Grandpa comes to stay

That makes that his father clenched his teeth, and he growls with force, his body reacts to the squeeze of the entrails of lucky. his semen is freed in the entrails the cub, he does not pay attention to the flooding that happens in his tail hole.

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The Explorer's Lament *TEST/Critique requested*

Legends and myths details the horrors the cave since spawned in an attempt to be granted another wish, only to be another guardian of its entrails.

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Post-op images

It's as though, laying here, stinking of hospital, i'm seeing emotions play out, scene after scene, scene after scene, anxiety shown in heaps of discarded entrails, hope in the ceaseless ratcheting of gears, determination in the marching of feet.


Cold Nights

He wanted her, yearned to tear apart her entrails with his monster, but at the same time he wanted it to be different. he wished it to be a special experience.

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The inexperiened duo...part 2...

The large, grey fox knelt over a large, furry mass ripping through the flesh and hide while digging his muzzle full of the entrails of the boar.

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Hand Reared

The torsos, limbs and buckets full of the disemboweled children's entrails were brought upstairs. when had they put the plastic sheet on the bed? the boys went wild on the torsos, fucking them full of cream.

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Sabhira's Daughter #18

The luckless sentry turned to retreat behind the wall, but the arrow buried itself up his entrails before he could move get to safety. "how about if we just fuck you with an arrow?" udaran laughed loudly, then called, "hasskir!" | [!

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The End of Everything

Everything in the room was completely destroyed, broken into pieces and scattered over the floor. a thick layer of blood coats every bit of it, the deep red fluid splattered and painted all over the walls, corpses strung up from the rafters by their own entrails

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Roger feels relief while he perceives like the penis of his canine friend barks inside of his entrails.

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No Playtime Like Breaktime

Their blood and entrails dribbled down the wolf's fat cock and eventually to the boar's throat where he swallowed them with john's pre.

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