Doing a Robin Hood

Story by strieksolo1 on SoFurry

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My fiance challenged me to make a story with male and female Foo dogs as the star monsters. So I did, and I quite like the results. Oh the title I crap I know but I'm not real good at naming things.

There was always Yakuza in the town that's just how it was. They taxed your friends and neighbors till there was nothing left to tax. They were cockroaches, but when they came for your father it became different, it became personal. Your father had owned a small bakery at the edge of town,it was a small place but it supported your family. It was until the Yakuza raised their 'protection' tax that your father ran out of money. So they raided the bakery in the middle of the day, drug him into the road and shot him in the back of the head as an example.

Ten years later you remember that day as you scale the walls around the Yakuza complex. You had become the best theif around stealing from the rich Yakuza bastards and giving it back to the people who didn't even earn enough to keep their head above the water.

When you dropped down behind the wall you still believed that it was going to be a common job. An easy job. You stick to the shadows, watching for patrols. There were little guards just one or two. Which you found rather suprising. Once you reach the main steps you pause your eyes falling to the pair of red jade Foo dog statues flanking the steps. Your mind whirling as you remember the legends of how the foo dogs, one male and one female would guard the entrances to houses against Intruders. A chuckle escapes your lips as you push past them.

"Stupid legend" You say under your breath. That's when you hear the growls, you turn and see the red jade become ruby skin. Their mane becoming golden hair, their eyes becoming molten copper.

"Fuck" Your legs finally remember what to do and you take off running back into the gardens. With a groan you toss your bag thinking that might distract them for a moment. It didn't they kept chasing after you. It was the female that finally grabbed your legs in her teeth dragging you down to the ground. You scream and pull away the female let's you go as you pull away. A husky voice says to you.

"There's no escape for an intruder." You scream that you weren't an intruder. They stop for a moment studying you with those bronze eyes.

"Then why are you here ?" The male sat down his red tounge lulling put of his mouth as he began to pant. They acted like dogs but you would be stupid to believe that they were anything like dogs, they were older and far more dangerous. The female sniffed you from your head down to your muddy boots.

"She doesn't smell dangerous." The female finally concludes. You sigh in agitation.

" That's because I'm not. I don't want to hurt anyone I jsut want their money." It was their female's turn to sit, you couldn't help but to admire the two of them. They were beautiful in their own way, manes silky, muscles that rippled under their ruby skin.

"Then what are you?" The female asked narrowing her eyes at you. "Look" you sigh desperately. "The people you guard" shoving a finger up at the castle like stucture.

"They are monsters, they killed my father and all over a few yen. They are the terror of the town, all for protection money. The Foo dogs look at one another before giggling at one another. "Look at how cute she is when she's mad." You look at them like their crazy.

"All the other Intruders should have said somthing, they wouldn't be dead." The female chuckled at her companions statement. The male walked to you and slobbered a lock onto your face. "Don't worry tiny human, we'll take care of this."

They bounded off tails held high and floofed with excitement. You couldn't help but notice the males sheath with the head of his ruby cock slightly poking out from it. A spike of heat shoots through your body at that sight, the heat was there atleast until the screams began. You run to the corner and slam your yourself into the corner falling down onto you butt knees pulling up to your chest. Hands going over your ears to drown out the sounds of the the screams.

It was over as soon as it started. It was the female who found you. She was covered in blood but she was tender as she licked your tears from your cheeks. The male foo came and joined the female, he helped you onto his back. Your vision blurring as they take you through the blood covered halls. You pass out when you see someone's brain laying on the ground.

You awoke to a loud snore at your feet. The bed that you were in was a large king size circle bed with black and gold bedding. For a moment you panic at the massive dog lion hybrid sleeping at your feet. Then you remember the night before. You lay back down pulling the blanket up and over your bare breasts. Relizing that they undressed you, you sit up and glare at the foo's, it was a suprised to see them both sitting up staring at you. Your complaint died in your throat.

"Um thank you, the both of you for what you did. " The male brushed it away. "Think nothing of it." The female looked at you intently. "You owe us" the male turned and growled at her. "She owes us nothing."

The female smirked and hopped off of the bed, the male followed. She ripped the blanket off of you revealing your naked body to the cool air. Instinctively you try and cover your naked form. The female smiled and climbed onto the bed again. "I'll not force you to do anything your not willing to do. But my friend and I wpuld love to play a bit with you." Her grin was liquid sex. You studder and agree. She cocks her head with her tounge lulling out.

"Are you quite sure? Because you don't seem sure." You nod and tell them that you would like to play. She smiles then in a commanding voice she says to uncover yourself, looking down at your mediocre body. Starting to shake as you relise just how inferior you were to these creatures before you.

"What's wrong little one?" You cry out as she settles between your legs her snout not to fare from your wet slit. "I'm nothing compared to you two." She smiles at you. "We'll see about that."

There was no more talk as she began to run her massive pink tounge over your slit. You squirm and moan feeling the tounge slipping in and out of your hole. She stops for a moment and looks up at you then to her companion. "Look little one, look at him. He was panting and shaking his cock poking fully out of his sheath and throbbing bright and angry.

"You see what we're doing to him." She shoves her tounge deep inside of you once again, causing you to arch off of the bed moaning loudly. Her tounge stretching you open hitting that sweet spot inside of you. His panting was loud and ragged and could be heard over your moans. Groaning you look over at him, and those bronze eyes meet yours. She was ruthless with her tounge making sure that you would be stretched wide enough for what would be coming.

The make jumps up onto the bed straddling your face, the throbbing cock hanging above your face. You open your mouth devouring the red cock, the smell of the musk driving you crazy. Your slit gushing at the scent. The male groaning as you suck, you feel his pre-cum dribbling den your throat. You cum hard as the female rams her pointed tounge onto that sweet spot, groaning around the cock in your mouth. After you come down off of the orgasmic high you feel the tounge slip from your slit gushing with your orgasmic juices and her slobber.

He tells you to get onto your knees, you feel liek you were in a trance as you follow the male's order. Your slit wet and ready when he mounts you. His cock rubbing on your wet slit, you feel the bulbous head begin to press into you . Your cunt squeezing the head of the cock as it stretches you deliciously wide. Whines fill the room and you relief that their coming from your own mouth.

The head of his cock hitting that spot inside you making you see stars with every thrust. The female moves and positions herself in front of your face spreading her legs to reveal her ruby red slit. The wetness and smell making you moan as she presses it against your face. The taste of her was sweet and you wanted more of her. Your tounge slipping inside of her as the male pounded you at a reckless pace. He was growling at you, telling you that you were beautiful and hw enjoyable it was to fuck you.

Soon a pattern was formed, the male fucking you relentlessly shoving your tounge deeper into the females cunt. She was whining and crying out as she cums on your tounge. The taste of your cum causing your entire body to tingle and become even more heated and aroused. Your cunt gushing hard around the red cock inside of you. The male leans down his massive jaws clamping down on your shoulder piercing into your skin. You cry out at the pain from the shoulder but the cry if pain turns into a scream of ecstasy as the large throbbing knot predded inside of you.

You cum around him, your walls quivering around the massive cock. He groans and as he bucks his hips hard inside of you, it doesn't take long for him to cum deep inside of you. You feel his hot cum fill you up and spill out down your legs. He pulls you to the side still knotted inside of you. The female goes down between your legs and begins to lick the conection between the two of them. The knot pops out of you followed by a wave of cum. She giggles and presses her body against yours.

It was a wonderful night, where you were taken over and over again. By the end you were swollen and filled with cum.

When the sun rose the next morning they were gone but in their place was a note. It stated, that you were in charge of the castle now. And that they would always be there to protect you and to keep you comfortable.

You lay back and look at the ceiling thinking how wonderful everything turned out.

Walking outside, a silk dressing gown hanging open , brushing your curves as you walk. You watch the town move and bustle. You lean against the male foo dog statue knowing from that day on things were going to change.

Dragon Four-some

Large hands cupped her breast pulling a moan from her throat, a blush crawled across her muzzle. Her mate rumbled his pleasure in her ear, his hands knowing how to bring out the heat that was lurking just below her scales. Those large hands slipping...

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Heathen Gods Playthings

Large hands cupped her breast pulling a moan from her throat, a blush crawled across her muzzle. Her mate rumbled his pleasure in her ear, his hands knowing how to bring out the heat that was lurking just bellow her scales. Those large hands...

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