Midnight & Calda

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#6 of Oneshot Directory


Set instantly after/during chapter 27.Any supertext is subtitling for select lines.

The scene I linked above is 2x better in my opinion, but this one works if you enjoy feral x feral. It wasn't the easiest to write and bring appeal to, so hopefully, it's hot. (No pun intended.)

Julie sighed, watching them recover while Calda backed up and sat, licking her lips and glancing behind at Julie. Julie looked away and pulled her legs so she sat crisscrossed.

Midnight's breaths shook, his hind legs trembled like never before, and he pressed his forepaws against Angie's stomach for balance.

His cock throbbed, burrowed in her dripping pussy. He could collapse where he stood, and he didn't dare look in his mate's direction.

Angie came down after a few minutes, as did Midnight, so he unmounted and popped out of her. Some of their combined juices spilled and hit the carpet.

Calda was again glued to Midnight's erect, twitching cock, licking her lips while glazing over its wet length and knot. The flareon looked up at her owner with pleading eyes.

Angie had sat up with a sigh and caught her flareon's gaze, then shot her eyes to Midnight-- then to a miserable Julie. "...Could we add one more thing?"

Calda stood where Angie had, spread out with her tush in the air while looking back at Midnight with an anticipant grin.

He stood behind the eager, pudgy pokémon while fighting not to look aside at Julie, who sat several feet from a kneeling Angie.

Midnight eyed Calda's puffy, aroused cookie with a soft pink in between. Her twice-as-bushy tail compared to his wiggled, alongside her hips as if she were attempting to lure his instincts.

He approached her rear and raised his forepaw, tucking it over Calda's inner thigh and tugging so she'd ground herself.

He then tucked over her other and mounted, leaning over her back. Her poofy tail pressed up against his chest. He pulled his head back and wore a subtle scowl as she tickled his chin with the tip of her tail.

She brushed it against his chest while smirking up at his irritated expression. "Flare."

"Umbre..." He pulled on her thigh hard enough to drag her hind paw across the carpet and watched her smirk grow.

Angie wore one just as big. "Look at her, testing his dominance." She shot Julie a side-eye.

Julie's face was flushed, meanwhile. Her cheeks were red, and she looked as if she'd cry.

Midnight shifted and positioned his tip at her hole, pushing and prodding at it.

"F-h..." Calda's smirk slightly faded. She moved her rear against his attempts, reforming her smirk after he penetrated with his tip.

Midnight pushed his hips and drove inside her pussy, pressing his knot to her cookie and baring his clenched teeth while looking back at their pressed privates. "U-hm."

"Flareonn flare?" she teased in the most sensual tone while glancing at his brightening rings, asking how hot she felt.

Searing-- hotter than all three of Julie's holes and Angie's combined. Midnight momentarily shut his eyes and groaned under his breath against her soaking heat, pumping his hips while stiffening his cock. "Uh-mbre," he blurted while pushing out his tongue, tugging at her inner thigh and leaning over her back while softly panting.

He thrust harder against his pace as if his hips were moving on their own, tender slicks emitting from their privates. While he wasn't fond of Calda, her walls were flawlessly smooth with soft definition and a gentle texture, creating intense sensations with every stroke.

She spread her hind legs and raised herself on the edges of her paws with shut eyes and a tight-lipped grin. She huffed through her mouth, exuding subtle moans.

"Nhhflare." Calda slowly opened her eyes and twitched her tail, teasing Midnight's cheeks and tongue with it.

"Phm." He tilted his head away and spit any loose fur she'd left on his appendage, peering at her while taking shaky breaths between scalding pleasure and distaste.

Midnight eyed her smug face and gripped her inner thighs to thrust harder and erase her expression, though his vision fluttered and ears folded back as her walls slicked over his glans. "Mhbrm," he grunted with a brief wince and stumbled over his hind paw, forcing him to spread out more.

Every thrust felt better than the last, especially as he went faster. Her temperature, alongside the soaking friction he built while stroking her walls, warmed the environment to an irresistible extent. Already, Midnight felt a finish stir in his groin, oozing pre while dreamy, pulsing pleasure coated his cock, and after pounding Angie minutes ago, he was hard enough that it ached.

Calda let out a short moan and frequent huffs through her mouth as he thrust deep and tapped her wet folds and fur with his knot, watching his once-miffed expression soften. "Flare Flareonn."

She rolled and pushed her hips up against his thrusts while shutting an eye. She frequently tilted herself off her quivering paws and forced his tip to rub different areas of her depths, flickering her eyes. She moaned with every other quick pump while his cock slipped through her narrow channel with ease.

Midnight disregarded her words and focused on ramming her hole, stifling whines that came out as rough pants. He growled under his breath following a half-moan, rutting harder and tightening his expression. His forepaw twitched against her thigh, the slicks grew slimier, and his breaths quickened and stammered.

"Fllare." She rolled her tongue, squinting with a devious edge at her dreambreon losing himself in immersed desperation. "Flareon flareon flare."

'I clearly treat your cock better than your mate.'

Midnight slowed his motions and glowered at her harder. He leaned over and nipped at her maned scruff, which Calda tensed and retracted against while shooting glances up at him; after a few more, he took it in his mouth and bit down, bringing a squeal out of her.

"F-Fuh." She widened her eyes and stuck out her tongue with a wheeze as he pulled back on her scruff while thrusting hard, a choked groan squeezing out from her throat. "Hn." She stiffened her tail that he smooshed against her back and rested atop, his hips hitting hers and emitting padded smacks.

Midnight shut his eyes and pumped with a stiff tail, his rings glowing a bright, perpetual yellow. "Mnhm..." he hummed with a mouthful of thick fur that he drooled on while nearing climax, leaning on Calda, who stood rigid under him.

Angie's smirk had faded after Midnight forced her flareon into submission.

Both girls watched as Calda lowered her front half to the floor, only for Midnight to pull her back up with a tug of her scruff.

"Fhg... Fh." Calda gritted her teeth and nearly stumbled over as Midnight shoved his hips to her rear and humped rapidly. She grunted and pawed at the carpet, sighing harshly against his continued pounding.

She shot her eyes to their corners as if attempting to catch sight of him and arched her back, her paws twitching that she attempted to ground from his force. "Rrh..." Calda murmured and flicked her tongue against a tight swallow, and started going limp under Midnight.

His paws slid slightly against the carpet as she did, which he pressed into. He pulled her scruff while holding her weight up. His breaths were even quicker, growing short and shallow. He nipped at her scruff after he lost his grip, making her stumble again and nearly fall forward before he caught her.

He bit down firmly. "Uhmbhh!" Midnight slipped inside her hot pussy several more times, pressing her shaky thighs and tensing his cock while an orgasm saturated him in sensational warmth, amplified extensively by Calda's heat.

"Hnnm..." He bit her harder and pressed their hips while humping, spreading her puffy cookie and sliding his knot through while spurting his creamy load inside with every throb.

"Hhhfll." Calda oozed saliva onto the carpet, her mouth agape while Midnight sunk into her pussy and scruff. All four of her legs quaked. Even still, she wore a subtle smirk while he rocked against and painted her walls.

Midnight spit her out after he finished and let her hit the floor, panting with loose fur all over his tongue while running his eyes over her flustered face.