Furry Frozen Flush (3/4)

"i mean, it has the power to turn us into these forms, it wouldn't be so unrealistic then to alter reality to match it. i wish we could get a signal out through this storm so that we can check to see if anything else about us changed."

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Too Good to Be True

But a mystical artifact with the ability to alter reality in a manner not understood? 'yeah, sure, what the hell? it's only money.'" his genetalia switched back to those of a male and he stretched. "much better, how do you like those things, fatin?"

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A Superhero arrives.

"i could have altered reality and made you name yourself that. i could have done...actually..." myu pulled out a rolled up sheet of paper. the paper unfurled to the sidewalk and over to the heroine's feet.

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Toons From Space! Emergency Room Emergency!

No, it was more than a mere infection if it could outright alter reality around it. she would have to go out the window to get away from whatever this thing was.

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A Brand New You (9/10)

"i don't do anything that alters reality, i do that enough on my own. i'm still just observing you guys and how things work around here.

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Shifted Chapter 3

"wait, couldn't they just alter reality so that there were no errors?" "at first, they did. then they got greedy. my dad listed all their names, and i've been checking them out.

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A Silvergate story (Chapter 5/11) - Silvergate

I loved my monarch, and i believed he was a kind and legitimate ruler, but that didn't mean he had the ability to alter reality by granting a title.

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Asantrea - World, Concepts and Characters

During this tumultuous period, it is said that the seilyrian gods walked asantrea, where their incredible powers fundamentally altered reality and resulted in thousands of demi-mortal offspring, whose offspring would later become the aethyrborn.

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A Good Boy

The magic had somehow altered reality for there was a reflective metal bowl that had my name on it. "time for food kyet, then after that, it'll be a w-a-l-k."

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Or maybe when the app alters reality... others don't notice it's been altered at all? maybe she really thinks today is the normal start of her cycle? he didn't give it much more thought than that. "you've been such a good girl, i will let it slide.

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Your Heart's Desires

As amazing as it would be to be in possession of something that could alter reality like that, he was aware of how far-fetched the whole idea sounded. as soon as he'd written down his words, chris refreshed the webpage.

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Prologue: To Spite the Chaste

The mage learns that every time he alters reality for another he changes in exciting new ways. a note from the author... this is my first story that i'll publish on sofurry. i've written this with the expectation that it will become a saga.

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