Kaotic Beginnings 18 - The End of the beginning

Around him, the elves were retreating at the loss of their magical artefact. it had been the ace up their sleeve, obviously, and now it was no longer operational, well.... they were outnumbered and outgunned, literally.

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Rise of the Serpent Queen Chapter 3: Hidden Desires

"magical artifacts. can banish evil. our sisters can utilize them." apple bloom bluntly explained. "and ah for one ain't getting my new powers ripped away before we can even get our cutie marks!" "wait, can lamia even _get_ cutie marks?"

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His Doll - Michelle

He loved to play with magical artifacts, feeling it deepened his understanding of the arcane and mystical nature of the world. even if whatever he was working on didn't usually come to any finished conclusion, sometimes it did.

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Roderick and the Dragon

"i send out my servants every few months, spreading gossip and stories about magical artifacts that can end my reign...but it's all lies," the dragon explained, taking a great deal of pleasure from the look of horror on the rabbit's face, "in truth, that sword

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 6: The Priest from Xenaria

This story follows the travels of dougal mcmannus and his guild of thieves as they seek out rare and magical artifacts.

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Meet Me in the Treehouse

It seemed strange, but everyone but the vixen felt n encroaching orgasm, entirely orchestrated by the magical artifact. with a bounding, gyrating mass between the three the peak of their bodies rose rapidly and a familiar pressure was shared.

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Lucid Eating

As alan looked around the room, he noticed that any magical artifacts he had lining his walls and shelves were now gone.

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Fractured Light

And then she had a certain magical artifact seller to track down and have a word with. while she walked, her tail curled and uncurled as she imagined herself strangling him with it until he turned her back.

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Anyone Can Be a Little Kitten

Not that zeelo had room to talk, having perhaps, occasionally, maybe, done something similar with strange technological items or magical artifacts. rather it was super advanced tech or a magical amulet, these things tended to be shiny!

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Mercer's own family had a few magical artifacts in its possession so he was able to sense the presence of mana lingering over the table- some but not all of the masks were enchanted with some sort of spell.

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Attention for Andrew - Part Three

He didn't know what he had done to deserve this, or whether it truly was just a complete act of random chance that had placed him in that closet at work with a long forgotten magical artefact and the even more magical spirit it contained.

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Lost to the Tribe

Perhaps it was a colony of insects creating a buzz with their life energy, or some sort of magical artifact guarded by countless spells, but regardless she continued on; whatever it was would provide more entertainment than her sister's counting coin.

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