Unnatural Tendencies - Chapter 1

Though team sports didn't appeal to me, i soon found my niche in weight training: i relished the opportunity to test and increase my strength and craved the sweet exhaustion following a difficult set.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter One Hundred-Four

Teams -- or individuals, in the case of non-team sports -- within each province compete in provincial championships, the best team from each province compete against each other in the national championship, and then the best team in the country goes to the

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Our Secret

Rather than spend time in a gym or play team sports, he preferred to get his exercise in nature by hiking and rock climbing. unlike his boastful and forward brother, he was reserved and his appearance matched his mild temperament.

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The Chance for a Home

"yeah the last family had one over the garage, but we don't have any balls, you know i'm not real athletic or into team sports." he smirked, he could tell i was trying to delay talking with him about my problems.

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High School Homecoming

Tonight's home team sporting green and blue, the greensville chasers!" the crowed went into a massive uproar as the favorited team rushed out into the field and across to their coach.

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Bad Behavior - Part 1

"i run track at school, but i've never really been into team sports. i might go out for basketball in the spring though if the rest of my grade doesn't catch up in height."

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Ch. 3 - Transiency

Everything paints a picture of society as hand-holding sex, rock concert orgies, team sport fuckfests. woodstock was stark life cast in reality; the only goal is sex, progeny, immortality.

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Perit High: Chapter 4 - Lié (pt. 2)

I used to play a few team sports like soccer and rugby, but i only do those now when i have to. i guess i was just never a really good team player." jesse replied.

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Otter's Anonymous

It's just - you need to dial it back a bit with ogling the team sports." calvin is confused. he doesn't bother anyone on the team.

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Getting What He Wants........Again

It's a team sport after all." "true. but those two working together, make us unstoppable when they get on a roll." huggles's dad chuckled at that. "yeah. once he has his game face on, good luck trying to stop him."

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Into the Sun: Part 3/11-Barely Breathing

"i've never been much for team sports." "come on, you'll look hot in a speedo," said kale. dj smiled. "well, i am kinda bored since cody is never around, and neither is jaime, now that i think of it." "so, you'll come meet the captain?"

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