The Long Weekend - Saturday, Near Midnight
The streams of consciousness from the others whirred around in his head, but jay was a true demon now, in every sense, and could easily focus his concentration on whatever aspect of his master required it.
Rocket and the Imp - Chapter Eight
This event would be the earliest that they could pinpoint, and credited as the beginning of their stream of consciousness. rocket, lylla, blackjack o'hare, mark, judson jakes, sale, and thousands of others lived in harmony on halfworld.
Fire and Water
This story will be told in first person the entire time and if it seems hard to follow that's because i wrote this in stream-of-consciousness style like faulkner. if you don't like gay sex then why are you here?
1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter IV
Her mind was sluggish in its stone sleep, and hovered between dreams and stream-of-consciousness, but this thought resonated within her brain.
Thicker: Chapter Sixteen
Khen blinked and even scoffed a little when gehart first started on about the curse but the words wouldn't stop coming once he'd begun, one streaming after the other in a rolling stream of consciousness, spilling the details of everything, absolutely everything
No Good Deed
_ **just a little stream of consciousness. your brains.. .missing a few memories. its filling in the blanks and making connections like a zipped file.
How I Became A Dragons Pet
Augustus thought moving that same thought into the man's larger stream of consciousness.
Nobility of Femininity
I try my best to not allow my mind to prod at the thoughts and emotions of those around me - if i opened myself to the stream of consciousness of all around me, i'd likely go crazy - but with her i felt the need to prod her a bit.
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 25
Subsuming herself deep within their newly established bond - to a point so deep that there was no concept of "david" or "ieesha," together, they spoke as one; a rolling stream of consciousness comprised of their thoughts shared. / **david, please, wake up!
Dark Desires
Basically it's stream-of-consciousness. i had no plan, just a theme. i shot totally from the hip, if you will. so, enjoy this for what it is: simple smut.
The Felicity of Dusk
It was less of an outline and more a multi-chaptered stream-of-consciousness, with dialogue and action and notes and doodles crammed together. every idea that came was immediately recorded, saved from being forgotten and lost.
The Dream That Turned Real: The Return (Second Person)(Discontinued)
Switched back to third person the dream that turned real:the return (second person perspective stream of consciousness experimental) by triple xxx werewolf 2013 [groans] mmm.... onh..... uhh... [opens eyes] uhhhnnn, [looks left] ryan?