Towards Isolation

"he said it's pretty symptomatic of depression, and that it might have roots in anxiety. the other thing is, it's been gone for a bit now, but it started coming back a few days ago, after we talked about me opening up more."

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The Attention of Those Above

The Attention of Those Above For Engy By Draconicon The yellow-scaled, metal-armed dragon was in the middle of a panic attack, and it wasn't going particularly well for him. Engy sat in the middle of his penthouse, his arms...

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Separation Anxiety F Glaceon X M Trainer

#1 of separation anxiety a trainer's clingy glaceon makes up for ruining his chances of getting a girlfriend. * * * f glaceon x m trainer * * * "glaceon use ice beam!" i shouted. "dodge it turtwig!"

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The Pit of Depression - medium poem

Trying to meet new people was extremely hard for me then, so this poem describes my anxiety of meeting people while depressed. this poem was written in 2015. written by me, fane star.

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Pushing Your Limits

I felt turner's paws stroking my face as he recognized the return of my anxiety. "i'm here for you," he said. "now, this is going to feel a little weird... just let it happen..."

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Only Falling Apart - Coevolution 012

Contains: ptsd, rape (flashbacks), stress, anxiety, overwhelm, consent play (mentioned), discussion of kinks, discussion of safewords, manipulation, stockholm syndrome, panic attacks jonah, grace, flynn, etc. are characters made by me, based off of characters

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Suraksha II: Changes

For a moment, as long as it was, he forgot all of his stressors: work, family, and anxiety and just enjoyed the muted calm of enjoying the view of this pretty, panicky rodent. "...yes, this is he.

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A Prelude to Perversion: Chapter 5

" you're saying a blanket situation is just an anxiety attack?" "pretty much." an anxiety attack! i was having a fucking anxiety attack! why?

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Breaking Waves (TTW pt. 3)

But a lifetime of worries and anxiety can't be fixed in a three minute conversation. "you really like him, don't you?" kane could only nod silently, his face was downcast and looked into the abstract pattern of the table in front of him.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.38 - An Evolutionary Battle Pt.2)

Latias answered while watching her brother in the battlefield with concern and some anxiety still dwelling inside for her eon sibling. 'this doesn't look good, we need to do something fast...'

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Ring of Redemption

Her anxieties haunted her less and less, and she noticed how less often she spaced out during training because of that.

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Core's Opportunity - Chapter 24

Denise doesn't have to help him with his anxiety, she offers her help freely. maybe they sorta kinda actually like him! that's what he used to think before this petra moving away thing. he looks at all of them, "thank you."

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