Return of the Lycans 5
"a...and this is why you suddenly can speak" nick nodded. "i can also speak in their language." ehrin finally stood and moved forward looking around the camp. around him the crowd dispersed, giving the wolf a wide birth.
Obonic's Redwall fic Outline
He picks it up and speaks to obonic. he explains that is is a medical plant. a very rare and useful medical plant that is used in many medicines. he asks to take some back, obonic agrees. that night the abbott speaks to bbonic.
Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Seven: Infiltration
Pity i cannot speak his primary language. thankfully, there is somebody who can speak symphonian. his mate relays, "my husband deesregards your excuses. he and i both want what your employer promises.
Chapter 15- Worlds Unknown
Achroma's voice speaks from beside crystalia, startling her slightly. "queen achroma, master code ?-?-?-?-?." the systems voice speaks in crystalia's mind, "master code accepted.
Rise of Evil: Chapter 1
speaks shadow proudly. "i'm ready."
Against All Odds: Part 14 - Battlefields
"it's really nice... to see examples of polcia and velika blending like this--" "i am sorry," maxim snapped, muzzle twitching with a scowl, "but polcians should speak only when we speak. understand, yes?"
Seekers Tale Part 14
The version of my father standing by the pedestal speaks, "masters, i'm glad to see that you have made it. our plan may yet still work." the master of water, a female human by the name of nerine, speaks up.
Chapter 5: a Troubling Reunion
The fox did not speak harshly; in fact it was quite the opposite. sar'kal ignored this statement as he decided the throwing knives would be of no use. he decided to play along for now and speak with the fox.
After Armageddon Chapter 5
(do you speak german?) will replies "ich spreche ein kleines deutsch aber sie sprechen deutsch überhaupt nicht. sie kennen englisch aber." (i speak a little german but they don't speak german at all. they do know english however.)
Wrong call and family time
He speaks in a tone half way playing half way menacing. _shit. is it him?_ i hear him chuckle, almost inaudibly through the phone. _ **shit!** _ _it_ **_is_** _him!_ _ _ ok, ok now... calm down.
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 2
"that's because there are simply so many languages out there with no way to check what language someone is going to use before they start to speak, among other problems.
A Sad Memorial
Does red eagle not speak for himself though? or is this in respect for hunter gwen?" the young man steps forward, "i speak for my self horse man.