Opossum Time-Reversal
mina turned to face osmund, pure amusement lighting her eyes. osmund's eyes went wide. "wait, _here_?" "why not?" said mina, "nobody's going to remember it anyway."
Last Rights
"mina?" mina opened her eyes to see tomoyo looking back at her. "remember this moment always..."
Destiny Calls: The Beginning
"we can't tell anyone that we had to do this mina. they just wouldn't understand. ok?" "i understand mother" mina responded as nana climbed into bed too on the opposite side of mina. the two girls held ren tightly.
Mongoose Chapter 7
mina listens in silence, and the pause between the two grows all-the-more unsettling by the moment. "i... fuck it..." mina sighs, pushing herself up. "close the door... lock it." ash stands there as mina stares at him with a pregnant pause.
A Nightmare: Chapter 2
Folvos glances past mina and sees polybius stride around the corner, shaking his head. "please excuse mina, its times like this i wonder if i should get a leash for her." at this mina blushes slightly.
Ein's Playtime Tales 2
She ran to mina, hugging her tightly against her kissing her head and cheeks emotionally. "mina! oh my god! what happened!? why are you panting, and... were you crying?"
A Yellow Duet
mina was prevented from asking for any elaboration by sonic turning her head and kissing her. mina had never told ash as much but he was a terrible kisser.
Training A Better Bitch
Kevin gulped down a large ball of nerves as mina pressed the tip of the thick, hefty sex toy against his quivering entrance and loomed over him. "wh...what is the lesson, mina?"
Jay and Ren Chapter 1: Myna's license
I studied it before shoving it into my deck and walking up to the counter to pay for myna and i's cards. myna had picked out about forty cards and looked at me with pleading eyes.
The Twins Of Summit
mina was descending the hill where aria perched.
One Night Stand
Stepping into the house; mina smiled, everything was going as planned. leading tessa to her bedroom, decorated in crimson and black. mina helped her remove her dress. as the dress cascaded to the plush carpet, mina gasped softly.
Kanzashi and Fireworks
Really, though the teenager tried to hide it, he'd have followed mina anywhere. they wandered through the milling bodies, mina keeping an eye out for the kanzashi stand, and seen keeping... well.. staring at mina.