RotH – Chapter 9: Happiness
Jack caressed her jiggling utters for a few more minutes and his other hand caressed her tights and traced the outside of her pussy, making the girl moan and slowly getting wet.
RotH – Chapter 2: Establishing rules
He whispered into her ear, while caressing her clearly bulged belly and the utters and teats. "you are far tighter than your sister." and with that he continued to caress her and enjoy the afterglow of their mating.
My girl is a boy part 1 - Mystery girl
His cock had begun coming out of its sheath doing his caressing and now harden faster at her caressing. her was hand glided up and down the containing fabric of his pants and occasionally squeezed the hard cock through the pants.
Digimon Emperor - Following Orders
The emperor smirked and caressed the digimon's lower body part with careful stroking of his hand.
Enchanted Elf story
Her other hand, now free from the horse's velvety caress, ventured lower. with a subtle, sultry movement, she traced the hidden contours of her womanhood, allowing her most intimate desires to be caressed and teasing contour lips.
A fifth leaned over to caress the smooth skin, caress the long hair, caress them intimately.. and of course they tried to get away.. which wasn't the brightest idea, since they grabbed and squeezed and rubbed the dragons in very intimate places.
A friend's help
Little john is sitting next to her, he caresses marian's breasts with a hand while with the other hand he caresses the stomach of the vixen. she finally opens her eyes and smiles at the bear. "i needed that for a long time, but i need more...
Before the great night (Eryn POW)
The she-wolf moans with pleasure and trembles when the woman's fingers begin to caress her vulva. eryn closes her eyes and moves her hips, antonette's fingers caress her clitoris.
24nd December
She replied and caressed the base of his tail. "i am sooo excited." she whispered into his ear. "me as well." he replied, and she felt his paw on her tail base as well, caressing it lovingly.
Penny's night
He smiles on her affectionately and caresses her head. pongo leans forward and introduce the toy in his mouth to suck it, he laughs internally when his daughter's little paws caress his head delicately.
The present
He could feel the nubs caressing along his passage as he grew slicker and wetter around it.
Broke Down
I kissed his cheek, caressing a long ear, making the male laugh softly. "mindless, fuck-my-ass-off sex we can do later. much later..."