Marto's trip to the Stud Fair

Marto's trip to the Stud Fair "Where are we going?" Marto asked as he was carried about, he had barely gotten enough time to be awake and aware when his papa bear hoisted him over his shoulder and started to walk off with him. "You'll see it soon...

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Size Matters

Size Matters by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and used only within the context of this story. I use them with permission. This work contains underaged content as well as minor...

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Prisoner Tiger

The lonely tiger ate his food peacefully. He was a young adult feline with green eyes and was quite handsome for someone of his social class. He came from a poor family and was now having his last meal, as he had been sentenced to death.The feline's...

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Vixen Goes for a Hike... [ Pt.1 ]

They will be - soft vore, the dragon follows the call of his stomach. (in progress) rape -   thanks for reading!     

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The Russian Hunger

Not many men had been able to satisfy Veska, the Russian bear liked to think that this was because she was just such a great woman, both in and out of bed. She had been a great warrior for the Russian army during her time serving the motherland, her...

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Bought and Paid For

While there were many hardships when it came to living on a space station, they also had some benefits that couldn't be found terrestrially. Not only was the law more lenient when it came to certain activities, but some venues took...

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Venting your Problems

In the dark vastness of space a lone space station sat in high orbit over a gas giant, the swirling green and blue planet the perfect backdrop to those that walked inside the massive metal structure that hovered around it. While the planet itself...

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DETERMINED Mouse Simon Tesla belongs to his player Undertale and all its characters belong to Toby Fox The air was quiet when Simon peeked his head out of his little hidey hole. It was night in the underground and all the world was still. Stepping...

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Gotta Jet

**Gotta Jet** Tony would wake with a start, his body lurching forward as the room around him shifted. Even in his sleepy stupor, he could tell that wherever he was, the 'building' around him was moving. The view of the room would slowly become...

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Absorbing Knowledge

With the wolfess's guidance, she finds some success, but even the smallest step forward creates room to stumble content warning: this story is intended for adult readers and contains a female fox, a female wolf, shapeshifting, slime tf, absorption, soft vore

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