
A few blocks away, a science-fiction convention was settling into its usual nightlife routine of people setting up room parties while artists and writers and such hung out in one of the con's common areas to hang out with friends.

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Brownie | Chapter 1

Eventually, all of the patrons make their way back out to the living room party with their brownies in hand. the tiger is the last in queue and sneaks in a small peck on damon's cheek after he's handed the last brownie.

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Follow The Rules 2: Transformation Boogaloo

Normally you have to move to a room party right after a dance. but the weasel war dance is enough to get me uninvited to any party and continue onward! i'm moving into the east wing lobby! i'm just a couple turns away from victory!

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NOC ch5: New Plans

Corey had brought him along to a room party with a few of the bull's friends and they had snuck in some liquor to pass around and soda to mix it with.

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Conventional Propositions

Flyers for other conventions, special notices for room parties, and even a few custom signs hung from various room doors advertising the occupant's presence. "wollox and colfandra" was on one door.

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Room 3621

Just spending some time here chatting before heading up for some room parties..." the deer blushed even behind his white fur. "i thought you might be doing the same?"

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Becoming Queen 2: Reacquanting Herself

That almost made it tempting to make it as large a room party as she could get away with, just to see if she could get in more trouble with that, but she managed to keep that instinct down.

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Trip to Remember

He began to walk down the hallway to the long spiral staircase leaving the hustle and bustle of the room party behind him. he stopped at the end of the hallway and turned to the red door on his right. out of pure curiosity he put his ear to the door.

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Spring Break Chapter 7

"we met at the crest view, a room party when a rat chucked me inta the pool cause oy says i can't swim, mind you we waz on the second floor..." manda paused nodding at the shocked expression on greg's face.

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