A Rabbit's Recovery

"thanks, 'chelle. you're the best," she said with sincere gratitude, holding out her arms for a hug.

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End of an Era. Sorry humans, you're planet has just been sold.

"my feline friend chell is going to like you human. but she gets you after me." the vixen said with a grin. the truck pulled to salt lake city airport a while later.

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Everything or Nothing Chapter 18- The Naked Truth

A sharp spark of anger could be seen slowly piercing the frozen chell, however. sala eyed the three wolves with a gaze that a torture might give to her soon-to-be-victims.

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Roads Untraveled - Part XII

Finished with his bucket of glowing goop, yoyo joined his sister in giving chelle the same service below the belt. "i can... fight through the pain..." "michelle, mikhaila! stop that!"

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Roads Untraveled - Part I

One of the girls, chelle from ari's quick deduction, lightly punched her mother in the shoulder. \ "oh, i didn't mean it like that, precious. it's a colloquial saying..."

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Clyx - Chapter 27 - Detention

"-chelle. michelle!" the teacher called, snapping michelle out of her trance. "would you please come to the board and solve the problem for us? it is fairly simple, so it should be easy for you." michelle's eyes went wide.

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The Guy and the Game

He didn't know why, but he thought that since his thing with chelle was over maybe he could have something with mark. that was what this night had been about in the first place. he had called him because he had wanted to see what could have been.

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Kaleidoscope Epilogue - Déjà Vu

You need someone to watch chelle?" "nah... no, robyn is caring for her. thanks, though." the distraught father slowly sighed and turned to leave the room. "if you want to talk, i'm here.

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Division 42, Ch. 1: Caretaker

I saw the green lantern ring that hal jordan uses in a display case, the portal gun chell uses in portal, and finally something that took my breath away.

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Everwinter Ch16: Trap of Gold

Amari made a gentle bow and looked up to meet the tiger's stare, "i am amari t'chell, a sword for hire in lord sigmund's employ. i have information and a theory you may find of interest."

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