Chapter 7: Good News
"according to legend, moltres, zapdos, and articuno were essential in protecting the golden armor, and thus the person who wore it." "are they evil, mom?" nema asked. leanne shook her head.
Total Trust Chapter Six: Train To The Reverse World
Lugia, zapdos, moltres, and articuno attacked giritina upon his reemergence and then lugia dropped us of at the shore close to olivine city." during my narrative we had started down the path to goldenrod city as the sun reached it's zenith.
The Human Species Ch. 49 - Departure (Epilogue of Episode VIII)
Mesprit had yet to come back from the passage that led to lugia, and moltres was sleeping soundly in a corner, so it was a fairly simple task.
Attitude Adjustment OR Shining Personality
Cover/thumbnail belongs to dark moltres (never done this before, so feel free to tell me if i'm not crediting correctly) link: first attempt, short story. please provide feedback. note: pokemorph referenced as pokemon.
Warmth in Reunion
That was julie's third favorite owned non-fiction title after 'revered wings,' which explored the origins of kanto's articuno, zapdos, and moltres. "i think, but..." alyssa shook her head. "i can't talk about it right now.
The Human Species Ch. 47 - Burdened Elder Lugia
The legendary reminded him a bit of zapdos and moltres, in that he was in the shape of a bird. however, his white feathers stuck together more closely and were much thicker, giving them the appearance of a winter's coat of fur.
The Birds and the Buis
"your brother prayed to zapdos, your sister prayed to moltres, so do you like pray to --" "articuno." "what?" neft shouted, "articuno!" "oh! ok! your family's a fucking predictable stereotype!"
Chapter 19
She dove, oh did she dive, the flames erupted from her head, wings, and body, making her out to be a moltres against the night sky, and of course, she aimed right for where the others were at.
Pokemon's gift Chapter 13: Training (Now with bonus arturs nose)
He'd always loved the legends his uncle told him of the great phoenix moltres rising from the ashes and coals of its former self, shedding off its dull coat into something truly new.
Living Legends: Volume (Mew)Two: Part 6
It was a silver chain, thin and perfect, with a large, flat metal pendant on the end, silver around the edges, with a moltres emblazoned on it in fire-stone, which sparkled and shimmered in ways that no ordinary gem ever could.
Shifting Lust: Part One
Xigfeldo shivered, his body moving to cover the moltres-rapidash hybrid, a flaming mane heralding the powerful yet lean swathe of muscle.
Family Bonds: Chapter 4
"dear moltres that hurt." she managed to say as she tried to recover. dacus massaged her cheek with his own, feeling the tears that formed in her eyes upon his face.