Something New and Different

She was just an otter like any other. Everyone else like her lived happy little lives, with nothing major ever happening. Her daily routine was always to either sit at home, write, and have a walk, or sometimes, to go to write at a nearby café. All...

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a differant kind of job

Both horses gave themselves up they had conned furs out of 5 million mostly by printing out fake notes changing 0's to 8 to give them a different code or number they then put those notes into the tills or machines or got them exchanged for two real 10's.

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A Different Pokemorph Adventure

#1 of a different pokemorph adventure "every coin has two sides. which are you looking at?" it had always been the same. move to one place, do your job and leave to finish another. that was hiroshima/hero's life. no pity for those who couldn't follow.

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A Different Kind of Job

Tailed temptations presents: "a different kind of job"author's note: it's been a while! yes, about a year and a half since my last story was finished and uploaded.

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Gods, Actors, and Difference

#3 of prince here, action where chapter 3: gods, actors, and difference sunlight filtered through a room, first revealing two idols on a nightstand then a bed. two canines slept in the bed. both were young males, one a fox, and the other, a wolf.

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A Different Kind of Friend

He was happy to move and excited by all the different things to see and do here. all he could really say about his home though was that it was always just cold all the time.

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10 Year Difference

10 year difference disclaimer: this story has acts of sexual acts between two males. if it's not what you're interested in then please ignore it. ...5 years ago... "steven. i vow to always be there with you, thick or thin. good or bad."

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A Different Kind of Bonding

#1 of a different kind of bonding a different kind of bonding colin was lying on the couch at home, idly throwing a ball against the wall and catching it on the rebound, feet up on one of the chairs arms, his baseball cap pulled low over his brown hair

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A Different Business Plan

Hey, HornyBull here! Sorry for the long wait for another story, I'm still working on the third installment of the A Load of Bull series. Sorry if its kinda simplified, I made this just to show you all I was'nt dead yet! " I have to find a way! "...

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A different kind of game

Nudog and I got to talking, and among brainstorming for a new story idea, I came up with this one ^.^ Hope you like it Leave comments please!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So when will you be back?" Kevin...

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A Different Sort of Night

Nothing seemed any different, though. again, his eyes closed, letting the droning of the television lull him. a moment later, his eyes shot open, the reason for his waking unquestionable.

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