Hell Forged: Chapter 5

Once you got older though, the joy of school closing for such things was soured when you found out your friends went missing, or a local person you trusted and shared meals with was dragged away and publicly shamed for being an unregistered hell mage.

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A Kitten's Trip to the Stockade

Kie cried out in his public shame. "master....p-please..." aiki stood up and jerked the chain slightly, causing the boy's penis to bounce before the assembled crowd.

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MAD: The Inaugural Collaring

He blinked as yance glanced at him, snarling angrily as he pointed a finger at the otter, one of the only watchers now of his public shaming. "you'll see, i'll get this to work, and then everyone will know my genius!" he snapped.

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Lawful and Indecent: Part Two: The Hustling

Nick's eyes were almost never looking up as the public shaming never stopped, travelling down block after block of rising commotion. he wanted to hide, but he knew that would only waste more time.

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Fallout: Money, Merchants, and Mutations

Elizabeth had shouted back at them, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment at the public shaming. the more experienced merchants had rolled their eyes at her bragging.

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Pathetic Excuse for a Boy/Melody's Enslavement (Part 13-C)

Too broken down to fight anymore, and hoping to avoid a public shaming like the one she'd just witnessed, melody opened her mouth, closed her eyes, and scrunched up her face in anticipation for what her tastebuds were about to receive.

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Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - Embracing One More Year (Justin Pt. 2)

These people were often time publicly shamed, and the treatment would range from either looking at them curiously to showing absolute scorn at them.

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Boxing Gunn

He had already disappointed his own father, her would not publicly shame his entire species in a fight against some drunk orc!

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The Donkey show...

Along with the cheering and clapping, it was almost a kind of public shaming for the proud young predator. the little fox's throbbing cock tensed, releasing a squirt of watery pre-cum onto the cold, filthy cobblestones under his wide spread knee's.

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The Huntress and the Monster Chapter 1

I get kicked out and publicly shamed and you get a public execution!" hinata shouted, she wasn't really angry, more concerned than anything, but it came out as anger.

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