Dovah's Devotion

* * * Dovah's Devotion The cold winds of Skyrim blew over the interior of Dragon's Reach. Paarthurnax was already here, waiting. His brother, Alduin, was bringing another potential recruit to help in the dragon War. Alduin had already discussed...

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A Welcomed Surprise

Drinking a nice coffee is something lots of furs do to start the day off right and that was no different to a feminine looking male Primarina who was doing just that, sitting down at his favourite cafe sipping on a latté just enjoying life as he looked...

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Same Shit; Different Day

It was early morning. Too early to do anything useful, but the sun made it clear people should be up. It was summer, the hottest time of the year, and with that came long, long days of sweltering sunlight that began in the early hours of the morning...

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Explorers: Tied Tonight

Astor looked in the mirror on his dresser as he brushed a bit of the headfur out of his eyes that had been bothering him. The riolu breathed out a sigh of relief as he smoothed out his shirt, making sure his appearance was how he wanted it. A...

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Hands-On Bartending Instruction

Brunton's ear flicked at the sound of liquid overflowing a vessel. The well-dressed bartender halted mid-motion from inverting a chair to set on a table. It was after hours, so the sound could only be one thing. He shoved the chair down on the table...

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Level Grinding

I can't recall the last time, if ever, when i wrote about genital slit sex. but it's hot, and i should do it more, so there's that.

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[Commission] Branching Out - A New Business Model

Far below the tiny plane, its shadow drifted upon cool blue water of the wide-open sea. Flick gazed out the window, leaning his forehead against the plastic frame as he tried to keep his nerves in check. This was it. He was doing this. The idea had...

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Captive Audience [Commission]

"Come on, come _on..._" Teryx smirked behind a hand as he watched Chase and Mackenzie over on the other couch, the former leaning forward with her paws clenched into fists under her excitement, while the latter sat back with the bowl of chips...

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Story: Teleports and Fucking Yourself (By Sindragon)

As he thrusted into riften's slit harder, it forced the intruding shaft to push deeper into his slit as the two began to slit-fuck each other.

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How the Bouncer Entertains Himself 12

As michael gasped for breath, his eyes rolled back, his cock screaming for attention, saul just stared at him...and then at his slit. "fucking hell, didn't think you were that kind of slut..."

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A Good Fuck

The tiger between her legs gave a loud grunt, leaning down to smash his lips against hers in a fierce and sloppy kiss, forcing his tongue down her throat as his cock pushed deep into her slit.

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Facility One, Debby's pleasures

Her wrist worked slowly, pumping the fingers in and out of her slit sex, pink lips sucking at her digits, a wet, lewd sound filling the silent room.

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