Queen Muz-Ra #11

Lydia's eyes went wide for a moment in surprise, as much for the shocking imagery as for the vulgarity, then broke out laughing wholeheartedly. "lady muz-ra! you're an earthy one! come, i see the jarl entering.

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The display was vulgar to some more conservative elements and others might think they were being cruel to the poor creature, but those elements were thousands of miles away and truth be told b-j (as she was called with a wink and a smile) enjoyed the

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Hi, I'm Bunni Ver 2.0

Some of my brothers get to go home with some...its sad to see them go but a new lively young sweet-heart often shows up, they're a little vulgar at first but i have a thick skin for insults.

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The beauty of a vixen... PART 2

He slowly moves towards her while he glares at her, hi eyes full of a vulgar hunger. jessica start to walk faster, away from joe... he makes her feel uneasy. joe is a tall semi-muscular husky.

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The Unsuccessful Revenge, Part 1

**part 1: silence before the storm** _ **warning: before reading the story, consider reading it, because there are harsh words and vulgarities in the text! all characters are 18+** _ _somewhere in mobius, dr. eggman's secret lab._ "ho-ho-ho," dr.

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Her eyes clenched and teared a little, still trying to fight and scream through the choking leather, hating his grunt of approval, his fingers grasping her small, pert mounds in the most vulgar way she could imagine.

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The Transfer Part I

Some parts of this story may contain vulgar language not suitable for some people. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ jon awoke to the

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The Tunnel

Physical_contact against my lower abdomen; a distinctly animate and intelligent touch that snaked and slithered about my smooth skin and drifted between my shuffling legs and around my neck and chest, fully enveloping me, and foiling my attempts to run with a vulgar

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What if it was Us? (Prelude)

The word even tasted vulgar to my mind. "coming boo." i called back, hoisting myself up from the seating in the waiting area and walking slowly and deliberately over to the dressing area.

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The Wolf and the tavern

«the balance in my heart will never be in place, as long as you stay away from me; i am a mere peddler of vulgar metals, but, i can...»

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