Ghost in the Stones 7 - The Huntress

A violent shudder ran from the tips of his ears all the way down to his feet...and suddenly he slumped against the rock. "fuck, sarahi...i need to go home," he sighed.

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The Mysterious Muscle Village [COM]

He did the same with his pants before hastily slipping out of his briefs, leaving him entire in the nude, and rock-fucking-solid.

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A beast called Rock

Without me you're just another shallowbrained rock fuck! too pathetic to move your lazy ass out of your well-deserved misery..." that was it. i had not worked my ass off that day to get insulted by some egomaniac...

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The Wasted Youth, Chapter 2 - A Night in the Heights

He got nervous and decided to show up for the job stone fucking drunk on a bottle of cheap vodka that he'd swiped from his parents' liquor cabinet.

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A Couple: Used and Humiliated

"mrrr, rock fucking hard." he growled, "just like i thought." his voice dropped and it was barely more than a whisper now, "say, it_faggot_. yell it.

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The Muscle Effect

The tiger mewled as the hips began to rock, fucking that thick knotted cock rapidly into his tight ass, no finesse to the act at all. the rut continued, heated and propelled by the musk filling the air.

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Different Sizes of Love

It was still hard like a rock. "fuck! fuck! fuck!!" leon moaned. this was getting far more intense than he'd imagined! "i just came... how... ah!!" "who cares how! that's so fucking hot! argh!! you're so hot! god dammit! i'm going to cum too!"

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Settling things stallion style [Commission]

Besides, anything less than a full-on, stable-rocking fuck by his own rules only left the large dark stallion dissatisfied, even if he reached an orgasm. it was all or nothing for him.

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[Commission] Studplay

Besides, anything less than a full-on, stable-rocking fuck by his own rules only left the large dark stallion dissatisfied, even if he reached an orgasm. it was all or nothing for him.

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Galleus Manor: Team 15, Mission 2

"but fuck, its over now," keller barked, "fuck that rock. fuck ever holding it up. it was bullshit, exhausting work for what? if it was always gonna fall, why did i try to stop it? why did i spend so much time and effort?

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