Void, Chapter 1 Pt1, first draft.

When the inertia subsided, she stood up, straightening her jacket in the near perfect darkness as the lights hummed, flickering back on, displays lighting up one after


Can't get Enough of that Jason

Faint, distant nebulae broke up the perfect darkness of the backdrop, contained within the narrow band of the milky way. there wasn't a cloud in the sky to block the view, and the stargazing pair had unrestricted access to the marvels of deep space.

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Saphira’s First Heat: Vengeance

To saphira, the idea of finding herself alone with a male dragon, even one as supposedly deranged as the king's pet, stirred her in ways she could never admit to her rider, for in that perfect darkness, she had no need to even look upon this beast of a dragon

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Beneath the Surface IV

The sky fit the mood perfectly: dark grey, so grey that the sun was very well hidden, and though it was only in the middle of the day, it seemed as if it were dusk. many cried, while others stood in saddening silence, but ty was unlike any other.

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The House in the Desert

In the near-perfect dark of the desert night, stars brilliantly showing even the milky way galaxy, he saw a bright light approaching from the distance up ahead in the road. he leapt in front of it at the last second as it became blindingly close.

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The King's Favour

It would be perfectly dark there, in that little space under the throne, the fox upon his padded bed, but he did not need to be able to see to know what there was to do for him.

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Colonyship - Chapter 1 - Grass Lands

The words of one of my teachers echo through my memories, as i sit here in near perfect darkness. a darkness only broken by the minimal light from the escape pod controls, and the stars. the insane amount of stars visible through the one small window.

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The Drahune Chronicles Prologue Episode Zero Point One To Be Hunted

Trusting more in his years of training to shoot in perfect darkness using his aura vision than anything else. the phosphorescent arrow zipped along whistling faintly before splattering the tree with glowing paint upon impact.

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Tricky Treat

Chris ignored his friend, the place was perfect. dark, dusty and with cobwebs everywhere. he rushed down to the altar and pulled a small jar out of his backpack. the rabbit had plans, he didn't believe in demons any more than david.

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He could see everything from the dock, swishing high and proud, down the length of a perfect dark perineum and over one fat equine tailhole, down to a pair of well drained but still needy testicles.

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In the near perfect dark the screen's advanced glow seemed to emanate out of nowhere, and to calax's eyes so close to the screen the images were projected into a 3d space before him.

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To Be Hunted -Clean Edit-

He trused more in his years of training to shoot in perfect darkness using his aura vision and knew he would hit the trunk of the tree. the phosphorescent arrow zipped along whistling faintly before striking the tree.

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