Jar Jar's Bizarre Adventure - Exodus - Chapter 3
We just had to get past the very large and very angry gastropod in front of us. stratum snails can grow just as big as the one we were looking at right now.
The Egg
It possessed one additional uncommon ability, that of being able to adhere to stone surfaces (including vertical and upside-down) by crawling along a "road" of adhesive slime after the fashion of certain gastropods.
Snail's Pace
**Snail's Pace** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gigaguess The University of Nevada was known for many things, including their excellent business courses, environmental sciences and a variety of hands on skills... but just as much as...
The Cohen Loop, Intro
Groups a & b will focus on fish, groups c & d are going to review gastropoda, and groups e, f, & g will cover plants.
Monster Manifest
._ **armollusc** - pink, gelatinous gastropods which are fabled to climb inside suits of armor and clumsily animate them. one grew so large, it inhabited a gigantic shell.
Sweating it Out (Slug TF)
One pleasant thought did occur to her as she slowly crawled towards a fungal patch that would make up her first gastropod meal. all three of the guys heckling her would no longer be male.
You needed a gastropod expert, and so you called me." i sat up straight in my seat, beaming a little bit. "actually," she contradicted, "you weren't the first one we called. not by a long shot."
Fire and Water: Taken like a Female
The lie felt like a bitter substance that gnawed into his gut like a gastropod's abrasive radula. stormy managed to keep his composure up until the governor's office.
Lauren also had a long tail that looked to be that of a slug as well, and was covered with grey freckles that were actual smooth gastropod skin.
A Weekend Swim
It was a cross between a gastropod radula and a human mouth, allowing her a tongue to taste and kiss with while giving her the shearing teeth she needed to strip the bits of flesh and plant matter that would from now on comprise her meals.
Lord of the Manor
I saw the strain in his body as he struggled to push the offending gastropods back out. it was a horrifying display, and i found myself dreading the outcome.
Furry Dominance, Scaly Submission: Conclusion, Ch. 2
The rock pythons also are able to adhere to any stone surface, vertical or upside-down by means of a track of adhesive slime, a long, gastropod-like organ that comprises the animal's entire underbelly, which it expands and contracts as it crawl along walls