A party to remember

She let most of her pink body and pink eyes glimmer in the spotlight of her fluorescently lit living room. the buck barged through the party-goers. he reached the doe and tapped her shoulder politely to get her attention.

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Fox Fire 2 Son Of The Flame Chapter 5

As he watched the entrance a body rushed into the room, a pink body with dirty scales and disheveled hair, a single smear of blood on her left cheek. he was slightly dazed and didn't say anything, and then she saw him.

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Dan x Kitty: Chapter Two

He howled out loud enough for the building to hear as his cock jerked and a surge of mew-cum launched well over his head, leaving a pearly trail behind that bisected his pink body and was followed by blast after blast that coated him from belly to ears

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The First Movement

With a pink body of an octopus posing as the "head", she finds she is better able to interact with an anthropocentric world like this, especially as the demands of her pub started to outpace their original intentions.

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A Night Out

`A Night Out` It was a peaceful night: a faint warm breeze blowing in from the coast, the streets bathed in a faint orange light as the sun began to dip below the horizon, a perfect night for young couples to spend the waning hours just walking...

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Fraternity Freakout

She was dressed in a pink body suit that clung to her every curve leaving nothing to the imagination. a robe of soft white tied across her breast and just above her waist added some modesty but the girl was past caring about such a thing.

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Legend

Mewtwo stuck out his hand and a large crystal in the far corner of the room shattered, a small pink body was floating, suspended feet of the ground, curled up where the crystal once sat. my mouth dropped again, only barely making out the word; "mew..."

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A sad man's story

Her pink body lay leaning peacefully against the wood as her tail gently swayed to and for. a light snap of a branch dragged the drowsy legendary's attention to the ground below her.

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*Cub* Quetzal's Joy of DragonMelon - 2016

Her pink body was twitching and squirming with her face just as tense. she had her hips lifted high and wasn't even using her hand to pump her tail in and out anymore.

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FAP: Creampies and Toast

Maple's eyes were all over penny's naked pink body. being a pig came with some thick juicy properties. penny's magenta hair was curly and flew up around her as she spun. hazel smiled and went back to her cooking.

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Risk and Reward

Green hints were leaking into his healthy pink body as he was filled, as if his own body were taking the damage and stress from his lieutenant. "jim..." he finally managed to say, his mouth finally working with enough control to form words.

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The Reward of The Haunted House

His normally pink body was red with frustration, and his mouth, wide and oblong, showed a set of jagged, yellowed fangs as it opened once again. "i will not have two of my favorite residents fighting each other like this!

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