A Colorful Month 5
And it wasn't just the reality-bending going on; it was the feeling of forcing himself to keep standing up when there was a substantial part of him that just wanted to lie down and let someone else take care of it, some part of him that wanted to rest and
Business as Usual
Like, a huge, reality-bending restaurant. it's super popular. and he - uh, he used to date one of my mistresses."
To Protect and Serve - Part Two
** _" the orgasm was so hard and so perfect, judy swore she could feel reality bending around her to suit her every whim as she was swamped by wave after wave of that intense climactic pleasure.
Starborne - Trial by Fire: Contact
To me, reality bends to the point of breaking. it starts like the last half dozen power surges, with the exception of occurring way earlier than our previous observations would have predicted.
One of Us - Epilogue
The changes imply a reality-bending effect that would split the effective area of the package to a maximal property radius of 1.0 miles._ _upon activation, it would play on any device (with a speaker) the automated message you set on it to frame your defendants
Kobold Kaos - Schism
A careless wish is not something to be made lightly, however, when you are the strongest connection an ancient reality-bending entity has to the modern world.
High School of Cliches: New Years Nonsense
What herculean achievement of interdimensional, reality-bending meta-fiction will make me afraid of my own creations? hunter rightly grit his teeth in silence.
Roads Untraveled - Part XXIV
Ilaria hopped through the portal, reality bending around her until her home reality folded over the alternate one. "okay... damn, that's unsettling without a ship."
The Grand Academy, part 3
_"reality bends to magic._ that's what they call that principle. but yeah, we'll help you if you're still carrying that by the end of the day," holly reassured her, as much as her erratic and chaotic personality could reassure anyone of anything.
Blood & Carrots - Episode 20
I half expected some cool effect like reality-bending or twisting but it literally felt like we walked into a room. i felt a very momentary leap in my stomach, like that sensation you get when riding in a car that goes over a small hill very fast.
"Off the Beaten Path": NSFW (Male Anthro Lion TF)
A loud yell escaped the man's throat as he tumbled through an endless black void, the fabric of reality bending, breaking, and distorting around him.
The Grand Academy, part 2
reality bends to magic, not the other way around._ _reality bends to magic._ that was another thing one of the teachers had emphasized. it was magic that determined the present reality.