The Father

"you ok addy?i didn't mean to make you jump there." he asked warmly. she wasn't at all ok, not really.

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"addie?" a voice called from beyond the door, deep but distinctly feminine. "addie, are you in there?" addison's ears lifted and she turned her head. could that be...? "hey, girl," the voice barked. "don't make me scared." "b-blair?"

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The Body in the Kitchen P1 (SSBBW, stuffing, hunger)

There was addy, the slender aardvark; zora, the zebra with incredible hips; tobias, the tiger bound to a chair by his gargantuan stomach; and gisele, the gazelle whose bust made krystal's back hurt just looking at it.

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Manhunt: Inflator Style Season 2 (Complete)

. --- victim #13 - addy a day before, addy had been asked if he had ever had the feeling that something was going too smoothly.

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History of the Hybrid.

The aging crews of the geneva, addis ababa and sydney realizing that they only had the normal human lifespan to work with, delegated the most intelligent of their anthromorphs to replace them should something go wrong.

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Teaser: Love Potion #9 - Part 5

I panted, hopping up to get a better look, but she was too distracted to notice or care what "addie" was doing. "daniel!" she gasped again, spreading her legs wider.

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Squirrel Sutra

Like she'd told addie earlier: they were opposites on almost _all_ counts. but physical chemistry? they had _that_. ketchy grunted, the rabbit absolutely hammering her. "d ... d-don't stop!" she managed to say. "not gunna!"

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Pink Noise

"hey', addie." brizz looked past her and to field. "ya bring us somethin'?" "um ... c-cider ... apple." field shook his head, trying to clear it. "cider slushes." "neato!"

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Four's Company

"ohmygosh, addie!" ketchy finally squealed, hitting her orgasm. "oh, oh!" hearing and seeing field's mate get his own mate to cum, and feeling field's muzzle around his cock, kody was a goner.

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Give Up, Give In

Everything that was "addy" was being molested. master's cock - what i now think of as a hard, beautiful shaft of muscle and passion - may not have been physically penetrating me, but it was tearing me apart on the inside.

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Love Potion #9 - Part 5

I panted, hopping up to get a better look, but she was too distracted to notice or care what "addie" was doing. "daniel!" she gasped again, spreading her legs wider.

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