 1: Donkeys of the villa
The strong scent of donkey semen, combined with the male pheromone and the slight estrous smell of the mare, made the whole backyard smell like an anthro orgy.
VIP Access
I fumbled a little as i grabbed the zipper once more; tugging it the rest of the way before i was basking in the sight and breathing in the tang of oestrus.
Breakhorn Huntress II
This was her first time experiencing her oestrus heat cycle--her body's period of natural fertility--and pyxis wondered if that made things better or worse.
Epilog 1 - Gina & Rachel
Contact caused 316 to achieve estrous and successfully pair-bonded with the dra'zal known as shi'vel.
(ZOO) - Forest Friends
Anna grunted and felt herself pressed against the soft mosses as the stag resumed nuzzling and licking her tail, intoxicated by the scent from the oestrous doe.
Pokemon:Legends Ch.8 A Heated Home Coming Pt.1 Farm Life
Lopunny's estrous cycles were not a cycle at all. the slightest bit of stimulus could set it off. oh there were certain times of the year when their heat was especially potent, namely spring and fall.
[c] Simple Beam
The Xatu coasted high over the Alolan sky, clouds brooming around him. He could feel psychic power thrumming in the shimmer of his patterns and in every beat of his wings. The warm air rising from the sands of the sun-lapped beaches below made prime...
Story of a Kingdom II
Sniff,he jumped from his spot and his claws ripped into the ground as he became like a dog,ready for a fight,he growled a bit assertively\*"i dont know what your talking about aldelko,now sit down"\*she thought he was trying to show off because he smelt the estrous
A Perfect Fit
Even after her arduous trek to this most distant, isolated spot on the island, her estrous hadn't gone anywhere.
Invasion10: Last Stand of Man
Even without the proper genitalia coupling, i can smell the intensity of your estrous on your ragged breath--from you very pores!"
Made To Bear
"yes, well, while we started with a gender swapped version of your dna, we've made a number of changes to its body in order to make the bearing and birthing process easier, as well as inducing permanent oestrus.