The lion prince in the royal stables
Avan chirped happily, nimbly climbing inside the sturdy, wooden pen and rubbing the scaly side of the large reptile.
But Not Gone
"get lost, manek," she spat at him, gingerly drawing the ink pens closer to her as she did.
From My Patreon: A Bite To Eat [Story, Werewolf]
The young woman pulled the pen away from her mouth, unnknowingly licking at the drool covering it while she considered the drawing again. finally, she touched the pen down to erase part of the eye. she blinked and turned the pen in her hand.
Rewriting Reality (Baxcalibur/Venusaur x Cinderace/Obstagoon
As a bargaining chip for the pen of course!
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Four
"i just need some more ink, and i think," he looked back down at the red pen "i'll take the red pen right here. i've needed a new one for a while." "souns like a plan ta me, knute! lemme just grab the ink 'n the pen 'n i'll ring ye up.
Elysia: Sean - pt 2
Looking around the pen to make sure there was no other male to challenge his claim, he bounded into the pen confidently as she crouched in the corner.
New School... Old Problems Part 1
He picked up his papers and books, then went for his pens; they had been knocked all over the place and as he was hurriedly picking them up, he noticed a blue stain on the red carpet.
Soi Brothas: Part 5 and 6 - A Plan for Obese People
"might as well get started," he grimaced, sighing again, "you got a pen, ax?" the mantis, already munching on alex's abandoned pizza crust, drove a hand into the satchel at his side, retrieving a blue fountain pen with ease.
Bridges Burned, Lessons Learned... {bondage, snuff, torture, etc}(WIP #4)
One by one, we were taken out of the pens to be auctioned off to our new owners after they were allowed to enter the pens to look us over first. i watched as many nobles walked around and inspecting out bodies.
Pittsburghese N'at Part 3
But the pens got called for a tripping penalty putting the wings on the power play.
Playing With Magic Ch1
After letting her finish her treat, he went and got the pen. laughing, he balanced it on vye's nose. the fox pokemon giggled, almost dropping the pen, but managed to contain herself and focus.
Squiggle-Wiggle Blush-Gush
It was like a pen, but fatter, especially toward the butt. the image on the packaging was of kids smiling, and it showed the pen with little half-images on either side, indicating motion.