Dress Rehearsal

**Dress Rehearsal** _Dance Academy Cockfest - Prequel_ _© 2022 Bruno Hirschkoff_ _\*_ Gerald Hirschkoff could scarcely contain his excitement. He'd been offered his dream job. Well, of a sort. It was the most he could reasonably expect, given his...

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Chronicles of Nahia - Part 2

_Part 2_ _1380AD_ Dagmar was hiding. The little dragon girl held a hand over her mouth to stifle her excitable laughter as she watched her father "search" for her, all over the farm. He knew exactly where she'd be hiding - beneath the oxcart,...

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Chronicles of Nahia - Prologue & Part 1

_Prologue_ _ _ _ _ Our story begins, as many do, at the beginning. Not the beginning of the tale, though, a particular snapshot of a protagonist's life, briefly contextualised and neatly packaged. No. Our story begins at _the beginning._ Of it all....

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Jack Frost - Part 1

I used to get along well with my father. I have memories of being a foal riding high on the enormous stallion's broad shoulders, my fetlocks clutched tightly in his strong hands. Hands whose thick, hoof-tipped fingers bore the calluses of hard manual...

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Harvey and the Unexpected Sausage Party

"HARVEY! Come on dude, we're leaving!" came an annoyed voice, yelled around the echoing concrete paradise of the college changeroom. A murmur of other voices and laughter followed. In the showers, Harvey scowled at the grimy tiled wall. A bull...

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Christmas with Family

It was Christmas Eve. Down the kids' end of the dinner table, Nahia fidgeted uncomfortably. She was almost twelve, and at an age where the excitement of Christmas was in conflict with how uncool it was. Her younger brother Zahame was six, and in no way...

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Bond of Brothers - Part 3

After breakfast - and after all three stags had the chance to cool off and calm down a little, the time came to head across town to the bike shop, to get more inner tubes and a new tyre for Dieter. Stillwater Cove was a small enough town that virtually...

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A Gratuitous Taboo

My name is Zahame. I'm a dragon. And my older sister, Nahia, is a pervert. I mean... all things are relative, aren't they? A few of you may be able to visualise me better if I described myself as a kuvrahk, but if you don't, that's fine. I'm 21 years...

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An Evening to Herself

_An Evening to Herself_ _Spring, 1981_ Kattalin stood in the bathtub, hunched over herself with the hot water of the shower cascading over her back and dripping down the underside of her thick, muscular tail and toned legs. In her hand, buzzing...

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Jack Frost - Part 2

_Jack Frost - Part 2_ Mom and I lived in Stillwater Cove for a few months before I started attending the local middle school. The first couple of weeks were a complete shambles - more so than any of the other times we'd moved in the past couple of...

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The Luck of the Sneakers ft. Crisp!

The Luck of the Sneakers _It has long been known that the creatures of the deep forest are fickle, mischievous and never to be trusted. Tricksters, the weavers of tall tales, the players of pranks. Few have garnered a reputation for such antics...

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