Des Zauberers Stab - 6 / von Mägden, Milch und Mären

#6 of des zauberers stab edwyn schläft wo er es nicht sollte, und gerät in dinge die er nicht wollte... neuer teil, neues glück. bin mal wieder sehr gespannt wie es ankommt, es ist diesmal etwas anders.

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"Only a Mere Dog" (Originally Written 6/21) [Re-Written 7/4]

"Prisoner. Where are your clothes?" A heavily armored guard walked by my cell by way of torchlight. "On your feet." Upon being addressed, I stood, covering myself with my paws, realizing the very real possibility that he could have his way with me,...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 14

Black gunk and saliva flowed out of its wide open broken jaw as it made a quick stabbing motion right towards the blaziken's gut.

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Melina's Day In The Snowless Winter

Melina's Day In The Snowless Winter Everything feels tense. Tense and out of my own control. I think I like it but I'm still unsure. My head is raging. My senses are over loaded. My lungs are filling with every atom of oxygen on this entire...

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 3.2 Shrad

The fox nimbly evaded a second swooping stab-bill, "see?

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Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 08: Im Schloss des Feindes

Der leopard hielt seinen stab vor, die kugel auf dem stab begann stark zu leuchten und der leopard rief: ,,licht-feld!" um den stab herum erschien ein heller wall aus licht, an dem der strahl abprallte. erstaunt schaute der husky zu dem leopard.

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Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 01: Die Verwandlung

, fragte er sich. ,,der stab!", fuhr es durch seine gedanken. schnell rannte er in sein zimmer und nahm den stab mit dem gelben edelstein. ,,aber was mache ich damit?"

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The legend of Tigersight Chapter 3

The guard collapsed and tigersight grabbed his sword spinning to his left he back stabbed a guard right behind the one he just punched "maybe we should have named you monkey something" edgeclaw replied and he stabbed another guard" tigersight smiled and said

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Blood in the Sandal

Realizing the openness of the stallion's body a second too late, the crane makes a futile attempt to stab forward even as the horse snaps the smaller male's neck.

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Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 09: Freund oder Feind?

Der panther hielt seinen stab vor seinen körper und schrie laut. der pfeil schlug ein.

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